2022年最新的高中一年级英语教学方案: Body Language Period 3

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《2022年最新的高中一年级英语教学方案: Body Language Period 3》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年最新的高中一年级英语教学方案: Body Language Period 3(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、高中一年级英语教学方案: Body Language Period 3高中一年级英语教学方案: Body Language Period 3 如果知识是珍珠,那么线索就是将珍珠串起来的那根线。学生要去发现所学知识的线索,抓住了线索就抓住了所学知识的脉络。在自学中要注意 三大问题 ,即先讲是什么,后讲为什么或重要性,最后讲怎么样。下面跟着xx小编一起来看看吧。 Period 3 (一) 明确目标 1. Get the students to know the importance of body language. 2. Train the students integrating skills

2、. (二)整体感知 Step 1 Show more gestures and let the students guess the meanings. Step 2 Read the integrating skills. (三) 教学过程 Step 3 Introduce Shuang huang. Step 4 Work in pairs and make up a funny story. Step 5 Practice Writing. (四)总结扩展 Step 6 Compare the meanings of body language in China and the USA.

3、 Meaning in China Body language Meaning in the USA welcome a smile and a handshake welcome Hello Goodbye ! waving one s hand Hello! Hi! Goodbye! disagreement shaking the head disagreement agreement nodding the head agreement May I ask a question? putting up a hand May I ask a question.? love kissing

4、 love no such a gesture keeping ones fingers crassed hoping sth. good will happen proud holding up ones head not afraid/proud feeling sorry for having done hanging ones head feeling sorry for having done feeling very happy waving ones arm feeling very happy dislike, disagreement or pain making a fac

5、e dislike, disagreement or pain Im full/ I v eat stomachache touching ones stomach having a stomachache (五)随堂练习 1. Choose the best answers according to the situations. When you meet a foreign guest for the first time, you should say: A. How do you do? B. How are you? C. Hi! D. Hello! What can I do f

6、or you? 2. Yon are carrying some heavy boxes. Someone comes over to offer help. He may say Can I help you? If you need his help, you should say: A. Of course, you can. B. Thats a good idea. C. Yes, go ahead. D. Thanks. Thats very kind of you. 3. If you can carry the boxes yourself and don t need his

7、 help, you should say to him: A. No. I don t need your help. B. Its none of your business. C. No, thanks. I can manage it myself. D. Sorry, you can t 4. When you see an old lady carrying a heavy bag and want to go over to help her, you should say: A. Excuse me, madam. Would you like me to crazy it f

8、or you? B. Hello! Let me carry the bag for you. It s too heavy for an old lady like you. C. Hi, Granny! Let me carry the heavy bag for you. You are old. D. Excuse me. Is there anything else I can do for you? 2. Choose the right words for the blanks, using the right verb forms. proud juice dining roo

9、m realize were type comfortable. (1) I hope you feel as _ as you are at home. (2)The speaker _ to the people in the hall before he left. (3)You d better make the apples into _ for your baby; otherwise she can t eat them. (4) Before you send your article to the publisher, you d better_ it out with a

10、computer or a type-writer. (5)The students neednt go home for lunch, because there is a _ in the school. (6)I didnt _ they were a couple (夫妻) until the party was over. (7) She looked so _ at the party that few people talked to her. 3. Make gestures and guess what they mean. (1) Raise your hand. (5)

11、Kiss your hand to someone. (2)Put up your hands. (6)Thumbs (大拇指) up. (3)Wave your hand. (7)Thumbs down. (4) Cup your ear. (8) Bite your nails ( 指甲 ). 参考答案: 1. (1)A (2)D (3)C (4)A 2. (1)comfortable (2)waved (3)juice (4)type (5)dining-room (60realize (7)proud 3. (1) To ask or answer a question. / To a

12、ttract attention. / To say hello. (2)To give up. / To surrender. (3)To say goodbye. (4)To say: I beg your pardon. / Sorry, I can t hear you. (5)To say Goodbye to a dear friend or relative. (6)To say Great! / Wonderful! / Well done! / Congratulations ! (7)To say No good! / Terrible! (8)To mean thinking or worrying .第 7 页 共 7 页


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