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1、.35 / 35.硕 士 学 位 论 文食品安全举报制度研究On Food Safety Reporting System.作 者 姓 名:霍 艳 丽.指 导 教 师:陆 伟 明副教授.西南 政法 大 学.Southwest University of Political Science and Law.内容摘要食品安全问题已经成为社会公众普遍关心的话题,频频爆发的食品安全事件不仅使公众的健康安全受到严重威胁,同时也考验政府应对食品安全事件的能力。举报制度不但能够增加为违反食品安全法规的违法犯罪分子的违法成本,同时能够吸引公众积极参与食品安全制度的构建,减少政府的管理成本。虽然食品安全举报制度



4、。在诉讼中,针对用人单位的打击报复,应采用促成因素的证明标准。第三,应保护举报人的受奖励权,多个主体以及特殊主体进行举报时合理分配举报奖金,监管机关发放举报奖金的行为属于行政诉讼的范畴。最后,对食品安全举报人的保护还体现举报人的人身安全保护、预防性保护措施及与举报人有密切关系人的保护三面。1.食品安全的治理是一项复杂的系统工程,单纯依据政府的监管或依赖相对人的举报都难将以达到全面解决食品安全问题的目的,需要从多个维度治理我国的食品安全问题。关键词:举报;受理主体;受理程序;举报人保护2.AbstractFood safety has become a important subject to

5、the public, the frequently outbreaks offood safety incidents not only threaten the health and safety of the public, but also test thegovernments response to the food safety incidents. Report system can not only increase thecost for the criminals violating food safety regulations, also can attract th

6、e public to activelyparticipate in the construction of food safety system, reduce the management cost of thegovernment.Although the food safety report system play a significant role in food security, there aremany defects in our countrys existing report system.First of all, the problem of food safet

7、y laws and regulations in the aspect of applicationincludes the following several aspects: Firstly, to the problems of the complicated subjectswho accept food safety report and the unclear filing standards, the government can let anorganization to accept reports, can explicitly register standards an

8、d shorten the recoveryperiod. Secondly, different parts have different rules about the accept period as well as thelegal application problems, so we can unify regulation report to accept the deadline or toreport the condition is accepted. Third, in the process of administrative investigation, thegov

9、ernment should protect the reporters safety, and reporters helping obligation is only aburden of engagement. Fourth, the government must reply reporter timely after theinvestigation or a report case, reporter reply belongs to the specific administrative act.Second, the main problem to protect report

10、ers legitimate rights and interests includingfour aspects: first, the security persons privacy, the government shall fulfill their obligation toconfidentiality and correctly treat citizens report anonymously. If the government violate thisobligation, the reporter can bring a national compensation ca

11、se。During the case process, thejudge shall examine the legality of secrecy provisions, the burden of proof for theperformance of the confidentiality provisions lay on the government. There is a close relationbetween the government information opening and the obligations to keep reportersinformation

12、secret, relative person can apply the government to open the result of some reportcases, but need to demonstrate a link between himself and the requirements of the publicinformation. When government disclosure the information, it should take relevant measures tokeep secret for the reporter and canno

13、t refuse the relatives by the reason of personal privacy.Second of all, the whistleblower occupational protection, when an employee report illegal acts1.of his employer, besides the protection measures above to protect the legal rights of thereporters, it also need fully protect by the labor law and

14、 other related laws. In the proceedings,to the employers revenge, the court should observe contributor standards of burden ofproof. Third, we should protect whistleblowers reward of a multiple subject and specialsubject report reasonable allocation of bonus, the behavior of the supervisory authority

15、 toissue bonus belongs to the category of the administrative litigation. We can also takemeasures to protect the reporters safety, take preventive protection measures and protectreporters close relation.The management of food safety is a complex systems engineering, and based on thegovernments regulatory or depend on the relative persons report is difficult to achieve acomprehensive solution to the problem of food safety, we need multiple dimensions ofgovernance to solve food safety problems in our country.Key words: report; accept subject; acceptance procedure; whist



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