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1、Lesson 3 The big bull market 大牛市 by Frederick Lewis Allen大牛市气数已尽。数十亿美元的实际利润和账面收益,就这样灰飞烟灭。不 管是杂货店老板、玻璃清洁工还是裁缝师傅,各色人等眼看着资产付诸东流。全 国每个城镇都有那么几户人家,往日富庶得意,而今债台高筑。以前人们纷纷投 资,梦想退休后可以靠投资收益安度晚年,可如今却发现,自己又回到创富Z路 的起点,不得不重新奋斗。报纸上,关于自杀的报道每天都有,令人扼腕。古里奇和胡佛时代的经济繁荣,还没有完全结束,但也为时不远。恐慌情绪 使得许多问题浮出水面。以往人们没有注意到这些问题,即便注意到,也被淹

2、没 在股市的乐观情绪中了。就像毒药,一旦某个重要器官无法正常工作,就开始渗 透人体。这些问题,也开始影响实体经济。尽管银行信用收缩,经纪人贷款冻结 数目已达三十亿,尽管联邦储备银行又降低了折扣利率,尽管国内的大型银行和 企业在危机中并没有伤筋动骨,起到一定的激励作用,但是无论怎样,经济生活 中的毒药还没有祛除:资木投放过度,商业扩张的野心太大,分期消费和股市收 益消费的刺激,使得商品过度生产,许多商品的价格人为保持高位,还有欧洲贸 易的萧条。无论有多少支持复杂金融交易的人叫嚷着形势大好,无论总统怎么通 过温言细语和白宫会议来积极着手修复经济创伤,一场严重的经济萧条已经无可 避免。事情到此还没完

3、。所谓繁荣,并不仅仅指经济形势,也指人们的心理。大牛市并 不仅仅只是商业循环中的顶峰,也是美国人众心理和感情变化的顶峰。无论是男 是女,每一个美国人的人生态度都在某种程度上受到大牛市的影响。同样,如今 希望破碎的过程如此突然而又残酷,每一个美国人也无法幸免。大牛市不复存在, 繁荣的世道也渐行渐远,美国人很快就会发现,他们所面对的是一个变革的世界。 这个世界需要新的调整,新的理念,新的思维习惯,以及新的价值体系。人们的 心理环境在改变,美国人生活中不断变化的各种方式,正在转向新的道路。战后十年划上了尾声。一个时代就此结束。1. 1) For whom is the author writing?

4、Economists, government officials, or those who are interested in finance, business, or social history2) Where might he have changed his diction?He might drop technical terms, such as body economic, liquidation, brokers loans, rediscount, etc., and add some explanations to the inescapable technical t

5、erms.2. What is he attempting to do in this selection?Help people cope with the bad situation. Learn from the mistakes of the past, thereby live a better life in the future. Uncover the artificiality of The Big Bull Market. Cheer up the people in the Great Depression.3 Identify these echoesThe echoi

6、ng words are: Dead, disappeared, lost, dropped, debt, and suicide4. 1) How does P2 carry on the restatement?In the second paragraph, the writer carries on the restatement, using dead and dying.2) Where does this simile appear?And the simile as poisons reappears in the third sentence: . the poisons w

7、ere there5. 1) Where does the writer qualify his topic idea?In the third sentence, the writer carefully qualifies his topic idea: Although . real encouragement.2) What words repeat his qualification?In the last sentence, he repeats it by saying “No matter . conferences3) Which repeat the main subjec

8、t of economic disaster?He restates disaster, using damage; depression/4) What signals writer return to the main point?Nevertheless6. 1) Top sentence and key words of P3The second sentence of Paragraph 3 is the topic sentence. A state of mind12) What terms repeat the meanings of key words?Mass thinki

9、ng1 and mass emotion1 repeat the idea. It echoes in each sentence of the paragraph: attitude toward life, hope, new adjustments, new ideas, new habits of thought, new order of values, psychological climate.7. Compare the last paragraph with the opening sentence.The last word of the opening sentence

10、of this article is fdead In the last paragraph, the author uses the words close1 and nd1 to echo the word dead1 in both sense and rhythm. So the authors idea has come full circle.8. 1) Of seven syllables, how many are stressed?Of the seven words in the first sentence, four are stressed.2) What is th

11、eir effect?The three successive stresses are *big bull market/ The effect is strong, shocking, rhythmical and emphatic, indicating a sharp contrast with the following word dead.3) What happens to the rhythm and emphasis?If we substitute colossal for big, the effect will be less strong, the rhythm sp

12、oiled, the emphasis weakened.9 How important are these words to the meaning of the paragraph?The writer arouses a strong pensive feeling in the reader On the other hand, these miserable phenomena are the cold facts, and by listing them together, the reader gets a concrete idea of the situation. So t

13、he topic idea of the paragraph is more forcibly expressed; therefore, the argument is more persuasive and convincing.10 1) Analyze the repetition of ideas and constructions in paragraph 1In the first paragraph, the last word of each sentence restatement the same idea. The sentences are all in S + V

14、+ O pattern.2) Where else is the pattern of that sentence repeated?In Paragraph 3, the second and the third sentence have the same structure: Prosperity 一 Big Bull Market; more than - more than; economic condition 一 business cycle; a state of mind 一 mass thinking and mass emotion.IL Look upbull mark

15、et: the rising stock market seamstress: a woman whose job is sewingaffluence: wealthimpact: influence, strong effect liquidation: the settlement of a debt commodity: goods, as article of tradestimulus: something that causes activity proclaim: declare officially climax: the highest point of a develop

16、ment12.1) goseep; expertssoothsayersAvoid colorless words; use strong, descriptive, concrete words Seep, flow slowly through holes; go, colorless2)What lost?Soothsayers refer to fortune-teller whose prediction may be superstitious. Expert can predict scientifically.3)Think of an acceptable substitute for soothsayersSoothsayer = prophet = fortune-teller4)W


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