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1、.内 容 摘 要伴随着文明的脚步和现代化的演进,城镇在国家和社会经济发展中扮演着越来越重要的角色,发挥出无以伦比的效力。城镇化的过程,就是资源向城市集聚的过程,也是经济增长中心形成的过程。城镇化不仅成为经济社会发展的路径与手段,更是衡量现代化程度的重要标尺,世界各国都在积极推进城镇化。城镇化的实现形式主要有都市圈、城市群、城市带等。在当今国际上已经形成五大都市圈:美国东北部大西洋沿岸城市群、北美五大湖城市群、日本太平洋沿岸城市群、英国以伦敦为核心的城市群、欧洲西北部城市群。我国实施城镇化战略,是社会主义发展的必然要求,也是追随世界城市化进程的必然选择。目前,我国的珠三角、长三角、京津塘三大都市


3、鉴了国内外城市化、城镇化、都市圈的理论和实践成果的基础上,本文提出了两大都市圈层的战略构想,即在三峡区域构建XX和XX两大核心城市,两大城市之间互助合作、优势互补,并与周边城镇形成两大圈层网络,网络之间互相联系。以核心城市为枢纽中心,扩散开来的圈层城镇依托中心城市大力发展,两大圈层之间互相关联,资源共享,互相促进,最终达到整个三峡区域城镇化的和谐发展。48 / 48.关键词:三峡区域城镇化都市圈理论战略对策.II.AbstractWith the evolution of civilization and modernization, Cities and towns play anincre

4、asingly important role and play unparalleled effectiveness in the country andsocio-economic development . The development of urbanization is a process of resourcesto the city agglomeration,and also is a process of economic growth center formation.Urbanization has not only become the path of economic

5、 and social development withthe means to measure the degree of modernization is an important benchmark. Countriesaround the world are actively promoting urbanization.The form of implementation ofurbanization has metropolitan area, urban agglomeration, city group and etc. Atpresent-day international

6、has been formed on the five major metropolitan area: The UnitedStates Atlantic coast of north-eastern part of town group, Great Lakes UrbanAgglomeration, Japans Pacific coast city group,The United Kingdom to London as thecore city group and European north-west city group. Chinas urbanization strateg

7、y is aninevitable requirement for the development of socialism, and also is bound to select tofollow the urbanization process in the world. At present, Chinas Pearl River Delta,Yangtze River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin-Tanggu are also based on the three majormetropolitan cities and towns at the core buil

8、d up, and achieved certain results, so thatmake Chinese and foreign more attention for it.In this paper, from a macro theory of urbanization , to micro-combined with the ThreeGorges region in the development of urbanization and deficiencies. With the base ontheoretical study and practical investigat

9、ion made the Three Gorges region of urbanizationdevelopment strategy new ideas which are Construction of two major metropolitan area inYichang and Chongqing layer, co-ordinating urban and rural development, strengthenexchanges between the circle and communication. Put forward the urbanizationdevelop

10、ment in the Three Gorges region of the specific measures. They will Promoteregional economic development, speeding up the urbanization process. So that the ThreeGorges region, the steady economic and social, health, harmonious development.The Three Gorges region of urbanization research, this paper

11、uses the methods ofsystem analysis and integrated analysis. Application of development economics, regionaleconomics, urban economics and urban geography theory, rural urbanization, and countyeconomic development into a whole system to study. a comprehensive analysis of theimpact of various elements.

12、III.The main idea of this article are that learn at home and abroad in the city andurbanization, metropolitan area of theory and practice on the basis of the results and putforward the concept of two layer theory. Which is in the Three Gorges area, Yichang andChongqing to build up two core cities.Mu

13、tual assistance and cooperation between the twocities, complement each other and with surrounding cities and towns to form the two layernetwork of contact between. To the core city for the hub center of the circle spread to citiesand towns rely on the center city to develop, layer between the two in

14、terrelated, resourcesharing, mutual promotion, and finally reach the whole Three Gorges region of theharmonious development of urbanization.Key words: Three Gorges AreaUrbanizationMetropolitan Area theory.StrategyIV.三峡大学学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已

15、经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体均已在文中以明确方式标明,本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。学位论文作者签名:.I日期:.第一章 导论第一节 本选题的背景、目的和意义一、本选题的背景伴随着文明的脚步和现代化的演进,城镇在国家和社会经济发展中扮演着越来越重要的角色,发挥出无以伦比的效力。城镇化的过程,就是资源向城市集聚的过程,也是经济增长中心形成的过程。大量的研究表明,城市经济具有资源集聚效应和带动效应。无论是在发达的欧美国家还是在发展中的亚非地区已是不容置疑的事实。城镇化不仅成为经济社会发展的路径与手段,更是衡量现代化程度的重要标尺。我国实施城镇化战略,是社会主义发展的必然要求,也是追随世界城市化进程的必然选择。城镇化在我国具有特殊的意义,一方面,我国是发展中的农业大国的特殊国情,决定了实施城镇化战略对于解决我国的城乡二元结构具有战略上的意义。另一方面,我国的城市系统包括市和镇两个部分,它们都是国家通过一定的法律程序设置的行政单元。本来,城市化和城镇化只是英文 Urbanization 一词的不同译法而已,而我们运用城镇化概念,就是充分考虑到我国社会主义初级阶段的具体国情,是与我国的实际情况相符合的。因而,在这里进一步说明,本文在引述国外学者的观点时,沿用城市化名称,在论述我国


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