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1、-浅析风电机组整机关键技术研究开发中英文Analysis of wind turbine machine key technology research and development1、风电机组整机关键技术研究开发1, wind turbine machine key technology research and development研究10MW级风电机组总体设计技术,包括长寿命(超过20年)及高可靠性设计方案、简单轻量化的新型传动技术、抗灾害性大风的气动和构造设计技术、抗盐雾和防腐蚀材料工艺设计及机械制造工艺设计技术等。Research of 10MW grade wind turbi

2、ne design techniques, including long life ( more than 20 ) and high reliability design, simple and lightweight new transmission technology, disaster tolerance of the aerodynamic and structural design technology, salt fog resistance and corrosion resistant materials of process design and mechanical d

3、esign and manufacturing process technology.35MW永磁直驱风电机组产业化技术研究,包括总体设计、永磁电机的设计制造,机组设计优化、可靠性设计技术、系统控制技术以及装配工艺等。Direct-driven wind turbine technology research and industrialization of 35MW permanent magnet, including the overall design, design of permanent magnet motor manufacturing, design optimizatio

4、n, the reliability design technology, control technology and assembly process.7MW级风电机组研制及产业化技术研究,包括总体设计技术、载荷确定技术、强度和刚度校核技术、整体动力稳定性计算技术、先进控制技术,机组设计优化技术、可靠性设计技术、整体装配工艺流程与阶段质量控制技术和分体组装技术等。The 7MW class wind turbine research and industrialization of technology research, including the overall design tech

5、nology, load determination, strength and rigidity check technology, dynamic stability calculation technology, advanced control technology, design optimization technology, the reliability design technology, the whole assembly process and quality control technology and assembly technology.研究风电机组构造紧凑化、

6、轻量化等新型传动形式设计技术;研究风电机组独立变桨、载荷实时测量分析、激光雷达测速仪辅助控制等先进控制技术;研究新型传动调速技术。Design of new transmission, lightweight, pact structure of wind power generator; wind turbine independent pitch, load analysis, real-time measurement of laser radar velocimeter au*iliary control and other advanced control technology of

7、 new transmission control technology.研究耐低温、防沙尘、抗灾害性大风、防盐雾及适合高原地区等各类适合我国环境特点的风电机组整体构造设计技术、平安与先进控制设计优化技术、高性能电气部件设计技术、新型材料工艺设计与应用技术、制造工艺设计技术等。Study on low temperature resistance, sand and dust prevention, disaster tolerance of gale, salt fog resistance and suitable for plateau and other kinds of suitab

8、le for Chinas environmental characteristics of the wind turbine structure design technology, safety and advanced control technology, design optimization of high performance electrical ponent design technology, new material technology design and application of technology, design and manufacturing pro

9、cess technology.研究高性价比中小型风电机组设计、制造及并/离网运行控制技术,研究中小型风电机组检测认证技术,制定中小型风电机组相关标准,建立中小型风电机组检测认证体系。Study on high performance of small wind turbine design, manufacturing and / off-grid operation control technology, testing and certification of small wind turbines, making small wind turbine standards, establ

10、ishment of small wind turbine certification testing system.2、零部件关键技术研究开发2, parts of key technology research and development研究大容量风电机组齿轮箱载荷谱分析技术,研究复杂载荷下齿轮箱的构造完整性及优化设计技术,研究齿轮箱轮齿传动齿向修正和齿形修形设计技术,研究齿轮箱箱体设计及密封技术,研究齿轮箱齿轮材料低温处理技术,研究齿轮箱轻量化设计技术,研究大容量风电机组齿轮箱产业化技术等。Study on large capacity wind turbine gearbo* lo

11、ad spectrum analysis technology, structural integrity and optimization technology research under ple* loading gear bo*, gear bo* gear driving tooth modification and tooth profile modification design technology, research and sealing technology design of tank gear bo*, gear bo* gear material low tempe

12、rature processing technology, design research gearbo* lightweight technology, study on large capacity wind turbine gear bo* industry technology etc.研究超长叶片气动外形、构造、材料与控制一体化的设计技术,研究叶片气动控制、柔性构造设计技术,研究叶片整体装配工艺流程和构造铺层优化设计技术,研究分段式叶片设计及制造技术,研究碳纤维等先进材料在叶片构造设计中的应用技术,研究风电机组叶片性能仿真分析技术,研究超长叶片产业化技术等。Study on dyna

13、mic design, structure shape, material and control integration of long blade, blade of pneumatic control, fle*ible structure design, layer optimization design technology of the whole blade assembly process and structure, segmented blade design and manufacturing technology research, application resear

14、ch of carbon fiber and other advanced materials in the blade structure design the analysis of Technology, study of wind power unit performance simulation of leaves, long leaf industrialization technology.研究大容量风力发电机先进、高效的冷却技术,研究发电机构造及工艺设计技术,研究发电机电磁方案选择优化技术,研究发电机防腐设计技术,研究大容量风力发电机轻量化设计技术等。Cooling techn

15、ology of large capacity wind turbine advanced, efficient, study of generator structure and craft design technology, research on generator electromagnetic scheme selection optimization technology, research on generator anticorrosion design technology, study on large capacity wind turbine lightweight

16、design etc.研究大容量风电机组变流器和变桨系统等的模块化设计技术,研究变流器全数字化矢量控制、电磁兼容和中高压变流等技术,研究变桨距与变速控制技术,研究电网失电及系统内外各种故障下平安顺桨技术等;研究轴承、偏航系统等其它零部件设计技术。Modular design technology of large-scale wind turbine converter and pitch system, converter digital vector control, electromagnetic patibility and high voltage inverter technology, research of variable and variable speed control technology of pitch, power loss of various internal and



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