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1、学 校班 级姓 名考 号 题号听力IIIIIIIVVVI总分得分 听力部分(20分)II听句子,选出与你听到的句子意义最接近的句子。句子听两遍。( )6.AJim is taller than Bill.B. Jim is the tallest of all. C. Jim is shorter than Bill.( )7.A.We are free.B. We are busy. C. We dont have much to do.( )8.A.Dont come with us.B. Come with us, please. C. You dont come with us.( )

2、9.A.He is a brother of our friend. B. He is not our friend. C. He is kind to me.( )10.A.I have a lot of things to eat. B.I have nothing to eat. C.I want to eat food very much.III.听对话,选择正确答案。对话听两遍。听第一段对话,回答11-12题( )11.Where did the man go in the summer holiday?A. He went back to his hometown.B. He we

3、nt to Beijing for his holiday.C. He went to Hainan for his holiday.( )12.Why were the mans grandparents happy to see him?A. Because they hadnt seen him for a long time.B. Because they are very old.C. Because they are not very old now.听第二段对话,回答第13-15题。( )13.How did the man get the news? A. He got the

4、 news from his friend.B. He got the news from TV.C. He got the news from the newspaper.( )14.Why did the world-famous singers hold the concert?A. Because they want to make a lot of money for themselves.B. Because they want to collect money for the poor people in Africa.C. Because they want to make t

5、hemselves more famous.( )15.Why will the two speakers go to the concert this evening?A. Because the singers are world famous.B. Because they want to do something for the poor people.C. Because they want to have a look at the famous singers.IV听短文,选择正确答案。短文听两遍。( )16.Why did Mrs Black always drive to t

6、he shops?A. To buy food.B. To meet friends.C. To buy clothes.( )17.Why didnt Mrs Black drive fast?A. Because her car was old.B. Because she was a new driver.C. Because she was old.( )18.Her grandchildren wanted her _.A. to walk to the shops.B. to sell her car.C. not to drive any more.( )19.Mrs Black

7、 began to drive when she was _.A.50B.30C.80( )20.Which of the following is NOT true?A. The policeman was kind.B. Mrs Black liked the colours of the lights.C. There was something wrong with Mrs Blacks car last Saturday.笔试部分(100分)一、 单项选择(20分)( ) 1.What good boys they are! They listen to the report car

8、efully _. A. sometimes B. all the time C. some times D. last time( ) 2. Please remember what he says at the meeting. Ill _ his words. A. write down B. take away C. hear from D. listen to( ) 3. He _ to improve his oral English, so he practises _ English every day. A. tried; speakingB. tries; speaking

9、 C. tried; to speak D. tries; to speak( ) 4. Could you give me some _ Why dont you join an English club and do more practice? A. ways B. advice C. food D. Money ( )5. When the teacher came in , the students _ about the film. A. are talking B.talked C. were talking D. talk( ) 6. Mo Yan is one of the_

10、writers in China. A. largest B. biggest C. greatest D. hugest( ) 7. Look! Jim _ basketball over there. Lets go and play with him. A. plays B. will play C. played D. is playing( )8. Im 1.70 metres. Yao Ming is 2.27 metres. I am _ Yao Ming. A. not as tall as B. taller than C. as tall as D. so tall as(

11、 )9. Mr Wang is an _man. He is_ in telling jokes. A. interesting , interested B. interested, interesting C. interesting , interesting D. interested, interested( ) 10.What kind of food is_ , Chinese food, Japanese food or the western food? A. most delicious B. more delicious C. the most delicious D.

12、the more ( ) 11. Its polite _ “Thank you” when you receive something from someone.A. says B. say C. saying D. to say ( ) 12.The small local school in Parkville _five years ago. A. paid for B. closed down C. closed to D. picked up( ) 13. It is going to be _ tomorrow. A. snowy B. to snow C. snows D. s

13、now( ) 14. There are _ books in the National Library. A. twenty millions B. twenty millions of C. twenty million D. twenty million of( ) 15.Can you finish the work in an hour? _. A. No problem B.Thats all right C. We dont believe it D. Good idea八年级英语 第3 页 共8页 八年级英语 第4 页 共8页( ) 16.Its difficult to live in a foreign country, if you cant speak foreign languages. A. mainly B. really C. luckily D. especially( ) 17. Where


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