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1、Unit 7 How much are these pants.Period 1教案设计No. 44 Middle School陈虹燏I. Analysis of the teaching materialThe topicofUnit7isshopping.The targetlanguages are:How much isthisT-shirt.It ssevendollars.How mucharethesesocks.Theyaretwodollars.Infact,studentsarenotveryfamiliartobuyingclothing.But they are int

2、erested in such topic. So they will benefit alot after learning this unit.II. Analysis of the studentsSo far the students have mastered a few English words and useful expressions, but not many. They have much interest in learning English, but their ability is quitepoor, so during this period, I thin

3、k getting the students to speak, listen, get the students to complete theteacher s task and do teamwork are still the main tasksof English teaching.III. The teaching period aims and demands9 / 81 konwledge objectsKey vocabulary:socks,T-shirt,shorts,sweater,bag,hat,pants,shoesThe target languages:How

4、 much is this T-shirt.It s sevendollars.How much are these socks. They are two dollars.2 ability objectsTrainstudents listeningskillTrainstudents communicativecompetence 3 moral objectsIt s difficult to make money. We should save money.If you want to make lots of money, you should study hard now.4ke

5、y pointsItems of clothing.5difficult pointsTalk about prices6 Teaching methods情形教案法,任务型教案法和小组合作法;适时插入竞争机制,激发同学学习英语的热忱;7 Teaching aids多媒体, 录音机;. The teaching procedure:StepI. Warming-upPlay this song“How much” , let students guess the title of unit7.At the same time, I will introduce thetitle of unit

6、 7. 教案说明:美丽的歌曲能给师生供应一个轻松开心的课堂氛围,为课堂教案中师生能够默契协作制造条件,同时也能为这节课的新学问做好铺垫; StepII. Presentation1 I like shopping very much, and I am lucky,I have my ownclothes store.Its name is Flora s Clothes Store.There are many different clothes in my store.Can you name theseclothes in English. Then learn news words o

7、ne by one.教案说明:利用老师的信息授课,马上激发起同学的爱好,并增强了语 言的真实感,既拉近师生距离,又自然引出新课.2 play memory games 教案说明:利用课件,快速地闪过刚才学习过的学问,既能吸引同学的留意力,又能检测同学把握单词的情况;3 then let students guess the prices of clothes in my store.How much is the sweater. It s 9 dollars.How much are these shoes. They are 10 dollars.教案说明:猜我店的衣服的价格,同学积极参加

8、,同时我自己在每件衣服 上制作了价格,让同学反复练习这2 组对话; 4 competition. 教案说明:以小组为单位,同桌之间进行对话练习,看哪组完成对话的时间最短,该组获胜;同学为了小组荣誉, 都很仔细的参加到其中,不敢有一丝的懈怠StepIII. Practice1. Teacher asks one or two students to be a customer to shop in teacher s clothing store. This is an example for other students.2. Show some expressions that will b

9、e used when shopping. Clerk: Can I help you.Mary: Yes, please. I want a1. Clerk: What2 do you want.Mary: Blue.Clerk: Here you are. Mary:3 is it.Clerk: Nine dollars.Mary:I ll take it. Clerk: You re welcome.4. 教案说明:先填好空格处单词全班读一遍,再擦掉它们女生读一遍,接着再擦掉一部分句子男生读一遍,最终全擦掉全班读一遍, 让同学逐步把握这些有用的句子,变成自己的语言,为下一个环节同学演情形

10、剧作预备 3 Happy Shopping: Students make a real conversation withtheir partners and act out.(教案说明:同学可以利用我店里的物品或是自己预备的物品来完成这个情形剧,)The best group can get award;StepMoralIt s difficult to make money. We should save money.If you want to make lots of money, you should study hard nowStep HomeworkWritedown you

11、rown conversation.Youcanusemore words and expressions that you know.(教案说明:通过完成家 庭作业,让同学不仅会说也会写,落实到笔头上,巩固今日学习的学问;)Step Blackboard designUnit 7 How much are these pants.Period 1socks,T-shirt, shorts, sweater, bag, hat,pants, shoes How much is this T-shirt.It sseven dollars.How much are these socks. They are two dollars.Mary: Blue.Clerk: Can I help you.Mary: Yes, please. I want a1. Clerk: What2 do you want.Clerk: Here you are. Mary:3 is it. Clerk: Nine dollars.Mary:I ll take it. Clerk: You re welcome.七年级上册Unit 7 How much are these pants.Period 1教案设计学校:乌鲁木齐市第四十四中学老师:陈虹燏时间: 2021年 6 月


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