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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑话题家人朋友学校生活 作文话题 话题:家人、挚友、学校生活 记叙文: 一、初中的生活五彩缤纷,即将迈出初中校园的你,确定对校园里你熟谙的一切弥漫不舍,在这里也确定有一位令你印象深刻,对你关切备至的老师,请介绍一位你的老师。(可转为亲人) 要求: 1、请根据所供给的信息材料和话题(不要逐句翻译), 写出布局完整、语句精彩、意思连贯、语言流畅、语法切实、符合规律的短文。 2、至少80词。 3、不得使用真实姓名、地名和学校名。 4、题目自拟。 MY ENGLISH TEACHER I have a good English teacher. His name is

2、 Jim. He is an Englishman of 28 years old. He is very tall and thin and wears a pair of glasses. He is very strict with us. He goes over our homework carefully. His teaching ways are different from other teachers. He likes cncouraging students to find out questions and trying their best to think the

3、m over so that they can solve them on their own. He teaches us how to learn by ourselves. He likes us very much. We are not only students and teacher but also good friends. We love him very much, too. 二、初中的生活五彩缤纷,即将迈出初中校园的你,确定对校园里你熟谙的一切弥漫不舍,在这里也确定有一位令你敬重的同学,请介绍一位你的同学。(可转为挚友) 要求: 1、请根据所供给的信息材料和话题(不要逐

4、句翻译), 写出布局完整、语句精彩、意思连贯、语言流畅、语法切实、符合规律的短文。 2、至少80词。 3、不得使用真实姓名、地名和学校名。 4、题目自拟。 THE CLASSMATE I ADMIRE MOST Fang Fang, a student in my class, grows up in a poor family. He is now well known in our school because he took the first place in several exams. However, when he first came to our class two yea

5、rs ago, he wasnt better than most of us, but he never gave up. Whenever he came across any problems, he asked teachers and classmates for help. We often talked about learning experence, so I know clearly why he could get such a success. First of all, he had a high goal-being the top of the school. He usually had a detailed plan for his study and never stayed too late into night or left tadays work for tomorrow. He not only studied hard but also was ready to help others. Both our teachers and classmates liked him very much. 3


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