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1、精选 Lesson 11 Have some cake Teaching topic: Ask and answer Lets readTeaching material analysis:(教材分析)1)Go over the words about “Coke tea milk water”2)To study the new sentence and review these sentence under. Have a Coke? No, thanks.3)Review the Phonetic Symbols:plnhsmktfrbeii:aiuju:Goal request:(教学

2、目的) Make the sentences using the forms: Have some coke, please. Thank you./Thanks Key difficulty:(重点难点): To know the sentence. Have a/an/some .,please.Teaching times:(教学时间)1Teaching method:(教学方法) three doubts three searchesTeaching preparation and method:(教学工具)cards, tapeTeaching process:(教学过程):Step

3、 1 Warmer(2 minutes)1、复习 Lets learn。2、师生自由对话;T: Good afternoon, class.Ss: Good afternoon, Miss Ge.T: Hi, How are you?Ss: Im OK. Thank you. And you?T: Im fine, too.-Have a cake. NO ,thanks。 Have some water. No , thanks.Step2设疑自探 (3minutes)1、The teacher write these Phonetic Symbols on the blackboard p

4、 l n h s m k t f r b ei i: ai u ju:T: Who can read them? Talk about them in pairs, OK? Ss: OK.Step3解疑合探2(5 minutes)1、Choose some students to read them. If they cant read it, the teacher should tell it. Then ask the students to read after the teacher, make sure all of them can read them fluently.2、Wr

5、ite these words on the Bb. plane skate he she line cry smoke rope mule tubeT: Now can you read these words?3、Ask some students to read them, if there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it. Then let the Ss read these words after the teacher.4、Talk and write.各组长负责调查小组成员对事物、饮料对的偏好,然后汇报。xxx,

6、 have some /a / an Thank you .I like / No, thanks. I like1、 Listen and number. 让学生听几遍录音,然后给图片排序。Step4 质疑再探(5minutes) About this lesson, what else do you want to ask?(If there is some questions, the teacher should ask another student to help the boy or the girl.)Step5运用拓展(7 minutes)The teacher writes

7、 the questions on the Bb and ask the Ss write in on the notebook.Link.1. Who is she? A. How do you do, Mike?2.Nice to meet you. B. Not at all.3.Whats your name? C. Shes my brother.4.This is my brother, Mike. D. She is my mother.5.Have an egg, please. E. Im Linda.6.Thank you very much. F. Nice to meet you, too.Then choose some one write the answer on the Bb. If there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it.Bb writing design:(板书设计) Lesson 11 Have some cake Thanks CokeThanks=thank youHave a/an/some ,please.Thank you. /No. thanks.plnhsmktfrbeii:aiuju:教后反思教师的教:学生的学:.


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