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1、.Unit3课后题及翻译:2.Vocabularya.填空1As young people in the 21st century ,we should hold fast to our dreams,and should not allow a rejection to derail our dreams.作为21世纪的年轻人,我们应该坚守自己的梦想,不应该让拒绝破坏我们的梦想。hold fast to : 紧紧抓住;坚持 rejection: n. 抛弃;拒绝;被抛弃的东西;盖帽derail:vt. 使出轨vi. 出轨n. 脱轨;铁路 脱轨器2There is increased inte

2、rest and hype on technology and often it becomes the focus of scientists. 人们对技术的兴趣和宣传越来越多,而且常常成为科学家们关注的焦点。hype:n. 大肆宣传;皮下注射 vt. 大肆宣传;使兴奋3Every time when we see our e-mail boxes filled with spamming junk mails,we cant help worrying about security of the Internet.每当看到我们的电子邮箱里堆满了垃圾邮件时,我们都禁不住担心互联网的安全性。s

3、pamming: n. 垃圾邮件;兜售信息 v. 向发垃圾邮件spam的ing形式 junk: n. 垃圾,废物;舢板 security:n. 安全;保证;证券;抵押品 adj. 安全的;保安的;保密的4Federal loans also are an important tool to give nascent projects the chance to develop into successful businesses.联邦贷款也是一个重要的工具,使新生项目有机会发展成为成功的企业。nascent: adj. 初期的;开始存在的,发生中的5A serial of digital an

4、d analog circuits are designed, which are combined to simulate the performance of the system. 设计了一系列数字电路和模拟电路,这两者结合以进行系统性能仿真。simulate:vt. 模仿;假装;冒充 adj. 模仿的;假装的simulation:n. 仿真;模拟;模仿;假装6In computer parlance a mouse can be both the physical object moved around to control a pointer on the screen, and t

5、he pointer itself. 在计算机术语中,鼠标既是指控制屏幕上指针的移动物体,也是指针本身。parlance: n. 说法;用语;语调;发言 physical object: 物体,物品;物理对象7This reform, which is developing rapidly, will exert an important and profound influence on weaponry, military system and setup, combat training and military theory. 这一正在迅速发展的改革,将对武器装备、军事体制和设置、作战

6、训练和军事理论产生重要而深远的影响。weaponry: n. 兵器,武器总称 profound: adj. 深厚的;意义深远的;渊博的setup: n. 设置;机构;组织;调整;计划;装备exert influence on :熏陶 ; 感化 ; 施加影响 ; 产生影响8Do hold the attaching plug when you unplug it, or else the power cable may be injured and result in electric leakage.拔下插头时,一定要握住插头,否则电源线可能会受伤,导致漏电。unplug: vt. 去掉的障碍

7、物;拔去的塞子或插头attaching plug: 电源插头;塞子;插塞 electric leakage : 漏电9The government will not make substantive concessions to hostage takers on the plane, including the payment of ransoms.政府不会对飞机上的劫持人质者作出实质性让步,包括支付赎金。substantive:adj. 有实质的;大量的;真实的;独立存在的n. 名词性实词;独立存在的实体concession:n. 让步;特许权;承认;退位 hostage: n. 人质;抵

8、押品ransoms:vt. 赎回,赎;勒索赎金;救赎;得赎金后释放n. 赎金;赎身,赎回10The psychologists found no difference between the police and the civilians in correctly remembering the details of the crimes.心理学家发现警察和平民在正确记住犯罪细节方面没有区别。civilian:adj. 民用的;百姓的,平民的 n. 平民,百姓 psychologist: n. 心理学家,心理学者b.选择1It is not hard to see that within t

9、his new Net economy, especially with its electronic currency and virtual banks, lurks an imminent danger.不难看出,在这个新的网络经济中,特别是在电子货币和虚拟银行的情况下,隐藏着一种迫在眉睫的危险。A. Impeccable无瑕疵的,没有缺点的 B. impatient焦躁的,不耐心的C. impartial公平的,公正的,不偏不倚的 D. impending即将发生的,迫切的,悬挂的imminent:即将来临的,迫近的 lurk:vi. 潜伏;潜藏;埋伏n. 潜伏;埋伏electroni

10、c currency:电子货币virtual banks:虚拟银行2After two weeks, the bosses return to their own companies and instantly dismantle the changes their counterparts have made.两周后,这些老板们回到自己的公司,立即撤销了他们的同行所做的改变。A. improve改善,增进,提高B. cancel取消C. distort 扭曲,使失真,曲解D. depart离开,出发,起程;逝世的dismantle:vt. 拆除;取消;解散;除掉的覆盖物 vi. 可拆卸cou

11、nterpart:n. 副本;配对物;极相似的人或物3But, the real estate market still occupied the very murky stage at present, because the government has no ordered limit on house price.但是,目前房地产市场仍然处于非常黑暗的阶段,因为政府对房价没有规定限制。A. gloomy黑暗的,沮丧的,阴郁的B. prosper繁荣,昌盛,成功C. shaky 摇晃的,不可靠的,不坚定的D. abnormal反常的,不规则的,变态的murky:adj. 黑暗的;朦胧的;

12、阴郁的real estate market:房地产市场;不动产市场4I wanted to find somewhere quiet, because I knew that my tear-filled eyes would brim over any minute. 我想找个安静的地方,因为我知道我泪汪汪的眼睛随时都会溢出来。A. remark注意,言辞;评论,察觉; B. proceed开始;继续进行;发生;收入,获利C. fill装满;满足;使充满,膨胀; D. proben/v探针;调查brim:边,边缘;满溢,溢出;使满溢brim over :满溢而出,满溢tear-filled:

13、充满泪水的 5The people in the community are suggested to inform the police at once, if anyone sees anything suspicious.如果有人发现任何可疑之处,建议社区居民立即通知警方。A. illegal 非法的;违法的;非法移民,非法劳工B. thrilling 毛骨悚然的,令人兴奋的C. distrustful怀疑的,不信任的D. essential基本的,必要的,本质的;本质,要素suspicious:可疑的;怀疑的;多疑的6US researchers said that anger and

14、 other strong emotions can trigger potentially deadly heart rhythms in certain vulnerable people, especially some old ones.美国研究人员说,愤怒和其他强烈的情绪会在某些脆弱的人,尤其是一些老人身上引发潜在的致命心律。A. vulgar粗俗的;通俗的;本土的;平民,百姓B. weak 虚弱的,不牢固的C. sophisticated复杂的;精致的;久经世故的 D. veteran 老兵;经验丰富的vulnerable:易受攻击的,易受伤害的 trigger:引发,引起;触发

15、heart rhythm:心率7Such quakes have killed thousands of Iranians in the past, especially in the countryside, where construction is often flimsy and many houses are built of mud bricks.在过去,这样的地震已经夺去了成千上万的伊朗人的生命,特别是在农村,那里的建筑物往往是脆弱的,许多房屋是用泥砖砌成的。A. fragile脆的,易碎的 B. solid固体的,可靠的;立体的;结实的,一致的C. unreasonable不合理的,过度的,不切实际的;非理智的 D. strengthened加固的flimsy:adj. 脆弱的;浅薄的;易损坏的;不周密的n. 薄纸;复写纸;打字纸Iranian:伊朗人 countryside:农村,乡下 mud brick:泥砖8Now he owned the states largest advertising agency and was regarded as one of the veteran directors of the bank with strong influence on the b


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