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1、.Cultural China中国文化类Crazy soccer of ancient China古代足球也疯狂The 2018 FIFA World Cup is coming on Thursday! Are you excited? Soccer is very popular around the world. But did you know? In ancient China, people were crazy for a sport that was a lot like soccer. It is called cuju .Did you know?Cuju means ki

2、ck a ball with ones foot. It is the ancestor of soccer. Chinese people played it over 2,000 years ago.Ball and goalLook, this is the ball used in cuju. It is made of pieces of leather . There is air inside of it. Does it look like a soccer ball to you?How to play it?Today, soccer teams have 11 playe

3、rs. But cuju teams had more players. Both of the teams tried to kick the ball into the goal. There were also referees and cheerleaders . In the Song Dynasty , if a team lost a game, the captain would have his face painted white!Female playersMany girls in ancient China played cuju for fun. Some of t

4、hem played it very well and joined cuju teams. During the Tang Dynasty , a 17-year-old girl once beat a team of soldiers!Big fansMany famous people were cuju fans. The great Han general Huo Qubing loved the sport. He once used this game to train his soldiers.Have a go1. The ball in cuju is made of _

5、. 2. Cuju is the ancestor of _. The story of money穿越古代,该用什么买单?How do you pay when shopping in a supermarket? You can pay with coins, paper money, or just scan a QR code with your phone! But how did people in ancient China pay? What kind of money could they use?The earliest moneyWhat was the earliest

6、 Chinese money made of ? Was it gold, silver or paper? No, it was made of seashells ! People used seashells because they are small and beautiful. They are also easy to carry and count .Did you know?Many Chinese words have the part 贝, such as 货, 赚 and 贵. Can you see? All of these words have something

7、 to do with money.The copper coinEmperor Qinshihuang ordered people to make copper coins . Most copper coins are round with a square hole in the center. Ancient Chinese thought the sky was round and Earth was square. This is why copper coins have this kind of shape.Jiaozi: the paper moneyAncient Chi

8、nese invented paper. They were also the first to use paper money! In the Song Dynasty , people began to use paper instead of coins. Look, there are houses, people and words on the paper. It is jiaozi .Have a go1. The earliest money was made of _.A. gold B. copper C. shells2. People began to use pape

9、r money in the_ Dynasty.A. Han B. Song C. QingAmazing refrigerator古人居然也用冰箱?The weather is getting hot. But you dont have to worry. Many things can help you beat the heat , such as air conditioners , ice cream and refrigerators. But do you know ancient Chinese had their own refrigerators?Wow, look at

10、 this! It is a refrigerator from the Warring States Period ! We call it a bronze cooler jian . It is as big as a tea table. How does it work?How to get ice?In winter, ancient Chinese cut ice cubes from a river and stored them underground. In summer, people took them out and used them. Ice was expens

11、ive in those days.Did you know?Ancient Chinese ate lots of cold food to keep cool. For example, they ate crushed ice with milk and cream. They called it sushan . It is kind of like ice cream. They also added ice to mung bean soup and plum juice . So yummy!Have a goThe ancient refrigerator is made of

12、 br_ _ze. People put _c_ into it and used it to c_ _l the wine.Fantastic Made in China古代也有中国制造?Today, there are many Made in China products , such as smartphones and clothes. But a long time ago, the most famous Made in China product in the world was Chinese porcelain .The porcelain capitalDo you kn

13、ow Jingdezhen ? It is a city in Jiangxi province . It is called the porcelain capital .People there began to make porcelain over 1,000 years ago. There is a special type of soil1 in Jingdezhen. People use it to make porcelain.Travel to EuropeFor a long time, China was the only maker of porcelain. Po

14、rcelain from Jingdezhen traveled to many places around the world.Go fly a kite!风筝的故事The April wind wakes up Earth. Everyone goes out to enjoy the beautiful spring weather. In the park, you can see many people flying kites. Did you know? Chinese people made the worlds first kite.The bamboo birdLu Ban

15、 was a smart man. He lived in China over 2,000 years ago. He made a bamboo bird. The bird flew for three days. This was the first kite. Later, people began to make paper kites.Say goodbye to bad luckPeople usually fly kites during Qingming Festival . When the kites are high in the sky, some people cut the kites st


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