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1、美国教育学研究生推荐信自荐信范本 美国教育学研究生推荐信(一) Dear Colleagues: As the tutor for Miss Furnival Han in writing her undergraduate thesis, I greatly appreciate her for her solid grounding professional knowledge. I found it my duty to recommend her for further studies abroad when she asked me to do her the favor. I be

2、gan to know Miss Han when I received a commendatory letter from a privately-run school. Our department has all along organized student service programs in a community. Her class was engaged in a mutual aid program at a private school, and Miss Han played a vital role in the program. First of all it

3、was her sincere attitude that won her class the honor of serving in the program out of many class collectives. As the program organizer, Miss Han did much investigation work prior to the inauguration of the program. For example, sheacquired information from the college leadership in advance and dist

4、ributed the workload according to practical conditions (dividing the class into different groups according to age and according to study capacities)。 The program was carried out in proper order and yielded good effects, winning unanimous good comments from both the college leadership and the communi

5、ty. Besides, Miss Hans leadership capacity is also worth mentioning. She began to assume the post of a study committee member when she was a third-year student. Her gifted affinity and personal charms soon won her the credit from her classmates. In less than in semester, her class leapt from the las

6、t to the top of all classes in the same grade in terms of academic records and style of study. Thanks to its outstanding performance, the class was appraised as the top best in study style in the whole college. Sure enough, extracurricularmanagement and organizing took up much of her time, but she m

7、ade proper arrangements so that she was among the best in her academic performance in her class and she was excellent in GPA specialty above all. When writing her Bachelor Degree thesis she told me she was greatly interested in the studies on Thomas Hardy (1840 - 1926)。 I was really shocked when she

8、 asked me the startling question whether on earth Hardy was a fatalist or not. This was because few students would ever think of raising such an in-depth question at that time. So I encouraged her to probe deeper into the question. In between she thumbed through many works by and about the English n

9、ovelist and poet. This embraced some highly sophisticated contents that taxedgreat comprehension efforts. But in defiance of all difficulties she finished reading a dozen of very difficult books, jotting down detailed notes in the meanwhile. Encountering hard nuts to crack, she would ask for instruc

10、tions modestly and I was only too glad to probe deep with her because it was always so pleasant to communicate with her. Her optimism makes her very agreeable and affectionate to others. The strict logic and acumen of thought made the process of thesis preparations in good order. Although she gradua

11、ted several years ago,she shows great respect for her teachers and comes to visit me from time to time. I also like this student very much. Due to limitations of research conditions in China today, I am very eager that an excellent student like her may have the chance to study abroad and make contri

12、bution to future researches in China. 美国教育学研究生推荐信(二) 尊敬的济南*学校高中部领导老师: 您们好! 我是来自*学校初三十四班的申辰。真诚地感谢您在繁忙的公务中浏览这份材料,这里有一颗热情而赤诚的心灵渴望得到您的了解、支持与帮助,在此,请允许我向您毛遂自荐。 在六所推荐生学校中,唯独书生意气、蔚然成风的*学校深深吸引了我,贵校老师那兢兢业业的教学,贵校校园那生机勃勃的景象,贵校学子那温文尔雅的举止,都让我十分憧憬。我认为,贵校是我理想的选择。 初中三年里,我是一名品学兼优的好学生。我严格要求自己,乐于助人,尊重师长,团结同学,自信乐观,得到老师和

13、同学的一致认可。我早在初一刚入学就养成了良好的学习习惯。课上我独到的见解和敏捷的思维更是给老师留下了深刻的印象。因此,我在初中三年的学习中一直都是名列前茅。 我还是一名优秀学生干部。初一、初二上学期我在班内担任班长,是老师的好帮手,任职的一年半里,我大胆管理,锐意进取,让同学们自主管理,将惩罚过失更多地转化为奖励功绩,大大提高了同学们的积极性,使同学们养成自律意识。到了初二下学期,我加入了团委会,竞选为组织部部长,我依旧坚持认真、一丝不苟的原则,将精力投身到团组织的建设当中去,有序地组织了多次入团考试,开展了义工服务等社会实践,在建党90周年之际,组织了党旗礼赞,青春颂歌文艺汇演,还开办了绿色

14、银行,使同学们培养起节能减排,低碳环保的观念,为学校的团组织建设贡献了自己的一份力量。 三年的学习生活中,老师同学们及学校领导也给予了我充分肯定。连续三年当选三好学生,并在初二、初三连续获得市级优秀三好学生和优秀学生干部的提名,济南外国语学校是一个重视学生全面发展的学府,我的作品多次在*上发表,在全国青少年校园学科创新大赛中获得山东省总分一等奖,在校运动会上夺得过400m第三名,红歌会上一曲春天的故事也获得一等奖。这些都是对我的成绩的肯定,在此,我要向母校支持培养我的人道一声感谢。 在此,我向贵校提出推荐生的申请,希望贵校能够给我一次机会,我一定不辜负贵校领导的期盼,发扬自己的优秀品质,带给贵校更多惊喜。 最后,衷心祝愿贵校办学水平蒸蒸日上,书写更多辉煌! 此致 敬礼!(来自原上草网 .LLysc.Cn) 申请人:fwsir 年 月 日 5Word版本


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