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1、借力名词性从句提升书面表达档次书面表达是英语的最高输出方式,也是考试的压轴题,分值也很高,全国卷 的书面表达是25分。所以,书面表达写得好不好,直接说明一个英语学习者的 书面英语水平,也是考试能不能得高分的关键因素之一。写出高质量的书面表 达包含很多因素,笔者将从历年的高考书面表达真题范文中提取例子,就句式 升级方面进行系统分析,并从历届高考书面表达范文中精选相关的句子进行过 手练习,最后进入语篇运用。希望通过这样步步推进,通过感知和过手,来帮 助同学们提高书面表达。这一期我们讨论的是名词性从句。Step 1句法唤醒一、名词性从句包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句,在复合 句中做主语

2、、宾语、表语、同位语。1 .大家希望我们能战胜其他队。Its hoped that we can defeat other teams.(主语从句)2 .我突然想起,像茶文化这样的中国传统文化是很有魅力,很有价值的。It suddenly hit me that traditional culture like tea culture was of great charm and huge value.(主语从句)3 .让我们学生特别开心的是新落成的体育馆。What makes us students more than happy is the newlybuilt stadium.(主 语

3、从句)4 .我希望有可能的话,通过你的讲座,我能了解西方音乐是如何影响英国 的以及它未来的开展。Hopefully, I desire that, through your lecture, I can know how western music influences the UK and how it will develop in the future.(宾语从句)5 .我希望这个变化不会给你带来太多麻烦。I hope the change will not cause too much trouble.(宾语从句)6 .我得知我们学校校队在招募新乒乓球队员。I have been to

4、ld that our school team is recruiting new members.(宾语从句)7 .我希望你能记住你在这里和我们一起度过的愉快时光。My hope is that you can remember the happy days you spent here with us. (表语从句)8 .众所周知,温暖和关怀是老年人所需要的。As you know, warmth and care is what elderly people need.(表语从句)9 .那就是为什么我觉得长江之旅会是一个更好的选择。Thats why I think the trip a

5、long the Yangtze will be a better choice. (表 语从句)10 .我听说了你们美术馆将举行一场中国画展这个消息、。Ive heard the news that an exhibition of Chinese paintings will be held in your art gallery.(同位语从句)11 .我写信来是希望我能当一名志愿者。Im writing in hope that I can work as a volunteer.(同位语从句)12 .原因是,如果我把书放在指定的地方,很有可能这些书会被喜欢它们的 人拿走。The rea

6、son is that if I put books in the appointed place, there will be more chances that they will be got by the people who have a passion of them. (表语从句和同位语从句)Step 2句法提点1 .名词性从句的作用:它们在复合句中做主干成分:主语、宾语、表语、 同位语。2 .名词性从句的语序:用陈述句语序。3 .名词性从句的虚拟语气。在表达建议、命令、要求的语气时,名词性从 句要用(should) +动词原形的虚拟语气。这些常见的有:suggest, advi

7、se, recommend, propose, advocate , order, command, require, request, demand, insist等以及在不同句型中出现的相关派生词,比方suggestion, recommendation, proposal 等。4 .连接词that,在从句中不做成分,也不能省略(宾语从句除外)。whether 用于所有的名词性从句,而if只用于动词宾语从句。其他的连接词在从句中既 要做成分,也带意义。所以,名词性从句的掌握既要考虑句意,也要考虑结构。5 . it做形式主语和形式宾语。这个句法现象主要是平衡句子结构,防止头重 脚轻。当主语太

8、长,为了保持句子结构的平衡,往往把真正的主语放到后面, 用it来做形式主语。而当出现宾语补语时,往往it用形式,把真正的宾语放到 后面去,保持句子结构平衡。6 .书面表达中名词性从句。通过对前面例句的观察,大家不难发现,书面 表达中的名词性从句并不像阅读中的使用情况那么复杂,但是句意内涵丰富, 表现力强,信息量大。在书面表达中运用名词性从句,既能很好的表达文章的 意思,也能展示考生扎实的语言功底,很值得尝试。Step 3单句过手根据中文完成以下句子。1 .毫无疑问,在消费的时候完全依靠评价是不明智的。the ratings inconsumption.(同位语从句)2 .很遗憾你很快就要回家了

9、。soon.(主语从句)3 .让我从其他候选人中脱颖而出的是我流畅的口语。other candidates is my fluentoral English.(主语从句)4 .在我看来,传统的中国服装会应景,让场面很中国、更吸引英国客人。the traditional Chinese clothes will make theoccasion to the British guests.(主语从句)5 .我相信对你来讲,将会是一次难忘的经历。Im sure for you.(宾语从句)6 .我知道你擅长摄影,也一直想为环保尽点力。I know and youve always wanted t

10、odo something to.(宾语从句)7 .我们将做力所能及的一切来帮你。Well do(宾语从句)8 .我坚信我能把这个工作做好。I trust that(宾语从句)9 .我想告诉你的好消息是,我已经成了一名志愿者。(表语从句)The good news I want to tell you is10 .我的建议是,你应该每天听普通话,而且可能的时候练习说普通话。(表 语从句)My suggestion is andpractice speaking it whenever possible.11 .毫无疑问,我倾向于在欢迎仪式上穿中国传统服装。I will go for weari

11、ngtraditional Chinese clothes at the welcome ceremony.(同位语从句)12 .另一个现象也不能忽视,一些评论是公司或者卖家精心操作的结果。Another fact should not beneglected of a carefulmanipulation of companies or sellers. (同位语从句)Step 5语篇活用用名词性从句完成下面的文章。Dear classmates,Good morning ! Im more than glad to voice my views on the schools appeal

12、 thatl.(我们每天看 20 分钟的新闻周刊), I support the practice for the following reasons. Firstly, buried in study every day, seldom do we keep us informed of.(国 内 夕卜大事),Real study should involve real life. Another benefit is2 .(能开阔我们的视 野,提高学习效率).4.(还 有一个不能忽视的事实是)that it will help us organize our ideas and expre

13、ss ourselves in a more clear and organized way.As for suggestions, I strongly recommend that5.(我们应该改变观念).It will not waste our time, instead, its another way of study. In the long run, Im convinced 6.(每个人 都会从中受益的).Thank you for your listening.单句过手:1. There is no doubt that 2.lfs a pity that you5re l

14、eaving for your hometown3. What makes me stand out/ What set me apart from4. It seems to me that; Chinese and inviting5. it will be an unforgettable experience6. youre good at making beautiful pictures; protect the environment7. whatever I can to help you8. imp capable of doing the job well9. that I

15、ve been a volunteer10 . that you should listen to Mandarin every day11. There is no doubt that12 . that its unwise to depend completely on 13.some ratings are the outcome语篇活用:13 .we should watch 20minute news every day14 whats going on both at home and abroad15 that it can broaden our horizons and improve study efficiency16 Another fact which can5t be neglected 5.we should change our ideas17 that everyone will benefit from it



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