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1、Unit 5 It must belong to Carla疑难解读1. Whose questions whose引导的特别疑问句 whose“谁的”,象物主代词一样,亦出名词和形容词的性质eg.(1) Whose pens are these.这些是谁的笔?They are Li Mings.这些是李明的;(whose具有形容词的性质,回答就用“Li Ming s ( pens)(2) Whose father went abroad two years ago.两年前谁的父亲出国了?(whose后面加名词做定语修饰后面的名词)(3) Whose is this umbrella. It

2、s mine.(whose在这里是名词性,作表语,回答用名词性物主代词,mine 相当于my umbrella )belong to作“属于”讲;例如:That car belongs to my uncle.那辆车是我叔叔的;Who does this bag belong to.那个提包是谁的?I belong to the swimming club.我是这个游泳俱乐部的成员;3. He was the only little kid at the picnic.他是野餐中唯独的小孩儿;only:(1)形容词,置于单数名词之前,变为“唯独的,仅有的”置于复数名词之前,意为“只有、仅”;另

3、外仍有“最适合的正确的”的意思eg.a. This is my only son.这是我的独生子;6 / 6Her only answer is a smile.她仅以微笑回答;b. They were the only people who had the keys.只有他们有钥匙;c. She is the only woman for the position.她是那个职位的正确人选;(2) 副词:“只,仅,才”eg. a. Only you understand me.只有你明白我;(修饰主语时, only 常置于主语之前)b. She only eats vegetables.她只吃

4、蔬菜;I ve only seen him once.我只见过他一次;(only 修饰主语以外的成份时,通常置于行为动词之前,be 动词,情态动词、助动词后面)(3) 要确定所修饰的事物时,就置于所修饰的词和短语之前eg. I met her only yesterday.我昨天才遇见她;4. If you have any idea where it might be, please call me.(1) any 除了用于否定句、疑问句中,仍用于if引导的条件从句中,意为“如干的,有多少”;例如:If you have any timeI d like to talk.假如你有(些许)时间

5、,我期望与你谈谈;If you have any interesting books, please lend me some.你假如有什么好玩的书,请借我几本;(2) If you have any idea. = If you know.意为“假如你知道”(3) Where it might be作“ have any idea”的宾语从句;(4) idea n.想法、想法eg. a man full of ideas想法许多的人另外, idea 仍有想象,模糊的想法;eg. You can have no idea of what he said.你根本想象不到他说了些什么;5. too

6、 much与 much too 的区分二者均做副词性短语作程度状语;too much 通常位于动词之后,修饰动词, too 做 much的状语,后面也可接名词;eg.She does talk too much, doesnt she.她的确太唠叨了,是吗?He works too much.他工作太辛苦了; /He has too much work to do.而 much too 就常用在形容词或副词之前修饰形容词或副词,其中much 作too 的状语;eg.The dress is much too long for me.这衣服我穿太长了;I got into the taxi an

7、d drove much too fast.我上了出租车,并开得飞速;6. because与 because of的区分because 通常表示说话人认为这种理由或缘由是听话人所不知道的,后面接从句,做为缘由状语从句eg. He didnt attend the meeting because he had too much work to do.他由于要干的活儿太多,没来参与会议;because of意为“由于,由于”,在句中一般用作状语,可置于句首和句末,后面接名词、代词及名词性短语;常用来表示引起大事发生的直接缘由;eg. Because of illness, the boy did

8、not go to school.由于生病, 这个男孩没有去上学;They had to stay at home because of a heavy rain.由于一场大雨, 他们只好呆在家里;The boy was late for school because of the heavy traffic.由于堵车,这个孩子上学迟到了;7. no more与 notany more 的区分二者都表示“不再”,“再没有”的含义(1) 谈数量或程度时,要用 no more.eg. There is no more bread.没有面包了;(指数量)Hes no more genius than

9、 I am.他和我都不是天才;(指程度)(2) 说时间时,不用 no more,可用 notany more 或 no longer, notany longer.eg. He doesn t live here any more.他不住在这里了;(指时间)I can not stand it any longer.我再也忍不下去了;(指时间)It no longer exists.它不再存在;8. I think I dropped it during the concert so it might still be in the symphony hall.(1) drop 本句中是动词,

10、意思是“落下,掉落”;例如:She dropped the vase on the floor.她失手把花瓶掉在了地板上;The monkeys dropped the basket and ran away as soon as they saw the children.猴子们一观察孩子们就扔下篮子逃跑了;It was so quiet that you might have heard a pin drop.寂静得连针掉在地上都可能听得到;(2) during 是介词,意为“在期间”,其后跟时间段;辨析: during, for介词 during和介词 for之后都跟时间段,如: an

11、hour, two weeks,three years, holidays等;但介词 for是指连续时间的长短,回答 how long(多长时间)的问题,而 during就是指动作所发生的时间,回答when(什么时候)的问题;请看下面的例句:The child woke three times during the night.这个孩半夜里醒了三次;He stayed in Beijing for two years.他在北京住了两年了;We have studied English for three years.我们学英语学了三年了;(3) still 是副词,意为“仍然,仍然”, yet

12、 也有此义,但两者在句中的位置是不同的, yet 一般放在句尾或句中的位置,而 still 就放在句中;例如:另外,在否定句中 still可以位于否定结构之前,而且不处于否定范畴之内,而 yet 却不是这样;例如:I still dont understand.我仍是不明白;9. However, these days, strange things are happening in ourneighborhood and everyone is unhappy.然而,最近在我们邻近却在发生一些古怪的事情,并且每个人都不兴奋;(1) however 意思是“然后,可是,无论如何也”;其用法如下

13、:however作连词,意为“然而,可是,不过”,与but 的意义相同,但however 是较正式的说法;例如:Certainly he apologized. However, I wont forgive him.他的确赔礼了,然而我却不会原谅他;从语义上看, but 所表示的是很明显的对比,转折的意味比however 要强;从语法上看, but 是个并列连词,而 however 却是个联加副词( conjuct );从语序上看, but 总是位于它引出的分句之首,而however 却位于分句之首、之中或之尾,但译成汉语时肯定要把它放在分句之首;从标点上说, but 之后一般不得加逗号,但

14、 however 位于分句之首时,通常用逗号,位于分句中时,通常在其前后各加一个逗号,位于分句之尾时,就必需在其前加逗号;(2) these days意为“最近,近来,近几天;”(3) unhappy 是 happy 的反义词;我们常用的在形容词前加词首变为其反义词的有:lucky (幸运的) unlucky (不幸的)grateful(感谢的) ungrateful(忘恩负义的) harmed(受损害的) unharmed(平安无事的) finished(完成了的) unfinished(未完成的) fair(公正的) unfair(不公正的)10. My parents called the police, but they cant find anything strange.我的父母亲报了警,但他们也没能发觉古怪的东西(1) police是名词,通常用 the police,视为复数名词,意思是“警 察、警方”;假如指一个警员,要用a policeman或 a policewoman ;例如:You should call the police if you meet a thief.你遇到贼的话,应当报警;(2) cant在本句中,不表示“推断”,而表示“才能”;(3) something, anything等复合不


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