2022年最新的英语七年级上册教案:Unit 7 ShoppingIntegrated skills

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《2022年最新的英语七年级上册教案:Unit 7 ShoppingIntegrated skills》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年最新的英语七年级上册教案:Unit 7 ShoppingIntegrated skills(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、英语七年级上册教案:Unit 7 ShoppingIntegrated skillsI. Teaching aims and learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. recognize familiar words in a conversation about shopping; 2. extract useful information while listening; 3. make up a conversation about shopping; 4. know abou

2、t the living conditions of children in poor areas and cultivate the virtue of helping others. II. Teaching contents 1. New words and expressions: item, T-shirt, poor, area, most, pocket, pocket money, pair, size, fit, expensive, another, price, fit, large, most of the children, in poor areas, need .

3、 most, walk a long way to school, a pair of shoes, try on 2. New structures: What s your size? They fit very well. III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty Know about the living conditions of children in poor areas and discuss ways to help them. IV. Teaching procedures B. Speak up:

4、What s your size? Step 1 Lead-in 1. Enjoy the shopping song. T: Good morning, boys and girls. Before the class, let s enjoy a shopping song. 2. Review the names of shops. T: There are many different shops around us. What shops do you know? I have some pictures here. Please tell me the name of each s

5、hop. 【设计意图:通过视频导入购物话题,设置轻松有趣的课堂氛围。利用图片复现已学商店名称,并自然过渡到本课话题。】 Step 2 Presentation 1. Show students the picture and ask: Where is the lady? What is she doing? 2. T: Simon also wants to buy a pair of shoes. He and his mother are talking with the shopkeeper. Listen to the tape and answer the following qu

6、estions. (1) What size are Simon s feet? (2) How much does the pair of shoes cost? (3) What does Simon s mother think of the shoes? 3. Ask students to practise reading the conversation and try to imitate the intonation. 【设计意图:呈现书本内容,为随后的对话编写练习提供必要的语言输入。】 Step 3 Practice 1. T: Boys and girls, do you

7、know how to shop now? I have a conversation here. Can you help me complete it with the right sentences? 2. Ask students to role-play the conversation. 3. T: It s time for us to make our own conversations. Now work in pairs. Please use the information given in Part B2. I have some useful expressions

8、for you. But you can also use your own words. 4. Invite some pairs to act out their conversations. 5. Provide students with more sentences about shopping. 【设计意图:让学生通过补全对话,练习有关购物的句型;通过编写新对话,发挥语言的语用功能,并适当增加合理内容,在购物情境下提高学生口头表达的流利性。】 How do you use your pocket money? Step 1 Presentation Make a survey. T

9、: We need money when shopping. I know you always have some ways to get pocket money. It is important to use money wisely. I have a questionnaire about pocket money. Please ask and answer with your partner. 【设计意图:让学生互相交流零花钱的使用情况,激发学生对如何使用零花钱这一话题的兴趣。】 Step 2 Practice 1. Listen and choose. T: Simon and

10、 his friends also have some pocket money. Do you know what they often buy with their money? Let s listen and find out the answer. Then ask students to check the answers with their partners. 2. T: Let s watch a video about the children in poor areas in China. Do you think they have any pocket money?

11、Will you use your pocket money to help them? 3. Show students the pictures in Part A2 on Page 87 and ask students to talk about things the children in poor areas need. 4. Let students listen to the conversation between Simon and his mother and choose what the children in poor areas need. 5. Ask stud

12、ents to listen to the conversation again and complete the reasons. 6. Ask students to complete Simon s letter in Part A3 on Page 88. 【设计意图:首先通过视频让学生了解贫困地区孩子的生活情况,然后自然过渡到书本上的听力练习。】 Step 3 Activity 1. Ask students to discuss in groups of four. What can we do to help the children in poor areas? Ask eac

13、h group to share their ideas with the whole class. 2. Write the students ideas on the blackboard. (1) Write letters to ask Project Hope for help. (2) Save our pocket money and donate it to the poor children. (3) Buy some books, stationery, basketballs and footballs for them. (4) Buy some clothes for

14、 them. 3. Help students realize the importance of helping others. If we save our pocket money and donate it to the poor children, they will be happy and the world will become much better. 【设计意图:让学生分组讨论如何帮助贫困地区的孩子,培养其乐于助人的品质。最后欣赏歌曲 Heal the world ,升华情感。】 V. Homework Write a letter to the principal. Talk about what you can do to help the children in poor areas.第 6 页 共 6 页



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