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1、 2022国际货代专业英语辅导:在线企业和电子商务(6)中文意思:互联网上除了可以进展企业对消费者的交易的运营比方电子商店之外,还存在企业与企业之间的交易市场、企业与企业间的效劳。企业对企业的网页也是不同企业间严密合作和进展外包效劳的途径,对互联网经济是极重要的。英文原文:The transition from brick-and-mortar business (business that have only a physical presence) to click-and-mortar business (business that have both an online and an

2、offline presence) is happening in all sectors of the economy.解释:transition: 转变,转换 physical: 实体的,有形的 presence: 存在的(人或物),存在 click-and-mortar: 拥有店面并同时经营网上销售 offline: 线下的,不在线的 happen: 发生,消失 sector of the economy: 经济部门中文意思:全部的经济部门中正消失从实体经营模式(即只有实体的商店)到拥有店面并同时经营网上销售经营模式(即同时拥有线上线下的虚拟和实体商店)的转变。英文原文:It is no

3、w possible for a business to operate effectively without an office, because the employees can conduct all communications via phone, voice mail, fax, e-mail and the emerging capabilities of the Internet. There are already Internet services that integrate phone, fax, voice and e-mail, and in the futur

4、e, new technologies will further facilitate the virtual office.解释:conduct: 处理,经营 communication: 通信;联络;传送;通讯;讯息 via:通过 voice mail: 语音邮件 emerging: 新兴的 capability: 力量,才能 in the future: 将来,将来,往后 facilitate:(不以人做主语) 使简单, 使便利, 推动, 帮忙, 使简单, 促进 virtual office: 虚拟办公室(virtual:虚的)中文意思:现在对于企业来说没有办公司也能有效地经营已经成为可

5、能,由于职员可以通过电话,语音邮件,传真,电子邮件和新兴的互联网才能处理全部的通讯讯息。现在已有了综合电话、传真、语音和电子邮件的互联网效劳,将来新的技术将会进一步推动虚拟办公室的进展。英文原文:Some business have already divested themselves of all their bricks-and-mortar and gone completely online. Despite the shift online, the brick-and-mortar segments of many businesses will not become obsol

6、ete. They will still have their uses and purposes, but to work effectively, they must be integrated with their online counterparts, as the Internet economy requires integration to facilitate the transfer of information.解释:divest oneself of: 放弃, 抛弃 completely: 非常,完全 despite: 不管, 尽管, 不管 shift: 变换,转换 segment: 局部 obsolete: 已废弃的; 已不用的 purpose: 目的,用途,意图 integrate: 使结合(with); 使并入(into); 使一体化 counterpart: 对等物中文意思:一些企业已经放弃实体经营并且完全从事网上经营。尽管经营网络化的转换,很多企业将不会完全废弃实体经营局部。这些实体经营局部仍旧有它们的成效和用途,但是为了有效地工作,它们必需同与之相对的在线局部相结合,互联网经济要求一体化以便利信息的传递。



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