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1、-Unit 11. Working together, our people have done well. Our economy is breaking records, with more than 22 million new jobs, and the lowest unemployment in 30years齐心协力,我国人民取得了巨大成就,我国经济正在创新的记录,新增工作岗位2200万个,并且创下了30年来最低的失业率2. Thanks to the continuing boom in technology shares on the stock market, this y

2、ear the richest have added to 5 billion more to their wealth.由于在证券市场上技术股的不断上升,本年度富人的财产增值了50亿。3. As for this type of camera, there may be cheaper ones on the market, But when you look at the quality and the design, Youll agree our price is the most favorable. 就这类照相机(而言),市场上可能会有比它更廉价的,但如果你注意以下质量和设计,你会

3、认可我们的价格是最优惠的。4. In 1995,the market share of our product was quite small, only 5%, In 1999, it has increased to 20%, By the year 2005 we e*pect the figure to go over 50%.在1995年,我们的产品市场占有份额很小,只有5%,在1999年,增加到20%,到2005年,我们期望会超过50%5. In the United States, most enterprises are multiproduct firms. For e*am

4、ple, American automobile manufacturers are also responsible for such diverse products as diesel lootives, buses, refrigerators, guided missiles, and air conditioners.在美国,大多数企业是多产品的公司,比方,美国的汽车制造商同时也负责各种其他人员柴油烟机,公共汽车,冰箱,制导导弹和空调机6. Inflation can have a number of causes. It can be caused by rises in pri

5、ces of raw materials: Factories have to pay more for their law material, and as a result they have to put up the prices of their products. 通货膨胀可以是由于几方面的原因引起的,可以是由于原材料价格的上升,工厂不得不为原材料支付更多的钱,结果他们不得不提高产品的价格。7. Large wages rises can lead to inflation, too: If workers are paid more, prices go up and the c

6、ost of living rises. Changes in the value of currency are another cause of inflation. If the pound goes down in value. Then it costs more to import goods from other countries.大幅度工资增长也会导致通货膨胀: 如果工人的报酬增加,物价就会上涨,生活费用也会上升。货币价值的变化是通货膨胀的另一个原因:假设英镑贬值,则从其他国家进口货物时就要多花钱了。1. 将近三倍的油价暴涨导致了两位数的通货膨胀以及全球经济的衰退 The n

7、ear-tripling of oil price resulted in double-digit inflation and global economic decline.2. 中美联系现在十分广泛,涉及到我们人民生活的各个方面,包括商业,文化,教育以及我们的国家平安政策。Sino-American ties have bee very e*tensive, affecting all aspects of our peoples lives: merce, culture, education and our national security policies.3. 人们往往希望雇主

8、支付他们高于市场的工资,他们渴望灵活的工作日程,他们要求公司股票股买全,还有学习的时机。People always want employers to pay them above the market rates, they seek fle*ible work schedules, they want stock options and a chance to learn.4. 对我来说,创业最大的障碍是搞清楚它是否切实可行,要做到这一点真的很难,因为我以前从未涉及过这个行业。For me, the biggest hurdle to get the business running wa

9、s working out whether it would be feasible at all. Thats really hard to do as I havent been involved in the industry before.5. 创业或难或易,但是守业绝对不是件容易的是。目前的统计数字说明,有三分之二的新企业在创办后的头五年里倒闭。Starting a business may or may not be easy, but keeping it running is really not an easy job. According to current statis

10、tics, in the first five years, two-thirds of new business will fail.6. 一旦你确定了你想要获得的贷款种类,你必须和有可能愿意贷款给你开办企业的银行,公司,或者个人接触,商业方案非常重要,因为它提供很多关于你如何运营企业的细节,如果你有成熟的商业方案,接下来需要安排与投资者见面。Once you determine the type of loan you wish to pursue. You must contact banks, panies, or individuals that might be willing t

11、o load funds to begin your business. The business plan is very important because it gives many details about how your plan to run the business. Once you have developed a business plan, you need to schedule an interview with the investors whom you will ask to loan money to you.你应该告诉投资者你要借贷多少资金,以及你方案怎

12、样使用这些资金。没有人会把时间和金钱投资在一个没有潜质的人身上,你必须向他们展示你是一个与众不同的人。你有能力替他们赚钱更多的利润。You should be able to talk about how much you will need to loan and how you plan to use the funds, No one wants to invest their time and money in a person does not have potential. You need to show them you are special and can make mor

13、e profits.7. With grumblings that India is swiping white-collars jobs from Western nation. Industry officials say low-skilled job in the industry have bee politically sensitive.有人抱怨说印度正在抢走西方国家中的白领工作,工业部门有关官员称,该行业中技术不高的工作在政治上变得敏感起来。8. A Study of justice lead naturally to a study of the various legal

14、systems, which of course, in turn, leads to the study of government, and finally, to a study of political economy.法学研究自然涉及对各种法律制度的研究,当然又涉及到对政府的研究,最终又引出政治经济学的研究。9. In my coutry we think very highly of British te*tiles. British-made materials for mens suits and English worsted and wollen wear generall

15、y are very much admired.在我国,英国的纺织品享有很高的声誉,英国产的男装布料,和英格兰的毛料和羊毛服装通常都大受称赞。10. It is important not to be disappointed if you have to promise between what you would really like to do and what you are capable of doing. The thing to remember, in whatever job you do, is to do that job to the best of your ab

16、ility.如果你不的不在你真正想做的工作和你胜任的工作之间妥协,重要的是不要失望,无论你做什么工作,都要记住一点,尽最大能力去做。11. We all want bigger profits and higher wages and shorter working hours. But to get all these thing we need to be more efficient. To begin with, We ought to invest more money in new machinery.我们都想要更大的理论,更高的工资,更短的工作时间,要获得这些,我们就得提高效率,第一步,我们应该在新机器设备上投入更多的钱。12. One of the biggest problems with huge American corporations is the manufacturing staff. It is overburdened with layer upon layer



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