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1、GROUP INTERVIEWS/ JOB SPORTSGroup Interviews /Job Sports are a timely efficient recruitment method of screening large number of candidates within a contained time period to a set criterion.The Group Interview takes approximately 2 hours. It is generally run by one main facilitator with a translator

2、if group requires. Several accredited interviewers are utilized within this process as they observe and rate the candidates. This method has two segments which focus on individual behaviours and group based behaviours. This is also an opportunity to show case Starwood and the specific property to la

3、rge groups of people.Due to its fun slightly informal atmosphere, interviewers may see a side of potential candidates not normally shown in a formal interview. The first segment is an introduction segment in which the facilitator introduces Starwood and the hotel and in return asks the candidates to

4、 introduce their new friend to the rest of the group.In this segment interviewers are rating the following criteria:- Communication/ English - Clarity, Grammar, Volume Poise Under Pressure Enthusiasm, Confidence, Friendliness, Warmth, Smile Grooming Teamwork sometimes can be seen here if a candidate

5、 with stronger English quietly helps a candidate with lesser English.The second segment is group based exercise in which the interviewer focuses on team work.Does the individual participate well in the team? Contribute? Listen to others? Have Fun? Does the team work as a group or pair off?Is there a

6、 leader of the group? Does the individual act aggressively or be non respectful to others opinions?Does the individual not participate at all but rather look around, out the window?The interviewers also rate the individuals punctuality and their ability to take direction. Some clear directions are g

7、iven at the beginning with regards to no talking, listen actively to the speaker up the front; mobile telephones turned off and be respectful. If an individual is told more than once by one of the random interviewers to be quiet for the speaker up the front, then that candidate will be rated as a ta

8、lker and one who cannot follow direction.GROUP INTERVIEW WELCOME SCRIPTGood morning,Welcome to the “Hotel Name” Group Interview /Job Sports. Thank you for your time today. My name is _ and I am the _. I would like to explain to everyone today, what the process will be. Before I start let me introduc

9、e you to our team. (Introduce the interviewers in the room).This interview process will take approximately 2 hours. It is a lot of fun and we think is an easy way for us to meet you and for you to learn a little about Starwood. The process we will follow today is that we will firstly; show a video o

10、n the Starwood Chain. This video will show you what an international company we belong to and how many properties and brands we have under the Starwood brand. “Own Brand” is one such brand and is very well known through out the world.We will then tell you a little bit about “Own Hotel Name” so that

11、you know what facilities the hotel will offer upon opening.We will then get everyone to participate in some fun exercises so that we can all get to know each other a little better.After this, we would like to ask everyone to take the telephone number for the Human Resources department as they leave

12、and to ring us back between 9am and 11am tomorrow morning. This way, we can ensure a very quick and efficient response to you. If you are successful through this initial screening interview, you will be asked to come in for a longer formal interview with human resources and the department head. It s

13、ounds like a long process but in fact we will endeavour to make it as quick as possible. Our goal is to have everyone on board by middle of March so we are actively looking now.Does anyone have any questions or concerns? Can everyone see the Television /Screen?Okay, lets learn a little bit about Sta

14、rwood. (Show DVD/Video).So who can tell me what the brands are for Starwood?Thats correct! (Show Flipchart) As you can see that we will belong to an international chain with very high standards and procedures. There are five brands Sheraton, Westin, W, St Regis and 4 Points. At “Hotel Name” we will

15、be (give specific hotel information on how many rooms, facilities, F&B outlets). We will be offering the best facilities! The best services! We will be the best hotel! As such we are looking for the best associates! Do you think any are here? (hopefully get one or two respond yes, if not ask again?)

16、 Absolutely! I think so as well!Well now that you know a little bit about us, we would now like to learn a little bit about you. Can you please turn to the person next to you and spend the next 5 minutes or so, finding out about them. (Flipchart) We want to know their name. Where they have worked? Their hobbies? T


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