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1、The first period教学目标:1、能听懂、会说、会读:Public signs.2、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:What does it mean? It means . No littering/parking/smoking/You can /cant.3、能听懂、会说、会读词汇:litter, go in, take into, restaurant, someone, smoke, smell.4、能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:sign, shopping centre, careful, mean, floor.5、通过课文学习,帮助学生掌握公共标识的英语语言知识,发

2、展听说读写技能,形成用英语与他人交流的能力,进一步促进学生思维能力的发展,提高学生的综合人文素养.教学重、难点:1、句型:What does it mean? It means . No littering/parking/smoking/You can /cant.2、词汇:sign, shopping centre, mean. 教学准备: 光盘单词卡片,课文图片,PPTStep1:Warming upGame:Yeah、Yeah、Yeah and NO NO NOT: Good morning, boys and girls. Lets play a game. If it is tur

3、e.Pleasesay : Yeah、Yeah、Yeah. .If it is False. .please say : No ,No ,NO PPT依次出现图片或语句,学生判断,在游戏中渗透:No climbing、keep off the grass、No Photos、No eating or drinking 等标识图文.Step 2 Leading in1.No climbing、keep off the grass、No Photos、No eating or drinking.Theyre signs. They mean different things. They can t

4、ell us what can we do and what we cant do.学习signs.2.Where?Where did you see signs before?3.What do the signs mean?引入课文Step3Look and say1.Q : Who are they?Watch the cartoon.Ss: They are Mike, Helen and Tim. 2. Q : Where do they go?Listen and Underline the answer and order the pictures按序教学1shopping ce

5、nter 2a juice shop a bookshop a restaurant want 4.Q :What signs do they see there?Read and match the pctures,并学习标语名称.Wet floorNo littering.No eating or drinking.No smoking.5.Q:What do the signs mean?学习mean,What do the signs mean?Learnb by yourselves plete the exercise.6.Check and learnT: What does i

6、t mean? PPT出示标志Wet floorS :It means the floor is wet.PPT出示划线TS: It means Wet floor. It means the floor is wet.T:Whats their advice: S: Be carefully.学习careful- Be carefullyT:Read part1 after the tape.and retell .T: What does it mean? PPT出示标志No litteringS :It means you cant litter here.PPT出示划线TS: It m

7、eans Wet floor. It means the floor is wet.T: Can you give them some advice: S: Dont You shouldnt T:Read part2 after the tape. .and retell .T: What does it mean? 理解go in take intoPPT出示标志No eating or drinking.S :It means you cant litter here.PPT出示划线TS: It means Wet floor. It means you cant eat or drim

8、k.T: Can you give them some advice: S: Dont You shouldnt T:Read part3 after the tape and retell .T: What does it mean? PPT出示标志No smokingS :It means you cant smoke here.PPT出示划线理解someone smellTS: It means Wet floor. It means you cant smoke.T: Can you give them some advice: S: Dont You shouldnt T:Read

9、part4 after the tape. and retell .Step5: consolidate and evaluation1、Listen and repeat2、Dub and act.Learning aim1: I can read and act this story. ticking3、Complete and retell the story.完成微博更新- Learning aim2: I can retell this story. - ticking4.、A short play.志愿者活动.- tickingLearning aim2: I can talk a

10、bout signs in real life and stop uncivilized behavior.- tickingStep 6Homework1.Read the whole story.2. Review the meaning of the signs and find more signs around usthe second period教学目标:一知识目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型与日常交际用语:What does it mean? It means . No littering/parking/smoking/You can /cant.2.能听懂、会说、会读

11、、会写词汇:sign, shopping centre, careful, mean, floor.3.掌握谈论公共标识的问答句型和常用文字标识句型,即No+doing结构二能力目标: 让学生能够看懂一些常见的公共标识,并能用英语进行询问极其描述. What does it mean? It means .教学重、难点: 1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型与日常交际用语:What does it mean? It means . No littering/parking/smoking/You can /cant.2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:sign, shopping centre, c

12、areful, mean, floor.教学准备: pptStep1. Warm upGame:Can you name the signs?T: You can find the sign in the park. It means you cant litter here.Ss:手指禁止乱扔垃圾的标识No littering.T: You can find the sign in the shopping centre. It means the floor is wet依次复习Story time 里提到的标识.Show the pictures .Look and answer.1Wh

13、ere are they? 2 What shop do they see first?3 Does Helen want to take her juice into the bookshop?4 What are they eating in the restaurant?5 Who is smoking in the restaurant?完成表格,检查学生对词汇的掌握情况PlaceSignNameIt meansshopping centreWet litteringWe litter No or We cant Step2 Presentation1chant time2.Lets

14、play a game Super bomb 快速闪现公共标识的图片3.小组合作,发现文字标识的构成规则No + 动名词/名词祈使句4.guess:I say ,you do.Grammar timeStep3 Revision1.look at the pictures ,ask and answer in pairs:What does it mean?No It means you can not 小组合作,发现文字标识的构成规则No swimming No fishing .There is a school nearby.You can not bring your dog in.3 to be a good designer.Design signs for our classroom.Step 4 Fun time1Discuss each other:What does it mean?It means2practise time . 讲解规则,示范游戏Step5 Homework抄写第51页句子三遍.背诵Story time.板书设计: Unit5 SignsWhat does it mean? It


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