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1、SHORT ANSWER1. A set of instructions that the computer will follow is called a _.Answer: program2. The collection of programs used by the computer is known as _.Answer: software3. Computers that are interconnected are known as a _.Answer: network4. A digit that can hold a zero or a one is known as a

2、 _.Answer: bit5. List at least two input devices _ _.Answer: keyboard, mouse, network card, file6. List at least two output devices _ _.Answer: screen, printer, file, network card7. A variable that can hold a whole number is called a(n) _.Answer: integer8. What punctuation signifies the end of a C+

3、statement? _Answer: A semicolon.9. A mistake in a computer program is called a _.Answer: bug10. A _ is the program that translates a program written in C+ into machine language.Answer: compiler11. Errors in a program can be classified into three types, list themAnswer: Syntax, logic,run-time12. What

4、 does the following statement in C+ print to the screen?cout “Hello studentsn”;Answer: Hello students.13. A mistake that is a direct violation of the syntax rules will generate a compiler _.Answer: error14. If your program compiles and runs, but gives an incorrect output, this is known as a _ error.

5、Answer: logic15. The part of the computer that controls and executes programs is called the _.Answer: CPUMULTIPLE CHOICE1. Who was the programmer for Charles Babbages analytical engine?a. Grace Hopperb. Ada Lovelacec. Lord Bryand. Walter SavitchAnswer: B2. An algorithm isa. The inputs and outputs of

6、 a programb. The part of the computer that does the processingc. A finite set of steps to solve a problemd. A complete computer programAnswer: C3. A memory address isa. Where a variable is storedb. Where the computer is locatedc. A step in the program.d. Where the CPU is stored.Answer: A4. A compute

7、r that is normally used by only one person at a time is called a a. Serverb. Mainframec. Personal Computerd. NetworkAnswer: C5. The physical machines that make up a computer is called the a. Softwareb. Networkc. Devicesd. CPUe. HardwareAnswer: E6. Which of the following is not a phase of the program

8、-design process?a. Problem-solvingb. Implementationc. Marketing the final programAnswer: C7. Which of the following is not part of the Software Life Cycle?a. Analysisb. Designc. Data Entryd. Implementatione. TestingAnswer: C8. From which language did C+ directly evolve?a. Ab. Adac. Cd. C+e. C-Answer

9、: C9. What does the following line of code display to the screen?cout “This is the computern programming bookn”;a. This is the computern programming bookb. This is the computerc. Nothingd. This is the computer programming bookAnswer: D10. C+ statements end with aa. Periodb. Commac. Semicolond. Nothi

10、ngAnswer: C11. Which of the following is not an example of a program bug?a. Run-time errorb. Operator errorc. Syntax errord. Logic errorAnswer:B12. What does the following code print to the screen?cout “hello”;a. Hellob. helloc. HELLOd. NothingAnswer: B13. The set of instructions that a computer wil

11、l follow is known as:a. Hardwareb. Algorithmc. Programd. CPUAnswer: C14. The anagram CPU stands fora. Computer Programming Unitb. Central Processing Unitc. Central Program Userd. Computer Paper UserAnswer: B15. The output of the compiler is calleda. The programb. Source codec. Linked coded. Object c

12、odeAnswer:D16. The term OS stands fora. Operating Systemb. Oscillating Systemc. Operations Servicesd. NothingAnswer: A17. Who designed the first programmable computer?a. IBMb. Microsoftc. Inteld. Babbagee. DellAnswer: D18. A finite sequence of precise instructions that leads to a problem solution is

13、a. A programb. The CPUc. A List of Inputs and Outputsd. An AlgorithmAnswer: D19. Who developed C+?a. Bjarne Stroustrupb. Ken Thompsonc. Charles Babbaged. Ada LovelaceAnswer: A20. One of the biggest difference between C and C+ is:a. C is object-orientedb. C+ is object-orientedc. All C+ programs are a

14、lso C programsd. C only runs on UNIX computersAnswer: B21. int number; a. is an output statementb. is an input statementc. is a variable declarationd. is a programAnswer: C22. cout number;a. is an output statementb. is an input statementc. is a variable declarationd. is a programAnswer: B24. What does the following print to the screen?cout “Hello Students/n”;a. Hello Studentsb. hello Stu


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