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1、2019版七年级英语下册Module8StorytimeUnit3Languageinuse课后练习新版外研版.用适当的介词或副词完成句子。1.Pay attention,please.Dont look around in class.2.Do you usually gofor a walk after dinner?3.She pickedup the bowl and started eating the noodles.4.The boys father was angry and shouted at him.5.Here es the school bus.He is hurry

2、ing out of the house.用所给动词的正确时态填空。1.Tom and Maryare ing/will e(e)to China next month.2.Mikedidnt go(not go)to bed early.So he got(get)up late.3.Marylistens(listen)to the news in the morning.4.Heknocked(knock)at the door,but nobodyanswered(answer).5.Icalled(call)Mike a moment ago,but he wasnt(not be)

3、at home.6.Tombegan(begin)to learn Chinese last year.7.Last week wepicked(pick)many apples on the farm.8.My motherdidnt do(not do)housework yesterday.单项选择。1.At last we decided B Betty as our monitor.A.chooseB.to chooseC.choseD.chooses2.She A a dictionary to our classroom,but I did.A.didnt takeB.doesn

4、t takeC.will takeD.is taking3.导学号62434084The policeman knocked on the door,but C answered.A.somebodyB.anybodyC.nobodyD.everybody4.Tom had a new shirt D he didnt like it.A.orB.andC.soD.but5.Did you D him where to meet tomorrow?A.sayB.talkC.speakD.tell.补全对话。导学号62434085A:Good morning,Wen Hong.What happ

5、ened to you?You looked tired.B:I went to bed too late last night.A:1.FB:I read an interesting book.A:2.AB:Andersen(安徒生).A:3.BHe was a famous writer in Denmark(丹麦).B:Youre right.4.CA:Which one do you like best?B:The Ugly Duckling(丑小鸭).5.EA:The Red Shoes is my favourite.A.Who wrote it?B.Oh,I see.C.He wrote a lot of fairy tales during his lifetime(一生).D.And he wrote the famous story Snow White.E.What about you?F.What did you do?G.She picked flowers in the forest.


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