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1、Unit 4-topic1基本句型1. What can I do for you,madam?=May/Can I help you?2. -May/Can I help you? Yes,please.I like the red coat.3. Can I try it on?Try on 试穿,试戴;代词必须放在动词和副词之间。如:try it/them on;但如果宾语为名词时,它可以放在短语之间,也可以放在短语之后。These shoes are good.You can try them on.Try on these shoes.=try these shoes on4. It

2、 looks nice on you.5. How much is it? Its seventy yuan,madam.问价格还可以用whats the price of.?How much 与how many的区别(1) 对物品价格进行提问 How much is the cap?(2) 后接不可数名词,用于提问不可数名词的数量。 How much milk do yo u drink every day?How many 后接可数名词复数,用于提问可数名词的数量。 how many apples do you have?6. Well take it.Take sb.(sth.)to.把

3、某人(某物)带到某地7. Im just looking,thanks.8. How do you like the trousers?9. Jane,what do you think fo this yellow skirt? Oh,I dont like it at all.What do you think of=how do you like.?你觉得。怎么样?10. How about the blue one?11. Are you kidding?12. Thank you all the same.=Thank you anyway仍然谢谢你13. Could you hel

4、p me do some shopping,Ben? Sure.14. I want to buy some clothes for my daughter.Buy sth.for sb.=buy sb. Sth.My mom buys a a schoolbag for me.=My mom buys me a schoolbag.15. Oh,we dont have any milk.Some 与any 的区别Any意为“一些”,一般用于否定句和疑问句中,通常也修饰不可数名词和可数名词的复数。如:I dont want any milk.Do you have any friends h

5、ere?some一般用于肯定句中,用于修饰不可数名词和可数名词的复数。有时也用于疑问句中,但一般表示征求对方意见并希望得到肯定回答。如:I have some milk in the glass.Why not have some milk?16. Here it is.给你在表示“给别人东西”时,here it is是把侧重点放在东西上,here you are是强调要给的人不可数名词的量的表达(1) 用“数词+表量的名词+of+不可数名词”如:a piece of paper two glasses of tea (2) 用much,little,a little以及a lot of,lo

6、ts of,some,any等来表示多少 In winter theres a lot of snow. We dont have much tea or coffee. I can speak a little French. I want some water.有些名词,既可作可数名词,又可作不可数名词,但意义不同,如:单词可数不可数glass玻璃杯玻璃paper报纸,试卷纸chicken小鸡鸡肉fish鱼鱼肉orange桔子橘子汁work著作/作品工作1. May/Can I help you?/ What can I do for you?这些表达是常用的习惯用语,根据语境不同,它们的

7、含义也不同。e.g.在餐馆:你要吃什么?在商店:你要买什么?在图书馆:你要借什么?肯定答语用Yes, please./Id like.,否定回答则用No, thanks.2. How much is /are .? 多少钱?这是购物时询问价钱的一个句型,同义的还有:Whats the price of .?/How much does/ do . cost?另外,how much也可用于对不可数名词数量多少的提问。e.g. How much bread is there?有多少面包?How much milk do you want?你想要多少牛奶?3. some和any既可修饰可数名词,也可

8、修饰不可数名词,表示“一些”。some一般用在肯定句中,或者用在希望得到对方肯定回答的疑问句和用情态动词提出疑问的句子中,表示建议和请求。e.g. He has some water.他有一些水。Would you like some water?你想要些水吗?any用在否定句和疑问句中,还可译作“任何”。e.g. They dont have any food.他们没有任何食物了。There isnt any water in the bottle.瓶子里一点水都没有了。Does she have any eggs? Im hungry.她有一些鸡蛋吗?我饿了。Unit 4-topic2句型

9、1. Are you free this Sunday?Yes,whats up?(1) Free 形容词,意为”有空的,空闲的“,常与be动词连用。如:Im free this afternoon.free还有免费的,自由的”之意,如:The ticket is free.The bird is free in the sky.(2) Whatup?意为“怎么啦?什么事?2. Would you like to go to the West Hill for a picnic?Oh,Id love to.3. Please tell Maria about it.Tell sb.about

10、sth.告诉某人关于某事You have to tell her mother about it.4. See yo then.5. I have to cook.Have to 表示一种客观的需要,意为不得不,主语韦第三人称单数时记得变为has to.Jims shoes are old,so he has to buy new noes.(否定形式)6. Michael,how about flying a kite with me? Id like that,but Im sorry I have no time.How about=what about,后面常跟名词/代词或动词的-in

11、g形式。常用于以下场合:(1) 向对方提出建议或者请求。How about going out for a walk?(2) 征询对方的看法或者意见。What about the TV play?(3) 寒暄时用作承接上下文的转折语。I am from Beijing.What about you?I have no time=I dont have any time.我没有时间。其中no为形容词,修饰不可数名词,相当于not any+不可数名词。We have no bread=We dont have any bread.no修饰可数名词时,相当于“not a(n)+单数名词”或“not

12、any+复数名词”。Jack has no pet=Jack doesnt have a pet.no还可以用作副词,常对一般疑问句作答。Is this your watch? No ,it isnt.7. Jane wants Kangkang to sing some songs with her.8. May I speak to Maria?Speak to sb.对(和)某人说话 Letsspeak to Jane,OK?9. Whos this ,please? This is Sally.10. Maria isnt in now.Be not in=be out=be not

13、at home不在家11. Could yo ask her to call me back this evening?(1) Ask sb.to do sth.让某人去做某事/tell sb.to do sth.告诉某人去做某事/would like/want sb.to do sth.想要某人做某事.(2) Call sb.back.给某人回电话12. That would be very nice.1.打电话英语电话用语有别于汉语表达习惯。通常要说Could /May /Can I speak to., please?意为“请找/让接电话”或“我可以同通话吗?”;如果接电话的人正好就是要

14、找的人,就说Speaking或This is.speaking(我就是);如果找的人不在眼前,就说Hold on/One moment或Wait a minute/while;如果不在家就说He/She is notin /here /at home.或He/She is out/away。如果说“我是”则用“This is.speaking.”“你是吗?”则用“Isthat/It.speaking?”“你是谁?”则用“Who is this/it speaking?”注意:speaking可以省略。2.邀请常用句式:(1) Would you like to.?你愿意吗?Will you c

15、ome to.?请你来好吗?(2)答语有:Yes, Id love/like to.是的,我很乐意。Yes, its very kind / nice of you.是的,你真是太好了。Id love/like to, but.我很乐意,不过较熟悉的朋友、同事或邻居可用How / What about going to the movie with me?(和我一起去看电影怎么样?)之类的句型发出邀请。答语可用Id love/like to.谢绝邀请时一般要找出合适的理由向对方说明。e.g. Id love/like to, but Imafraid . / Sorry, I cant. /Thank you very much, but.3.习惯用语Could you ask her to call me back this evening?请你让她晚上给我回电话好吗?ask s



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