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1、2022中考英语模拟试卷注意事项1考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回2答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置3请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符4作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效5如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗. 单项选择1、After the discussion, the students asked the

2、ir teacher next.Awhich to doBwhat to doChow to doDwhen to do2、 What are you talking about, boys? A movie about teenagers _ we watched last night.AwhoBwhichCwhat3、Youd better_ more time talking with your parents so that they can understand you better.Aspend Btake Ccost Dpay4、All Chinese people must w

3、ork hard _ Chinese Dream.ArealizeBrealizingCrealizedDto realize5、 There are a lot of _ of bike riding. I agree. Its good for the environment and it saves money.AinstructionsBrulesCadvantagesDproducts6、My twin brothers promised my parents to give up playing computer games, but of them made it.AnoneBe

4、itherCneither7、The Three Gorges Dam produces _ for millions of people in China.AtreasureBpollutionCelectricity.Dtechnology8、-I hear there will be_ talk on teenage problems next Monday.-Do you mean_ talk our teacher asked us to listen to?Athe; aBa; theCthe; anDan; the9、Hurry up! The bus is coming.Wai

5、t a moment, please! Let me check if theres _ left.Aanything elseBimportant somethingCother things10、- Its raining outside. Wheres my umbrella? -Oh, Tom _.Atakes it away Btook it away Chas taken it away Dhas taken away it. 完形填空11、Blake threw the toy across the room. It broke into pieces. Blake! his m

6、om shouted. 1 did you do that? She took him to the corner of the room and made him face the wall. You have to stay here for fifteen minutes and think about what you did. The broken pieces can 2 someone.When fifteen minutes had passed, he turned around and said sorry to his mom, and then he was 3 to

7、go out to play. His mom walked over to the corner where Blake had faced and 4 her hands on the wall. A frog, she said in surprise. She smiled and 5 to do something surprising.While he was gone, his mum got busy with her 6 . The hours passed quickly and soon Blake was home again. It was supper time.

8、His mom put the plates of food on the table. Blake just 7 his. I dont like salad. I hate it. He wasnt 8 .Just try it. I didnt give you much.No, I dont want salad.Mom was 9 . You go and stand in the corner for five minutes and think about how lucky you are to have 10 .When Blake got to the corner, he

9、 started to smile. Frogs! He looked at the wall. His mom had 11 the green frogs on the wall, each sitting on a lily pad, their long tongues sticking out, trying to 12 flies. Blake laughed. When it was time for his coming back, he still stayed at the corner.Why hasnt Blake come back to eat his supper

10、? Dad wondered.He must be 13 the frogs. Mum laughed. Go and look.They both got up and went into the other room. He 14 to spend so much time these days facing the wall. I thought it might make it a little less 15 for him.Thats a gift of love, Dad said, smiling.1AWhen BHow CWhy DWhere2Akill Bhurt Csho

11、ot Dpollute3Aallows Binvited Crefused Dreminded4Acleaned Bwaved Crubbed Dreached5Aforget Bdecided Cpretended Dmeant6Ahousework Bproject Cexhibition Dbusiness7Awaited for Bgave away Cate up Dstared at8Ahungry Bserious Cpolite Dpleased9Asilent Bnervous Cangry Dembarrassed10Afood Bfun Cclothes Dmoney11

12、Abought Bplaced Cpainted Draised12Atouch Bprotest Ctaste Dcatch13Adrawing Benjoying Ccounting Dfeeding14Aprefers Boffers Cseems Ddisagrees15Aboring Binteresting Cdisappointing Dinspiring. 语法填空12、Climbing a mountain is hard work. But one step after another _ (final) brings a person to the top. Along

13、the way, you may stop and want to give _ . Its quite normal. But the_ (high) you climb, the more wonderful things you can see. If you keep climbing to the. t_, you will have a new world in front of you. Everything looks so small and youll find _(you) king of the world.Learning another language is l

14、_climbing a mountain. You , _(meet) a lot of difficulties since you took it up. _ this new language can give you a new view of life. It can also open the way into _ (people) minds and hearts, into a culture that is very different from the one of your own. This will make you richer and richer in things that money cant _ . 阅读理解A13、Many animals have specia


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