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1、第1页(共 29页)2021 年辽宁省盘锦市中考英语试卷一、单项选择(每小题1 分, 共 10 分)从各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项 , 并将其代表字母涂在答题卡的相应位置。1 (1 分) Locus usually has _ egg and some milk for breakfast. ()AaBanCtheD/2(1 分) Judy and Lily like sports, and_ often play volleyball after school.()AweByouCtheirDthey3 (1 分)The little boy hid himself _ the door

2、 to give his sister a surprise.()AbehindBaboveCacrossDunder4 (1 分) My car is broken._ you please give me a lift ?()AMustBNeedCShouldDCould5 (1 分) When you go abroad,_ forget to bring your passport.()AalwaysBhardlyCneverDsometimes6 (1 分)Students in Class One _ for the singing competition at the momen

3、t. ()AprepareBare preparingCpreparedDare going to prepare第2页(共 29页)7 (1 分)You have to pass a test _ you can get a license.()AbeforeBafterCwhileDuntil8(1 分) Hi, Mom moved me to tears._ touching the movie was!()AWhat aBHow aCHowDWhat9 (1 分) If the science fiction _ into English,it will be popular arou

4、nd the world.()AtranslatesBis translatedCtranslatedDwas translated10 (1 分)We havent decided _.()Athat we will repair our houseBwhen did we go to the partyCwhere we went on vacationDwhether we will keep a pet二、完形填空(每小题10 分, 共 10 分)根据短文内容 , 从各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳选项, 并将其代表字母涂在答题卡的相应位置。11(10 分) Ladies and gent

5、lemen ,the time train has arrived at the terminal (终点) ! After the train had stopped(1)2035.Suddenly, I heard (2)calling my name.I turned around and found a robot waving to me.She told me that she would be my 第3页(共 29页)tour guide during the trip. (3)me and I will show you around the city! she said.L

6、ots of criss crosing airlanes (纵横交错的空中车道) caught my eyes (4)I walked out of the train station.The robot explained that the new traffic system was designed by famous engineers and it had solved the traffic problems completely.I felt a little (5)then,so we made our way to a restaurant nearby.Just as I

7、 realized that there was no menu,a waiter began to (6)my body with a special instrument.It made me so scared that I jumped out of my seat.The robot told me to calm down and explained that the machine was able to find out (7)dish suits my body most.At the end of the tour , we went to an amusement par

8、k.Amazingly ,there were no rides at all. (8), everything was run through virtual reality (虚拟现实).I put on a VR headset and tried the roller coaster.It was so real that I could (9)my clothes wet with sweat (汗) by nervousness.We finally returned to the train station.Just as I got on the train ,I heard

9、a familiar (熟悉的)(10).I opened my eyes to see my mom standing over me.Time to go to school now!she said.第4页(共 29页)(1)A.hourB.dateC.monthD.year(2)A.everyone B.no oneC.someoneD.anyone(3)A.FollowB.LeadC.StopD.Teach(4)A.as long as B.in order thatC.as soon asD.even though(5)A.hungryB.thirstyC.relaxedD.exc

10、ited(6)A.look after B.take upC.look throughD.pick up(7)A.whoseB.whichC.whereD.when(8)A.BesidesB.AlsoC.AnywayD.Instead(9)A.smellB.feelC.seemD.taste(10)A.soundB.noiseC.voiceD.ring三、阅读理解(每小题1. 5 分, 共 24 分) (A)根据短文内容 , 从各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳选项, 并将其代表字母涂在答题卡的相应位置。12(6 分)Its Sunday today.Mrs.Smith goes to Delias

11、 with her sevenyearold son Tim.5 FFifth Floor?Food Hall?Music and Books4 F?Toys?Household appliances (家用电器)第5页(共 29页)Fourth Floor?Furniture (家具) ?Technology3 FThird Floor?Womens Shoes ?Womens Accessories(饰 品)?Womens Sportswear ?Makeups?Womens Clothing ?Underwear2 FSecond Floor?Mens Accessories? Mens

12、 Clothing?Teens Clothing ? Mens Shoes?Kids Clothing1 FFirst Floor?Parking lot(1)First ,Mrs.Smith goes to 1 F of Delias to .A.draw some moneyB.buy some snacksC.have a restD.park her car(2)Then,Mrs.Smith needs to go to to get a new blender.A.the second floorB.the third floorC.the fourth floorD.the fif

13、th floor第6页(共 29页)(3) Mrs.Smith spends much time on 3 F because she can find most things for .A.her sonB.herselfC.her parentsD.her husband(4)The form above is .A.shopping instructionsB.a shopping listC.store rulesD.a sale ad13 (6 分)It was a cold ,rainy day.My mother and I drove to the mountains.It w

14、as dangerous to make the two hour journey along the highway in such weather.I didnt want to take the risk.But my mother advised that we go to see something at the top of the mountain.After ten minutes driving ,we stopped the car and got 第7页(共 29页)out.Walking along a path,we turned at a comer.Gradual

15、ly ,the peace and silence of the place began to fill my mind.From the top of the mountain ,I saw several fields full of flowers (地毯) before us.It looked as if the sun spilled (播洒) gold down the mountain.A lot of questions came to my mind.Who created such beauty?Why?How?As we moved on ,we saw a sign

16、that read , Answers to the Questions I Know Y ou Are Asking. The first answer was, One Woman 一 Two Hands,Two Feet, One at a Time. The third, Started in 1971. On our way home,I was so shocked by what we had seen. She changed the world.One bulb (一株) at a time.She started almost 50 years ago.It was probably just the beginning of an idea,Imagine ,if I had a dream and worked at it,what might I have achieved?My mother looked at me,smiling. Start tomorrow. She said, Better yet( 1 ) The writer didnt wan


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