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1、 山东省淄博市中考英语第一次模拟测试卷山东省淄博市中考英语第一次模拟测试卷 一、完型填空(共一、完型填空(共 1010 小题,满分小题,满分 1010 分)分) 阅读下面短文,从各题 A、B、C、D 中选出能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。 Flu is a very serious illness. It spreads from one person to another easily. This is 1 to people who are weak. Do you know 2 you can avoid the flu? Keep in good health. Good healt

2、h is the best 3 to cure (治疗) illness. Make sure that the food you eat every day is healthy. Most doctors 4 people to have lots of water and fresh fruit in order to prevent the flu. Stay away from people 5 flu. If your family or friends have the flu, stay away from 6 until they are well. You may catc

3、h it by going with them and using things that they are using. Take exercise. Exercising will make you stronger. This 7 youll have a stronger immune system (免疫系统), too. It doesnt matter what kind of exercise you take. What is 8 is that you are making your body stronger to stop you from getting the fl

4、u. Be happy. Happy people live a stress-free life 9 they are more likely to be safe from illness. If you are always sad, it will affect your immune system and then you will get sick easily. Avoiding the flu is easy. Just make your immune system strong and it will 10 the rest. 1Adifferent Bcareful Ct

5、rue Dhealthy 2Awhat Bwhen Cwhere Dhow 3Ahabit Bmedicine Cplan Dhope 4Aallow Boffer Cadvise Dhelp 5Afor Bwith Cfrom Dof 6Athem Bhim Cher Dus 7Areports Bsounds Cmeans Dexplains 8Adangerous Bimportant Cimpossible Dinteresting 9Aso Buseless Cwhile Duntil 10Alook for Bdepend on Clook forward to Dtake car

6、e of 二、阅读理解(共二、阅读理解(共 1616 小题,满分小题,满分 3232 分)分) 阅读理解 Before winter arrives, many kinds of birds know that it is time to fly south. The migration (迁徙) has always made us think hard. Why do only some birds migrate? How do birds know when to go south? How do they find their way? Some birds fly south be

7、cause their food supply runs short in winter. The woodpecker (啄木鸟), for example, doesnt need to fly south because it can find food in the bark (树皮) of trees. Some birds eat grains, insects and other food that disappear in winter, so they must fly south where food can still be found. But why dont the

8、y stay in the south? Perhaps they know that if they stayed down south, they would run out of food there, too. It is possible that birds know when winter is coming because they find that the days are getting shorter. Once they leave from the north, they use the sun as a compass. The sun is in differe

9、nt positions in the sky at different times of day. To use it as a guide, birds would have to know the time of day. On long flight, most birds use the stars to navigate (导航) their way. The homing pigeon (信鸽) doesnt use the sun or the stars. Scientists believe that it uses the magnetic field (磁场) of t

10、he earth. One of the most amazing migrations is that of the tiny hummingbird (蜂鸟). It travels from Canada to Mexicoa long distance of over 3,600 kilometers. 11It is believed that some birds fly south because _. Athey need food Bthey like warm weather Cthey get lost Dit is just a habit 12On long migr

11、ation flights, most birds find their way with the help of _. Athe stars Bother birds Cthe moon Dthe magnetic field 13Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? AThe woodpecker usually doesnt need migration. BThe hummingbird flies to Mexico for food. CBirds migrate before winter com

12、es. DBirds that eat insects like staying in the south better. 阅读理解 Like many words, smart has lots of meanings. For example, smart can describe a well-dressed person. We can also use smart as a verb, meaning to feel pain. But the most usual meaning of smart is to be very good at learning and underst

13、anding things. So when students do well at school and get good grades, we say they are smart. Being smart, however, goes out of classrooms. People can be smart in different ways. If they have been in school for many years and have learned a lot, people may call them books-mart. Such people often kno

14、w the names of great thinkers, scientists and other famous people in history. They know facts and information that other people dont know. However, sometimes such people are not smart when it comes to life skills. Then, people who are good at solving life problems are street-smart. They may not have

15、 read many books, but they have the ability to use their experience. Then, it may surprise you that getting smart is not good. Getting smart means being rude or impolite. Its very common to hear parents say to their children, Dont get smart with me. And thats not the only smart expression that can g

16、et you into trouble. We often use smart with off together. In class, there is a student who has a really smart mouth. He gives the teacher smart answers in class too many times. The teacher may say, Do not smart off in class! 14If you cut yourself and it hurts a lot, you can say, _! AIm book-smart BIm street-smart CThat really smarts DI have a smart mouth 15Why arent book-smart people smart sometimes? ABecause they havent read many books. BBecause they have a really smart mouth. CBecause they do


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