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1、match vt. (1)与与相配相配(=go with) (2)在在方面与方面与匹敌;势均力敌匹敌;势均力敌 n. 比赛;火柴;相配物比赛;火柴;相配物We must find carpets that will match the curtains. 我我们们必须寻找可以和这些窗帘搭配的地毯。必须寻找可以和这些窗帘搭配的地毯。No one can match him in singing. 在唱歌方面没有人能和他相匹敌。在唱歌方面没有人能和他相匹敌。本周五将有一场足球赛。本周五将有一场足球赛。There is going to be a football match this Friday

2、.She is trying to find a pair of red shoes that_ the dress. A. match B. go with C. matches D. is matched.match,fit与与suitmatch指色调、形状、性质等相搭配。指色调、形状、性质等相搭配。fit指大小合适,引申为指大小合适,引申为“吻合吻合”。suit指合乎需要、口味、性格、条件等。指合乎需要、口味、性格、条件等。Do you have a tie to_ this stilt?The colour_ me.No dish_ all tastes.This coat_ me v

3、ery well.Each stone_ so well. matchmatchessuits fits fits.How does music make you feel?音乐使你感觉音乐使你感觉如何?如何?make sb. do 使某人做使某人做.make sth.done 使使.被被Because of my poor English, I am afraid I cant make myself understood .Paul doesnt have to be made _.He always works hard.A. learn B. to learn C. learned D

4、. learningB.roll vt. & vi. 摇晃摇晃,(使使)摇摆摇摆The ship rolled very heavily. 那艘船左右摇晃得厉害。那艘船左右摇晃得厉害。n. 摇晃,面包圈,卷形物摇晃,面包圈,卷形物The ships roll made me sick. 船的颠簸使我作呕船的颠簸使我作呕roll up 把把卷起来卷起来roll our sleeves uproll over打滚打滚 Children like _ in winter.Tears _down her cheeks.rolling snowballsrolledWhen the business g

5、ets _, well have more time to relax.A.to roll B.rolling C.roll D.rolls开始运转开始运转get running.We are just going to have to roll our sleeves up and get o with it. Roll a window up .folk adj. 民间的民间的 n. 人们人们(复数形式可加复数形式可加s,也可不加,也可不加)家里人,父母家里人,父母(常加常加s). 有些人从不满足。有些人从不满足。Some folk(s) are never satisfied.你家里人都

6、好吗你家里人都好吗?How are all your folks? folk music folk tale folk songs folk dance folk singer.MusicalAdj. We share the same musical tastes. I wasnt very musical when I was at school.n. 音乐剧 音乐影片Musical instrumentA talented young musicianHis musicianship was superb, really beyond compare. .dream of (about)

7、sth./doing sth.梦想梦想dream of a better futuredream of becoming famousWhen she was young, she dreamt of being a doctor in the future.pretend v.假装,可接动词不定式或从句作宾语。假装,可接动词不定式或从句作宾语。他假装在努力工作。他假装在努力工作。He pretended that he was working hard.当他妈妈回来时,他假装正在看书。当他妈妈回来时,他假装正在看书。He pretended to be reading a book when

8、 his mother came back.She pretended _ me when I passed by. A. not to see B. not seeing C. to not see D. having not seen The cheat pretended that he_ it. A. would know B. was to know C. knew D. has known. be honest with sb be honest about sth be honest in ( doing ) sth 对对坦诚坦诚, 诚恳诚恳I shall be honest _

9、 you.He is honest _ doing business.The eyewitness is honest _ his evidence.To be honest , I dont like him very much. Did he come by the money honestly, or was it stolen?A politician of rare honesty and couragewithinabout如实说如实说,做某事做某事在某方面诚实在某方面诚实. attach v. 系上,附加系上,附加 attachment n. 附属,附带附属,附带 attach

10、to e.g. Hell attach the label to your luggage. 他会把标签系在系在你的行李上上。 This hospital is attached to the medical college nearby. 这个医院附属附属附近的那所医学院。 使依附使依附;使附属使附属 How can you attach the blame for this accident to the taxi-driver?你怎么能把这次事故的责任归于归于出租车司机呢? attach importance/value/significance to sth/doing sth 认为认

11、为有重要性有重要性/价值价值 e.g. Do you attach any importance to what he said?People attach too much importance to economic forecasts. . passer-by 过路人过路人pl. passers-by looker-on 旁观者旁观者 lookers-onextra adj. 额外的,特别的额外的,特别的 adv.特别的,非常的特别的,非常的He is strong enough to carry the cargo, I dont think he needs some extra h

12、elp.I bought this picture at an extra high price.form an idea 形成一种观点形成一种观点form a club/ band 成立俱乐部成立俱乐部/乐队乐队form a good habit 养成好习惯养成好习惯form the habit of = fall / get into the habit of养成养成的习惯的习惯 be formed of = be made up of 由由组成组成3.form(1) vt. 形成形成, 组成组成, 养成养成vt. 形成形成, 组成组成, 养成养成n.形状,形态,外形,表格形式形状,形态,

13、外形,表格形式.Translate: 1)在体育老师的帮助下我们组成了一支篮球队。)在体育老师的帮助下我们组成了一支篮球队。 With the help of our PE teacher, we form a basketball team.2)结果)结果, 他养成了在课堂上记笔记的习惯。他养成了在课堂上记笔记的习惯。 As a result, he formed the habit of taking notes in class. The band is formed of one girl and two boys.=The band is made up of one girl an

14、d two boys.句型转换:句型转换:.(2) n.形状,形态,外形,表格形状,形态,外形,表格in the form of take the form of fill in a form以以的形式的形式采取采取的形式;表现为的形式;表现为的形式的形式填表格填表格Translate:这种病这种病表现为表现为高烧和呕吐高烧和呕吐的形式。的形式。This disease takes the form of high fever and sickness .(2009-湖北高考)湖北高考)Youd sound a lot more politeif you make a request _ a

15、question. A. in search of B. in the form of C. in need of D. in the direction of 解析:解析:in search of in the form of in need of in the direction of B 项最符合句意。项最符合句意。搜寻;搜寻;以以的形式的形式需要需要朝朝方向方向. form vt. 形成形成, 组成组成, 养成养成 在体育老师的帮助下我们组成了一支篮球队。在体育老师的帮助下我们组成了一支篮球队。 With the help of our PE teacher, we form a ba

16、sketball team. 结果结果, 他养成了周末去打猎的习惯。他养成了周末去打猎的习惯。 As a result, he forms the habit of hunting on weekends. The band is formed of one girl and two boys.=The band is made up of one girl and two boys.n. 表格表格, 形式形式, 形态形态Ice, snow and steam are different forms of water.Please fill the form. in the form of in form 以以形式形式形式上形式上, 情况良好情况良好.1). They are different _. A. in the form B. in a form C. in form D. in forms2). When heated, the water is _ steam. A. in the form of B. in a form of C. in form of D. in f


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