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1、戶部巷小吃中英文對照Hubuxiang Snacks In both Chinese & English武漢戶部巷有各種種小吃,比如說面窩、小籠蒸包、熱幹面、蒸餃、餛飩、豆漿、春捲、油條。There are many kinds of snacks in Wuhan Hubuxiang, such as salty doughnuts, steamed buns, hot-and-dry noodles, steamed dumplings, wonton, soya-bean milk, spring rolls and twisted cruller.面窩Salty doughnut面窩是

2、武漢人“過早”常用品之一。據說為清光緒年間 漢正街 燒餅小販所創制。它是一種以米粉為原料 , 加上蔥花和麵窩。 面窩油炸後兩面金黃、外酥內軟、窩中脆 , 深受武漢人喜愛。在武漢的大街小巷,面窩是人們喜愛的小吃之一,也是跟熱幹面一樣有特色的早點之一。Salty doughnut is one of the favourite dish for breakfast in Wuhan, its said to be invented by a vendor in Hanzhengjie who sells cakes during the Qing Dynasty.豆漿Soy-Bean milk原磨

3、豆漿是武漢人民喜愛的一種飲品,又是一種老少皆宜的營養食品,在歐美享有“植物奶 ”的美譽。豆漿含有豐富的植物蛋白和磷脂,還含有維生素B1 、 B2 和煙酸。此外,豆漿還含有鐵、鈣等礦物質,尤其是其所含的鈣,雖不及豆腐,但比其他任何乳類都高,非常適合於老人,成年人和青少年。原磨豆漿四季都可飲用。春秋飲豆漿,滋陰潤燥,調和陰陽;夏飲豆漿,消熱防暑,生津解渴;冬飲豆漿,祛寒暖胃,滋養進補。其實,除了傳統的黃豆漿外,豆漿還有很多花樣,紅棗、枸杞、綠豆、百合等都可以成為豆漿的配料。Yuanmo Soy milk is a beverage made from soybeans known as nutri

4、tious food suitable for all ages in Wuhan, it enjoys a high reputation in Europe called PlantMilk. A stable emulsion of oil, water , and protein, it is produced by soaking dry soybeans and grinding them with water . Soy milk can be made at home with traditional kitchen tools or with a soy milk machi

5、ne. The coagulated protein fromsoy milk can be made into tofu, just as dairy milk can be made into cheese.湯包 Soup buns今楚湯包吸取了揚州、鎮江、上海湯包之精華,結合漢味特點,參考西點合理的內核,研製成具有獨特風味的湯包,故名為 今楚湯包 , “今 ”表示與傳統湯包有別,且有不斷創新之意。今楚湯包是用財魚、老鴨湯等冷凍後與皮凍混合碾碎,拌以肉餡等。經過數道工序加工成皮,蒸制而成。其特點是皮薄、湯多、餡大、味鮮美、醇厚、不膩、味長。Soup buns, also called Xi

6、aolongbao is a type of steamed buns with soup stuffing, also one of the famous snack in Wuhan. It is traditionally steamed in small bamboobaskets, hence the name (Xiaolong is literally small steaming basket). Xiaolongbao are often referred to as soup dumplings in English, but not all Xiaolongbao are

7、 necessarily soup dumplings.熱幹面Hot and dry noodles熱幹面是武漢人 “過早 ”中特別喜愛的大眾化食品 , 它便宜實惠 ,花上 2 塊錢 , 就可以舒舒服服填飽肚子。 傳統的武漢熱幹面,撣的面軟綿爽口中透出一股嚼勁 , 既不沾牙也不夾生堅硬 ,用筷子挑面 , 芝麻醬滑爽而不纏 ,香氣撲鼻。麵條裏面沒有任何湯水, 被燙過以後 ,就著熱勁完全膨脹開來, 還把醬完全吸了進去。漲開的熱幹面放在嘴裏的感覺是糯糯 , 原汁原味的面香和醬裏的芝麻香。尤其是芝麻磨碎了摻在醬裏 , 特別誘人。三兩口 , 沒什麼感覺一碗面就進到肚子裏了。歷史來源歷史淵源 20 世紀

8、30 年代初期,漢口長堤街有個名叫李包的食販,在 關帝廟一帶靠賣涼粉和湯麵為生。有一天,天氣異常炎熱,不少剩面未賣完,他怕麵條發餿變質,便將剩面煮熟瀝幹,晾在案板上。一不小心,碰倒案上的油壺,麻油潑在麵條上。李包見狀,無可奈何,只好將麵條用油拌勻重新晾放。第二天早上,李包將拌油的熟麵條放在沸水裏稍燙,撈起瀝幹入碗,然後加上賣涼粉用的調料,弄得熱氣騰騰,香氣四溢。人們爭相購買,吃得津津有味。有人問他賣的是什麼面,他脫口而出,說是 “熱幹面 ”。從此他就專賣這種面,不僅人們競相品嘗,還有不少人向他拜師學藝。過了幾年,有位姓蔡的在中山大道滿春路口開設了一家熱幹面面館,取財源茂盛之意,叫做 “蔡林記

9、”,成為武漢市經營熱幹面的名店。後遷至漢口水塔對面的中山大道上,改名武漢熱幹面。Hot Dry Noodles is a traditional snack in Wuhan with a long history of 50 years. It was said that in early 1930s, there was a person named Libao in Hankou District of Wuhan, who sold Cool Power Noodles and Noodles in Soup. One day, it was hot and there were a

10、lot of noodles left, he was afraid the noodles became mold and turned worse. So he boiled noodles left, took it out, dried it on the chopping board, But he splashed sesame oil over noodles because of carelessness. A good idea came to his mind that Libao mixed and stirred noodles with sesame oil, the

11、n cooled it.熱幹面是武漢的傳統小吃之一,濃香爽口,風味獨特,是武漢人過早的首選食品。Hot and Dry Noodles is the most popular food in Wuhan. It enjoys a high reputation for its low price and delicious taste, its fragrant and refreshing, with unique flavor as one of the best choice for breakfast in Wuhan.單講從外地來過武漢的人,他們再次想起武漢,多半是因為想起了武漢的熱

12、幹面。Most of the people from other provinces in Wuhan, they may again think of Wuhan because of Hot and dry noodles which impressed them deeply.熱幹面既不同於涼麵,又不同於湯麵,麵條事先煮熟,拌油攤晾,吃的時候再放在沸水裏燙熱,加上調料,非常筋道,誘人食欲。To eat them, just put them into boiled water, drain them, and add some condiments.They do taste chewy

13、 and appetizing.不過現在的熱幹面都沒以前的好吃了,偶爾有幾家小店的味道還不錯。But nowadays Hot and dry noodles are not so yummy than before, only some small shops are selling authentic Hot and dry noodles.我推薦蔡林記,那兒的熱幹面非常出名。I recommend Cai-Lin-Ji Restaurant. Its famous for hot-dry noodles.可惜現在已吃不到正宗的 “蔡林記 ”熱幹面了,工藝,配料估計也失傳了。 Unfort

14、unately, now we cant find authentic Cai Lin ji hot and dry noodles,maybe the initial technology, ingredients are also lost.炸醬面Fried sauce noodles炸醬面是用煮麵條和炸醬混合的食品。食用時將麵條和炸醬混合均勻,可以配以雞蛋絲或其他菜碼,菜碼一般可以用黃瓜絲、 煮青豆、煮豆芽、煮菠菜等。 炸醬面是北京有特色的食物,也稱為雜醬面,由菜碼、炸醬拌面條而成。將黃瓜、香椿、豆芽、青豆、黃豆切好或煮好,做成菜碼備用。然後做炸醬,將肉丁及蔥薑等放在油裏炒,再加入黃豆製

15、作的黃醬或甜麵醬炸炒,即成炸醬。麵條煮熟後,撈出,燒上炸醬,拌以菜碼,即成炸醬面。Zha jiang mian (炸醬面 , literally fried sauce noodles, often transliterated as ZaJiang Mein) is a northern Chinese dish consisting of thick wheat noodles toppedwith a mixture of ground pork stir-fried with Zha jiang ( 炸醬 ), which is salty fermented soybean paste .In Beijing cuisine, yellow soybean paste with soy sauce(黃醬 , literally yellowsauce) is used, while in Tianjin and other parts of China sweet bean sauce (甜麵醬 ),hoisin sauce (海鮮醬 ), or dou ban jiang (豆瓣醬 ) may be used in place


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