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1、浦东新区2015学年度第二学期教学质量检测 高三英语试卷 2016.4II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other b

2、lanks,use one word that best fits each blank. (A) When I first hiked in the silent Ponderosa pines of the Black Hills, I was surprised at how quiet the world became. Nowadays, when I walk in the woods, I notice other things. I hear songs of unseen birds and catch glimpses of wildflower color, all of

3、 (25)_ make great subjects for me to put in front of a camera.Finding those birds is (26)_ Ive spent more time in the woods of Eastern South Dakota this year than any other. Last spring I witnessed and photographed the songbird migration for the first time. I saw brightly colored birds that Id never

4、 seen before. I guess I (27)_ (hook) because this spring I was back in the woods searching for more. I have a goal to photograph all the colorful birds that call South Dakota home. One that has hidden from me to this day is the Scarlet Tanager(猩红比蓝雀). They are best found in Union Grove State Park or

5、 Newton Hills and are colored red with black wings. This year, I made three separate trips to find them. I also took time (28)_ (learn) their song and call. This helped me find a female at dusk at Union Grove, but I could not get a decent photo. Later in the week, as I began another search at Newton

6、 Hills, a Summer Tanager flew to a tree next to me and gave me a long look. It was a real treat because the Summer Tanager is much (29)_ (rare) to find in South Dakota. Later in the day, I finally saw my first male Scarlet well, his tail feathers anyway. By the time I (30)_(spot) him, he was flying

7、deep into the woods. I was disappointed. Then I thought this might be an invitation. “Come back into the woods. Lose (31)_ among the leaves, listen to the song I sing and maybe one day we will meet.” I look forward to that day. (B) There may be no greater proof to a societys creativity and vision th

8、an Egypts pyramids of Giza, but the pyramids are only part of ancient Egypts heritage. Many of the devices of their society are still commonplace. Here are two of their amazing inventions.Eye MakeupSure, eye makeup might not rank alongside fire or the wheel (32)_ one of the most important discoverie

9、s in human history, but it gives the Egyptians a run for longevity. (33)_ they first invented eye makeup as far back as 4000 B.C., it has never gone out of style. Even more impressive, some cosmetically-minded cultures still create makeup using the same techniques (34)_ (originate) in Egypt thousand

10、s of years ago. They combined soot(煤烟) with a mineral to create a black mixture, which is still popular today.For the Egyptians, makeup was not limited to women. Status and appearance went hand in hand, and (35)_ _ _ the upper class was concerned, the more makeup the better. Fashion was only part of

11、 the reason for the Egyptians heavy hand when applying eyeliner. They also believed that it could cure various eye diseases and even prevent them (36)_ (fall) victim to the evil eye.Breath MintsNext time you buy Mentos at the counter of 7-Eleven, you (37)_ thank the ancient Egyptians for creating a

12、way to conceal the unpleasant smell of our mouth. Just as in modern times, bad breath in ancient Egypt was (38)_ symbol of poor dental health. Unlike us, the Egyptians didnt have sweet soft drinks and foods that contribute to tooth decay, but the stones (39)_(employ) to make flour for bread brought

13、a lot of sand to their diet, which damaged their teeth.The Egyptians had specialists for many medical problems, but unfortunately, they didnt have dentists to fix their bad teeth. Instead, they simply suffered, and scientists (40)_ have examined mummies have found severely worn teeth, even in young

14、Egyptians. To cope with the unpleasant smell from their rotting mouths, they invented the first mints, which were a combination boiled with honey and shaped into pills.Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there

15、is one word more than you need.A. unreasonable B. practically C. frequently D. conducted E. maintain F. evaluateG. activate H. increased I. connection J. outstanding K. descriptionDeveloping an original and creative idea requires that two completely different networks in the brain work at the same time: the associative network alongside the more “conservative(保守的)” network, according to new research _41_ at the University of Haifa.The researchers _42_ that “creative thinking apparently requires checks and balances.” According to the researchers, creativity is our ability


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