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1、The Differences between British English and American English AbstractBritish English and American English are the two major varieties of English in the world at present and there are many differences between them. This paper talks about the differences between British English and American English. T

2、he paper mainly consists of five parts. The first part is introduction. I will introduce the origin and development of British English and American English. Part two is the main body, which can be divided into four chapters. The first three chapters of this paper is to introduce the specific differe

3、nces between British English and American English in vocabulary, usage, expression etc. And then analyzing the main factors which cause the difference of English language. The final part of the article is conclusion. It summarizes the differences between the British English and American English and

4、then talks about the significant of this paper.Key words: British English; American English; differences; usage; expression; pronunciation摘要英式英语和美式英语是目前世界上英语的主要两个种类,而两者之间又有许多差别。本文主要讲述英式英语和美式英语之间的区别。本文主要由五个部分组成。第一部分是引言,主要介绍英式英语和美式英语的起源和发展。第二部分是文章的主体,可以分为四个章节。前三章介绍英式英语和美式英语在词汇,用法,表达等方面的具体差异。第四章分析导致英式英

5、语和美式英语产生差异的主要原因。最后一部分结论对文章进行总结,并阐释了本文的重要性。关键词:英式英语;美式英语;区别;用法;表达法;语音ContentsIntroduction.1Chapter One The Difference in Vocabulary.21.1 Differences in Pronunciation.2 Differences in Individual Sounds.2 Differences in Stress.31.2 Differences in Spelling.31.3 Different Words for the Same Meaning.41.4

6、One Same Word but Different Meanings.51.5 Simplify from British English to American English.51.6 Differences in Past Tense Forms.5Chapter Two Differences in Customary Usage and Expression.62.1 Differences in the Usage of Prepositions.62.2 Differences in the Usage of Idiom.62.3 Differences in Express

7、ions.7 The Expression of Date.7 The Expression of numbers.7Chapter Three Other Differences.83.1 Differences in Characteristics.83.2 Differences in Tone.83.3 Different Conversation on the Phone.9Chapter Four Causing of the Differences.94.1 The Historical Factors Causing the Vocabulary Differences.9 T

8、he Same Origin of Two Variants of English Language.9 The Development and Changes of Vocabulary.94.2 The Geographical Factors Causing the Differences.104.3 Other Considerable Factors Causing the Differences.10Conclusion.11IntroductionThe early inhabitants of the island we now call England were Celts(also called Britons). In 55 B.C. Britain was invaded by the Roman conqueror Julius Caesar. Until 410 A.D. all the roman troops returned to the continent, thus ending the Roman


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