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1、2021年辽宁省营口市中考英语试卷. 单项选择(共20分,每小题1分)从各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。1. He is going to buy _ useful book. And _ book is on science.A. a;anB. a;theC. an;anD. an;the2. _ such a cold morning, I also got up _ 6 oclock to go for a run as usual.A. Before;inB. At;toC. On;atD. In;at3. We find _ more useful for students to

2、do new eye exercises.A. itB. thisC. oneD. that4. He got _ birthday cakes on his _ birthday.A. second;fifteenB. two;fifteenC. second;fifteenthD. two;fifteenth5. He never smokes _ drops litter in public.A. andB. orC. butD. so6. Look! The kids are playing on the playground._ great time they are having!

3、A. WhatB. HowC. What aD. How a7. One thousand kilometers _ quite a long way to the ancient,but now we can complete the journey in about one hour by air.A. wasB. hadC. wereD. have8. The _ news made him _. He didnt fall asleep until midnight.A. excited; excitedB. exciting; excitingC. exciting; excited

4、D. excited; exciting9. Linglings father tried his best to _ who took his daughter to the hospital after the accident.A. work outB. find outC. look outD. come out10. Holding the _, I managed to fix the new kind of machine.A. introductionsB. inventionsC. invitationsD. instructions11. I will go swimmin

5、g this afternoon, Daming.If you go, so _ I.A. willB. doC. amD. have12. May I fish here?Sorry, you _. Look at the sign “No fishing”!A. mayB. mustntC. canD. neednt13. Credit cards (信用卡) matter a lot _ than before. We usually pay with smart phones now.A. littleB. fewerC. lessD. more14. He was too sad t

6、o say _ when he heard the bad news.A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing15. The lecture(讲座)is worth _. Please tell John _ late.A. attend; not beB. to attend; to beC. attended; to beingD. attending; not to be16. Where we should go _ next Friday.A. is decidedB. was decidedC. will be decidedD.

7、 has been decided17. Ill never forget the place _ we visited together last year.A. whichB. whatC. whoD. whom18. We can get over the trouble _ we depend on our own country.A. as much asB. as far asC. as soon asD. as long as19. Are you looking forward to the picnic tomorrow? Im wondering _.Lets make i

8、t at half past 6.A. where will we have a picnicB. what we will do and seeC. how will we climb up the mountainD. when we will meet at the school gate20. The final exam is coming. All of us are working so hard. _. Just believe in yourself.A. Take it easyB. CongratulationsC. Dont mention itD. You are w

9、elcome.完形填空(共15分,每小题15分)Some people still live in her hometown. But _21_ may only return once or twice a year. Nowadays, millions of Chinese leave the countryside _22_ for work in the cities. _23_ these is Li Daming, a 38-year-old husband and father. He _24_ Shanghai for the past 13 years. Working i

10、n a busy factory, he doesnt find _25_ time to visit his hometown. “I _26_ return home at least once a year, but I havent been back for almost three years now. Its _27_ shame, but I just dont have the time,” he says.Many people like Li Daming show great interest in the changes of their hometowns. Lot

11、s of large hospitals and new roads have appeared. In many places, a lot of excellent teachers from the cities _28_ to help as well.“I _29_ thats true of my hometown,” adds Li Daming. “Children have learned to read and count at my old primary school since the _30_ century. But now the buildings are r

12、eally old. I hear they are going to build a new school there.” Li Daming thinks _31_ are good, and he also knows that his hometown cannot always stay the same._32_ Li Daming, great changes have taken place in his hometown. _33_ , some things will never change. “In my hometown, a big old tree _34_ st

13、ill opposite the school and has become quite a symbol of the place. When I was young, most of the children in my hometown liked to play together under that big tree _35_ during the summer holiday. That was our happy childhood. Our hometown has left many soft and sweet memories in our minds.”21. A. o

14、therB. the otherC. anotherD. others22. A. to searchB. searchC. searchingD. searched23. A. BetweenB. MiddleC. AmongD. During24. A. have gone toB. has been inC. have been toD. has been to25. A. manyB. the moreC. muchD. the most26. A. be used to doingB. be used toC. be used forD. used to27. A. /B. theC. anD. a28. A. have been sentB. were sentC. are sendingD. will send29. A. foundedB. lookedC. noticedD. hoped30. A. mid-twentyB. mid-twentiethC. mid-twelveD. mid-twelfth31. A. developmentsB. competitionsC. inventionsD. progresses32. A. According toB. For exampleC. In order toD. Eve


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