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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可编辑2022考研英语阅读关节炎与肉毒杆菌 Arthritis and botulinum toxin 关节炎与肉毒杆菌毒素 Something to celebrate 值得庆贺 Botulinum toxin may help relieve chronic pain 肉毒杆菌毒素或许能够关心缓解慢性疾病的苦痛 An inflammatory problem 炎症的痛楚 ARTHRITIS is the bane of millions of lives. 关节炎是数百万人的噩梦。 Though it comes in many forms, their comm

2、on theme is inflammation of the tissues arounda joint in the skeleton. 关节炎有多种形式,但它们共同的特征是关节处组织的炎症反应。 Treatment is merely palliative: anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers or both. 对此的治疗手段往往是治标不治本:消炎药,止痛药,或者两者同时用。 But a piece of research published this week in Biochemistry, by Edwin Chapman of theUniv

3、ersity of Wisconsin and his colleagues, offers arthritis sufferers hope from a strangequarter: botulinum toxin. 但是由威斯康辛高校埃德文查普曼博士以及他的同事们在本周生物化学杂志上的发表的一项讨论,为关节炎患者供应了盼望:肉毒杆菌毒素。 This toxin is one of the mostdangerous substances on earth. 这种毒素是地球上最危急的物质之一, It is made by a bacterium called Clostridium bo

4、tulinum. 它是由一种叫肉毒杆菌的细菌合成。 Even a small amount is enough to kill a healthy adult. 仅仅很小的量就足以杀死一个健康成年人。 The toxin molecules attach themselves to a protein called synaptotagmin, which is foundon the surface membranes of nerve cells at their junctions with muscle cells. 这种毒素能结合到一种叫做synaptotagmin的蛋白上,SYT则

5、位于神经肌肉接头处神经细胞的细胞膜表面。 Thence they are ingested into the cell, where they disable another protein, SNAP-25, therole of which is to help release a chemical messenger called acetylcholine. 然后这种毒素被吞入细胞内部,进而让另外一个叫SNAP-25的蛋白失活,SNAP-25的作用是关心一种叫乙酰胆碱的化学信使的释放。 This messengers job is to tell muscle cells to con

6、tract. Without that signal, muscles stopsworking. If this happens all over the body, death is rapid. 这种化学信使的作用则是让肌肉细胞进行收缩。没有这种信号的话,肌肉便停止工作了。假如全身都发生这样的状况,死亡便接踵而来。 Inject the toxin locally, though, and you can do some good. Arthritis and botulinum toxin 关节炎与肉毒杆菌毒素 Something to celebrate 值得庆贺 Botulinum

7、 toxin may help relieve chronic pain 肉毒杆菌毒素或许能够关心缓解慢性疾病的苦痛 An inflammatory problem 炎症的痛楚 ARTHRITIS is the bane of millions of lives. 关节炎是数百万人的噩梦。 Though it comes in many forms, their common theme is inflammation of the tissues arounda joint in the skeleton. 关节炎有多种形式,但它们共同的特征是关节处组织的炎症反应。 Treatment is

8、 merely palliative: anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers or both. 对此的治疗手段往往是治标不治本:消炎药,止痛药,或者两者同时用。 But a piece of research published this week in Biochemistry, by Edwin Chapman of theUniversity of Wisconsin and his colleagues, offers arthritis sufferers hope from a strangequarter: botulinum toxin. 但

9、是由威斯康辛高校埃德文查普曼博士以及他的同事们在本周生物化学杂志上的发表的一项讨论,为关节炎患者供应了盼望:肉毒杆菌毒素。 This toxin is one of the mostdangerous substances on earth. 然而局部注射肉毒素还能带来好处。 It wipes away frown lines and other wrinkles, which are caused by overstimulated muscles, 它能抚平额头和其他部位的皱纹,这些皱纹恰恰是由于肌肉被过度刺激引起的。 thus allowing ageing celebs to appe

10、ar on the covers of gossip magazines withoutembarrassment. 它使得那些上了年纪的名流们毫无尴尬的消失在街头杂志的封面。 More seriously, it is used to treat disorders ranging from headaches to muscle spasms. 它更为严厉的用途是治疗各种生理紊乱,包括从头痛到肌肉痉挛。 It only works, however, in cells that have synaptotagmin on their surfaces. 然而,它仅仅能在那些表面具有SYT蛋

11、白的细胞中起作用, Which is where Dr Chapman comes in. 这正是查普曼博士的切入点。 Inflammation is also caused by chemical signalling. 炎症反应同样是由化学信号引起的。 Cells called macrophages summon all sorts of others to an injury, to try to repair it. 巨噬细胞召集其他免疫细胞到达受伤处,并试图修复损害。 If repair cannot be effected, though, the signalling never stops. 5 / 5



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