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1、Module 4 基础练习M4U1A. 翻译1 多久_ 2.全中国_3. 事实上_ 4.到达_5Hear about _ 6.a little_7. get on with_ 8. Project Hope_B.单项选择。1. I have _ him for two years. A. know B. known C. knew2. Does she speak English? Yes, _. A. little B. a little C. a few3. How long have you lived here? _ 2003. A. For B. In C. Since4. Proj

2、ect Hope is a school for _ children. A. good B. poor C. richC.用动词的适当形式填空。1.I have _ (joined / been ) in the army for 22 years.2. Where have you _(gone/ been)? I have been looking for you all the morning.3. He has _( become/ been) a college student for 1 year.4. How long have you _( come/ stayed ) he

3、re?5. The heavy rain has _ (been over/ stopped ) for a whole afternoon.M4U2A.根据提示完成下列各题。1. His parents wanted him to _(辍学)。2. My mother has to _(照顾) my little brother.3. Project Hope has r_ a lot of money for poor children.4. People in China and a _ have given 2.2billion yuan.5. _ (由于) Project Hope,

4、 thousands of children have better lives.6. Project Hope has also t_ teachers and it has sent students to high school.C.选择词组的适当形式填空。hear of get pay help go 1. Liu Hong can go to school with the _ of Project Hope.2. She couldnt _an education because her family was very poor.3. Many poor children stop

5、ped _ to school when they were young.4. Have you _ the milkman this week?5. Were sorry to _ your grandfathers death.M4U3A. 用动词的适当形式填空。1. I _ ( stay ) in the hotel for two days last summer.2. I _ just _ (be ) to London. I _ (go )there last month.3. I _ already _ (finish) my homework. I _(finish )it an hour ago.4. Where _ you _(put ) my book?I _ ( put ) it on your desk, but I dont know why it is not there now.B. 根据汉语完成下列句子。1. 因为下雨,她没有上学。She didnt _ to _ _ _ the rain.2. 你认识贝蒂有多久了?两年了。_ _ _you _ Betty? _ two years.3. 自从2000年以来,他们已培训了许多学生和教师。_2000, they _ _ many _ and _.



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