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1、工匠精神craftsmanshipCraftsman is the man who owes expertise artistry. Craftsmanship, as its name implies, is the spirit of striving hard to offer the high-quality products and outstanding services for the benefits of our clients. It aims to elaborate a system of common values on culture and thought bet

2、ween the leaders and staff, to cultivate the inner innovation of industry development.From small beginning come great things! The only way to realistically achieve a goal is to do one thing really well. Our company strongly believes that “small products to the extreme is a big business . And if you

3、are doing what you love, there is much more success than being rich or famous.Talent is the core of enterprises. We have also been working to cultivate the craftsmanship, encouraging our employees to love their jobs and to enjoy the course of self-actualization.Craftsmen work to earn money, however,

4、 they do not work for money. The job one does is the reflection of his life manner, and the work during his life is the indication of his aspiration, where his ideal exists.Along with the lack in resources, craftsman has been valuable wealth in the times. Let s carry forward the craftsmanship togeth

5、er, putting it to practice and encouraging more enterprises and employees to create various values for clients, achieving sustainable development for enterprises.G20The year of 2016 is fast approaching, a year in which China will host the G20 Summit. This shows both the international communitys stro

6、ng confidence in China and Chinas sincere wish to make contribution to the international community.2016年正在向我们走来,在新的一年里,中国将主办二十国集团峰会。 这既表达了国际社会对中国的高度信任,也展示了中国愿为国际社会作出贡 献的真诚愿望。The G20 summit mechanism was set up at the height of the international financial crisis in 2008, demonstrating G20 members det

7、ermination to put the global economy back on its feet. The G20 thus became the premier forum for international economic cooperation. Looking back, I believe that the most valuable thing this process has created is the close partnership we have forged that has enabled us to jointly tide over a diffic

8、ult time. It proves that in a world of deepening economic globalization, cooperation is the sure way for countries to meet challenges and achieve common development.二十国集团峰会机制诞生于2008年国际金融危机最紧要的关头。当时, 全体成员同心协力,努力营造世界经济企稳复苏的新局面,确立二十国集团 作为国际经济合作主要论坛的地位。回顾这段历程,最珍贵的是各成员同舟 共济的伙伴精神。实践昭示我们,在经济全球化深入开展的形势下,合作是

9、 各国应对挑战、实现开展的必然选择。Today, the global economy and international economic cooperation have reached another crucial juncture. Can we strengthen the foundation for global recovery and growth and leave the crisis behind us? Can we seize the historical opportunity presented by technological breakthroughs a

10、nd a new industrial revolution and usher in a new round of global growth? The answer lies in the course of common action that we will take.现在,世界经济和国际经济合作又走到一个重要转折点。能否夯实世界 经济复苏和增长的基础、摆脱危机影响?能否把握科技进步和新工业革命的历 史机遇、引领世界经济迈向新一轮增长?答案取决于我们的共同选择和共同行 动。Now, all eyes are on the G20. As an important forum for c

11、ooperation among developed countries, emerging markets and developing countries, the G20 plays a key role in leading and advancing international economic cooperation. It should act with a broad vision and deliver concrete outcomes. It should address critical issues affecting the global economy and e

12、ndeavor to promote strong, sustainable and balanced growth.值此时刻,国际社会将目光投向二十国集团。作为兴旺国家和新兴市场 国家及开展中国家开展合作的重要论坛,二十国集团在引领和推动国际经济 合作方面具有举足轻重的影响,理应谋大势、做实事,推动解决世界经济的 突出问题,为实现强劲、可持续、平衡增长目标而努力。We should strive to build an innovative, invigorated, interconnected and inclusive global economy and explore new wa

13、ys to drive development and structural reform, injecting impetus into the growth of individual countries and energizing the global economy. We should embrace the vision of a global community of shared future, enhance economic connectivity and exchanges among countries and improve global economic and

14、 financial governance so as to address inequality and imbalance in global development and ensure that the benefits of economic growth will be equitably shared by people of all countries.我们应该致力于构建创新、活力、联动、包容的世界经济,通过创新驱 动开展和结构性改革,为各国增长注入动力,使世界经济焕发活力。我们要 树立人类命运共同体意识,推进各国经济全方位互联互通和良性互动,完善 全球经济金融治理,减少全球开

15、展不平等、不平衡现象,使各国人民公平享 有世界经济增长带来的利益。In the course of making preparations for the 2016 G20 summit, China will work with all other parties to pull in one direction in the spirit of win-win partnership. We should pool wisdom, form synergy, implement the outcomes of the Antalya Summit and all previous summ

16、its, and jointly advance international economic cooperation.在2016年峰会筹办过程中,中方将同各方一道,发扬同舟共济、合作共 赢的伙伴精神,集众智、聚合力,落实安塔利亚峰会及历届峰会成果,共同 开创国际经济合作新局面。I look forward to meeting the leaders of the G20 members in Hangzhou, Zhejiang next September to discuss ways of enhancing international economic cooperation. Hangzhou, renowned for its rich history, is also a city of innovation. It is a cosmopolitan city with a distinctive Chinese cultural appeal. I am sure that, t



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