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1、Corporate budget planning, control and performance evaluation in Bahrain作者:Joshi, P L; Al-Mudhaki, Jawahar; Bremser, Wayne GABSTRACTExamines budget planning; implementation and performance evaluation practices by utilizing a questionnaire survey of 54 medium and large sized companies located in Bahr

2、ain Most of the companies prepare Iong-range plans and operating budgets, and they follow a definite budget procedure and implementation methodology. Uses budget variances to measure a managers ability, for timely recognition of problems, and to improve the next periods budget. While both the listed

3、 and non-listed companies have reported many similar budget practices, the main differences were specific purposes served by budgets, degree of budget participation, periodicity of varia nee reporting, and purposes and authority to evaluate budget variance reports .In certain cases, firm size in flu

4、ences budgeting practices. Contributes toward filling a gap in the literature on the use of budgets as a plan ning and control too I in developing countries Most prior studies were mainly confined to advaneed countries. The study findings suggest the need for research on attitudes held by the budget

5、ees towards the use of budget variances in the con text of advanced manageme nt accounting tech niq ues.Keywords : Budgets, Management planning, Process Control, Performanee measurement (quality), Bahrain AbstractIn troductio nBudgets are financial blueprints that quantify a firms plans for a future

6、 period. Budgets require management to specify expected sales, cash in flows and outflows, and costs; and they provide a mecha nism for effective planning and control in organizations (Flamholtz, 1983). The budget is a startdard against which the actual performance can be compared and measured The l

7、iterature on budget practices focuses on the releva nee and applications of budgets to large, complex and manufacturing organizations and less on services and small organizations. Additionally, most of the studies on budgeting mainly focus on the publicly listed firm sector and less on the non-liste

8、d sector. Furthermore, most studies report on practices in advaneed countries The reasons for this seenario may be that the budget preparation is frequently a time consuming exercise, and it involves many people in various departme nts of the firms. The size of a firm and its complexity of operatio

9、ns gen erally influe nee the nature of budgeti ng it should adopt. For example, giant organizations, such as Gen eral Motors, Philips Petroleum, Unilever, and Texas Instruments should have more complex and sophisticated systems as compared to medium and small organizations. Their budget systems serv

10、e as a means of integrating the numerous divisions in addition to being planning and control tools Budgets in the organizations serve multiple roles of planning, evaluation, coordination, communication, and decisionmaking Participation in budgeting is another important issue because it reflects the

11、degree of consensus, an important aspect of management styleThe main objective of this study is to extend the literature on budget practices in planning, control and performanee evaluation by present!ng an analysis of survey data on corporate sector companies (listed and non-listed) in Bahrain, a de

12、veloping country. More specifically, this study discusses the following aspects:The importanee attached by corporate sector companies to budgeting in terms of organizational set up.The specific purposes served by the budget planning and control.How budgets are implemented within the companies.The ex

13、tent of participation by budget managers in setting budget targets. The extent to which budget varianee reports are used to measure the performance and also the other related issues.Comparative budget practices of listed and non-listed companies and whether listing status or size differences are evi

14、dent.This study provides in sight i nto the developme nt stage of budget planning and control practices for listed and non-listed companies in Bahrain. The study results provide some benchmarks for firms in Bahrain. Since the University of Bahrain works closely with regard to the training and educat

15、ion of corporate accountants, the findings could be helpful in designing future course curricula. Universities and firms in other developing Middle Eastern countries should find the study results to be useful.The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Section I provides a review of prior resear

16、ch on budget practices in several countries. Section II presents the methodology used for the study, while the analysis of results is provided in section III. Summary and con elusions, the limitatio ns of the study and directio ns for future research are presented in section IVSection I - Review of literatureBudget planning and controlMost studies on budget practices have bee n con ducted in the adva need coun tries The study by Cheung (1986) int


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