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1、生物医学信号处理教学大纲(双语)Syllabus of Biomedical Signal Processing (Bilingual course)课程编号:17078000 学分:4 参考学时:58 实验学时:12 Course No.: 17078000 credit :4 credit hours:58 experiment hours:12上机学时: 适用专业:生物医学工程系 各专业 Computer time: Suitable Specialty: Biomedical Engineering 大纲执笔人:刘忠国 课程负责人:刘忠国 Written by: Zhongguo Li

2、u person in charge of course: Zhongguo Liu一课程目的和任务Objectives and tasks of the course 本课程是生物医学工程专业本科生必选的专业基础课。本课程旨在让学生掌握生物医学信号处理的基本原理、算法和设计应用技术。主要培养学生对获取的各种原始生物医学信息如何进行有效的信号加工处理的技能,为医疗、生命科学领域服务。本课程使学生牢固掌握离散时间信号和系统分析的基本原理和基本分析方法。深入理解离散傅里叶变换的基本原理,学会应用离散傅里叶变换快速算法解决信号分析问题的方法。掌握数字滤波器的设计原理和实现方法。学会生物医学信号分析的

3、基本方法。本课程的目的是为学生进一步学习有关生物医学信号工程方面的课程打下良好的理论基础。 This course is one specialized core course among the compulsory courses of Specialty of Biomedical Engineering. The task of the course is to teach the students the knowledge of fundamental principle and analysis methods of biomedical signal processing. T

4、hrough the course the students can learn the knowledge of fundamental principle and analysis methods of Discrete-Time Signals and Systems, principle of Fourier Transform, methods of solving problems of signal analysis through Fast Fourier Transform, Filter Design Techniques, and basic methods of ana

5、lyzing biomedical signals. The objective of this course is to make the students be familiar with the fundamental theory of signal processing and be prepared for further study of other courses.二课程的基本要求 Basic requirements of the course本课程的理论教学应使学生学会数字信号处理的理论、相应的算法及这些算法的软件实现。内容离散时间信号与离散时间系统的基本概念、及离散时间系

6、统分析、Z变换、离散时间信号的傅立叶变换及DFT、傅立叶变换的快速算法、离散时间系统的相位、结构与状态变量描述、数字滤波器(IIR、FIR及特殊形式的滤波器)设计。通过实验培养学生总体上了解和掌握利用计算机编程实现教科书中学过的数字信号常用的处理方法和技能,要求学生理解实验原理及实验方案等。 In theory teaching, the students can learn the theory, algorithms and the implementation of algorithms of digital signal processing from this course. The

7、 contents include the following: concepts of Discrete-Time Signals and Systems, Transform Analysis of Linear Time-Invariant Systems, The z-Transform, Structures for Discrete-Time Systems,Filter (IIR、FIR) Design Techniques,The Discrete Fourier Transform, Fast Computation of the Discrete Fourier Trans

8、form and Fourier Analysis of Biomedical Signals Using the Discrete Fourier Transform. In experiment teaching, the students can learn the programming techniques and methods to implement the basic signal processing algorithms.该课程的前续课程为:信号与系统。后续课程为DSP原理与应用等。通过前续课程信号与系统的学习,让学生对信号与系统的基本概念有深刻理解,对信号变换与处理的基

9、本方法有初步了解。从而在学习本课程时,具有基本的信号理论基础。在本课程中,将使学生对数字信号理论有深入的了解,并通过学习使学生掌握数字信号基本概念,数字信号处理的常用方法。从而为后续的DSP器件设计奠定良好的理论基础。The course of signal and systems should be learned before this course and after this course follows the course of DSP theory and application. Since the students have learned the basic concept

10、s and principle of signal and systems from the course of signal and systems, students can understand the theory and methods of biomedical signal processing easily, and can be prepared for further study of DSP device. 三教学内容 contents of course第1章生物医学信号处理绪论Biomedical signal processing introduction 2学时第

11、2章离散时间信号与系统Discrete-Time Signals and Systems 6学时2.1离散时间信号:序列Discrete-time Signals: Sequences2.2离散时间系统Discrete-time Systems 2.3线性时不变系统Linear Time-Invariant Systems 2.4线性时不变系统的性质Properties of Linear Time-Invariant Systems2.5线性常系数差分方程Linear Constant-Coefficient Difference Equations. 2.6 离散时间信号与系统的频域表示F

12、requency-Domain Representation of Discrete-Time Signals and Systems 2.7用傅里叶变换表示序列Representation of Sequence by Fourier Transforms2.8傅里叶变换的对称性质Symmetry Properties of the Fourier Transform2.9傅里叶变换定理Fourier Transform Theorems第3章Z变换The z-Transform 4学时3.1Z变换The z-Transform3.2Z变换收敛域的性质Properties of the Re

13、gion of Convergence for the z-Transform3.3Z反变换The Inverse z-Transform3.4Z变换的性质z-Transform Properties第4章 线性时不变系统的变换分析Transform Analysis of Linear Time-Invariant Systems 8学时4.1LTI系统的频率响应The Frequency Response of LTI Systems4.2用线性常系数差分方程表征系统的系统函数System Functions for Systems Characterized by Linear Cons

14、tant-Coefficient Difference Equations4.3有理系统函数的频率响应Frequency Response for Rational System Functions.4.4幅度和相位之间的关系Relationship Between Magnitude and Phase4.5全通系统All-Pass Systems 4.6最小相位系统Minimum-Phase Systems 4.7广义线性相位的线性系统Linear Systems with Generalized Linear Phase第5章离散时间系统结构Structures for Discrete

15、-Time Systems 10学时 5.1线性常系数差分方程的方框图表示Block Diagram Representation of Linear Constant-Coefficient Difference Equations 5.2 线性常系数差分方程的信号流图表示Signal Flow Graph Representation of Linear Constant-Coefficient Difference Equations 5.3IIR系统的基本结构Basic Structures for IIR Systems 5.4转置形式Transposed Forms 5.5 FIR系统的基本网络结构Basic Network Structures for FIR Systems第6章滤波器设计方法Filter Design Techniques 8学时 6.1由连续时间滤波器设计离散时间


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