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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑广东省珠海市2022届高三第一次模拟考试英语试题 广东省珠海市2022届高三第一次模拟考试(英语) 语言学识及应用 第一节 完形填空 (共15小题;每题2分, 总分值30分) 阅读下面短文, 掌管其大意, 然后从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中, 选出最正确选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Have you ever heard the story of the four-minute mile? For years people believed that it is impossible for a human being to 1 a mile in

2、 less than four minutes until Roger Banister proved it 2 in 1954Within one year, 37 runners 3 the belief barrierAnd the year after that, 300 other runners did the same thing What happens if you put an animal in a 4 ? Any animal, big or small, will swim its way throughWhat happens when someone, who d

3、oes not know how to swim, falls in deep waters? You 5 If an animal who has not learned swimming could 6 by swimming, why not you? Because you believe you will drown while the animal does not These 7 show the power of beliefsThere is no other more 8 force in directing human behavior than beliefOur be

4、liefs have the power to 9 and to destroy In a way it is our beliefs that determine how much well be able to 10 our potentialSo pay attention to some of your 11 Do you believe you are weak in mathematics? Do you believe that other people dislike you?Do you believe life is full of 12 ? Belief is not 1

5、3 , howeverIts nothing but the generalization of a past incidentAs a kid, if a dog bit you, you believed all dogs to be 14 To change certain behavior, identify the beliefs associated with itChange those beliefs and a new pattern is 15 created 1Arun Bwalk Cswim Djog 2Aright Bwrong Cfake Dtrue 3Abroke

6、 Bbuilt Cfaced Dlowered 4Acage 5Adrown Bdesert Bswim Cforest Cfloat Cdrown Csituations Cconsiderable Ccreate Cshow Cpossibilities Cproblems Cstrong Cmerciless Dpond Dsink Dleave Dperiods Dpowerful Dwithdraw Dperform Dsubjects Dpossibilities Dmysterious Ddangerous 6Astruggle Bescape 7Asamples Bcases

7、8Aterrible Breasonable 9Adamage Bprovide 10Adiscover Brealize 11Aproblems Bbeliefs 12Asurprises Bchoices 13Abeautiful Bchangeable 14Asafe Brude 15Aoccasionally Bimmediately Caccidentally Dautomatically 其次节 语法填空 (共10小题;每题15分, 总分值15分) 阅读下面短文, 按照句子布局的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空, 并将答案填写在答题

8、卡标号为16-25的相应位置上。 In 1914, Thomas Edison, at the age of 67, lost his factory, 16 was worth a few million dollars, to fireIt had very little insuranceNo longer a young man, Edison watched his lifetime effort _17 (go) up in smoke and said, “There is great value in disastersAll our mistakes are burnt up

9、Thank God we can start anew” In spite of disasters, three weeks later, _18_ 第 1页 共 10页 invented the phonographWhat _19_ attitude! Below are more examples of the 20 (fail) of successful people: Thomas Edison failed 21 (approximate) 10, 000 times while he 22 (work) on the light bulb Henry Ford fired L

10、ee Iacocca at the age of 54 Young Beethoven 23 (tell) that he had no talent for music, 24 he gave some of the best music to the world Setbacks are inevitable in lifeA setback can act as a driving force and also teach us humilityIn grief you will find courage and faith _25_(overcome) the setback 阅读 (

11、共两节, 总分值50分) 第一节 阅读理解 (共20小题;每题2分, 总分值40分) 阅读以下短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中, 选出最正确选项, 并在答题卡上将该项 A All Ric O Barry wants is to stop the dolphin-killing, so he is headed to this seaside Japanese town, TaijiThe American activist, who is the star of a new award-winning documentary that portrays the dolphin-killi

12、ng here, got an unwelcome reception when he showed up here this week for the start of the annual hunt His movie, The Cove(海豚湾), directed by National Geographic photographer Louie Psihoyos, was released in the United States a month ago but has not yet to come out in Japan Scenes in the film, some of

13、which were shot secretly, show fishermen banging on metal poles stuck in the water to create a wall of sound that scares the dolphinswhich have supersensitive sonar(声纳系统)and sends them fleeing into a cove There, the fishermen sometimes pick a few to be sold for aquarium shows, for as much as $150,000They kill the others, spearing(刺)the animals repeatedly until the water turns redThe meat from one dolphin is worth about 50,000 yen, and is so


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