《What’s the Weather like Today》PPT课件下载

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1、Unit5 Whats the weather like today?第四课时第四课时 陕旅版五年级下册ReviewMagic fingersWarm-up小小播报员 PresentationAsk and answer -Whats the weather like in ?-Its PresentationLets read China Chairchild teacherfishshoeshirtshortsRead it by yourselfPresentationRead the words Chinachairchildteacherfishshoeshirtshorts/t/

2、/PPT模板:素材:PPT背景:图表:PPT下载:教程: 资料下载:范文下载:试卷下载:教案下载:PPT论坛: PPT课件:语文课件:数学课件:英语课件:美术课件:科学课件:物理课件:化学课件:生物课件:地理课件:历史课件:PresentationTry to read more checkchatbeachchickdishwishwashshoutchshchshchchild chairshoe fishchat chickdishwashPracticecheck ChinaPresentationThere is a light rain,After a hot day.How ar

3、e you feeling now?I am smiling.I feel so happy.There is a heavy snow,After a cloudy day.How are you feeling now?I am shouting.I feel so excited.Practice我是小小演唱家 There is light rain.After a hot day.Group work PracticeLook, think and write Its _ in Beijing.Jack wears _.Its _ in Sanya.Tom wears _.Its _

4、in Harbin.Li Li wears _.Its _ in Xian. You can wear _. Its _ in Guangzhou. Please wear _.windya sweatersunnya T-shirtsnowya coatcloudya jacketrainya raincoat答案答案PracticeRead and answerIn the morning, Mr. Rabbit goes out to look forSome food. The grass is nice. But it becomes so cloudy and it is goin

5、g to rain.Then he sees something. There is a small house in the garden and he goes into it.It begins to rain hard. But Mr. Rabbit is all right.PracticeRead and answerQ1: Why does Mr. Rabbit go out?Q2: How is the weather?Q3: What does he see?Q4: Is the rabbit all right?He goes out to look for some food.Its cloudy and rainy.A small house.Yes, he is.答案答案Summary了解字母组合ch和sh在单词中的读音:China chairchildteacherfishshoeshirtshortscloseHomework1.听课文录音并跟读,按照正确的语音、语调朗读并表演课文对话。2.学唱课文Lets sing并给家人演唱。3.预习Uint6 A Lets learn。


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