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1、.2018年北京市海淀区初二期末英 语单选1I cant find my football. Could you help? A.himB.herC.meD.them2-What do you usually doSunday?-I usually do my homework. A.atB.toC.inD.on3Hurry up,youll miss the train! A.orB.butC.andD.so4Jeff studied hard and gotgrades than before. A.goodB.betterC.bestD.the best5-do you like wat

2、ching the news?- Because I hope to find out whats going on around the world. A.WhatB.WhereC.WhyD.Which6-you dance?-Yes, I can, but Im not a good dancer. A.MayB.CanC.NeedD.Must7If youa lot, you will be healthy. A.exerciseB.will exerciseC.exercisedD.are exercising8We were in Qingdao last spring andgre

3、at fun there. A.will haveB.have hadC.hadD.have9Sallypiano lessons next year. A.takesB.tookC.has takenD.is going to take10Listen! The students of Class Onein their classroom now. A.singB.are singingC.sangD.will sing11Joe planshis grandmother tomorrow. A.to visitB.visitC.visitingD.visited12-Whats the

4、best movie theater?-Star Theater. I think it hasseats in town. A.comfortableB.most comfortableC.more comfortableD.the most comfortable完形填空13Kellys PE ClassKelly loved school, especially PE class. She was a very good student and enjoyed reading and math. But Kelly had a1time in PE class. She could no

5、t run really fast and she was not good at jumping. Sometimes, the other kids in her PE class gave her a hard time and made fun of her. So why would Kelly love PE class?The reason Kelly enjoyed going to PE class was because Mr. Burns, her teacher, always told her to do her best. Even if she only ran

6、for a few2, Mr. Burns said, Good job. Next time, you will be able to go a little longer. Mr. Burns even put a small box on the gym floor so Kelly could practice jumping over it. Great job, Kelly! You get better every day!That night when Kelly finished dinner, she began practicing3over boxes. She cou

7、ld jump over three boxes! The next day Kelly did jump over three boxes in class. The other kids started to4how well Kelly was doing and said to her, Good job!It was Tuesday and time for the weekly relay race in PE class. Kelly was5that she would not be able to go very far, or some kids would laugh a

8、t her. But, when Mr. Burns said, Ready, go, Kelly thought, I can do it, I can do it. As Kelly ran around the track, she found herself moving6into first place! Suddenly, she heard many cheers and kids yelling, Go Kelly! You can do it! That was all she needed to hear. Kelly ran as fast as she could, a

9、nd headed for the finishing line. She made it! Kelly finished first! The kids clapped and cheered for her. Kelly felt so good and7of herself. Thank you Mr. Burns, said Kelly. Kelly, you ran the race, not me. Yes, but you always said I could8it.After that day, Kelly tried her hardest at everything, a

10、nd the kids no longer made fun of her. In fact, when the kids needed someone on their team for9, Kelly was the first person they picked! Thanks to Mr. Burns, Kelly had the10she needed to do anything! 1.A.lazyB.relaxingC.hardD.good 2.A.minutesB.hoursC.daysD.months 3.A.flyingB.jumpingC.walkingD.playin

11、g 4.A.seeB.enjoyC.showD.hear 5.A.angryB.worriedC.gladD.surprised 6.A.higherB.lowerC.fartherD.closer 7.A.smartB.trustyC.proudD.lucky 8.A.serveB.findC.believeD.do 9.A.runningB.dancingC.catchingD.throwing 10.A.resolutionB.experienceC.confidenceD.instruction阅读理解14AQ and A Today: the InternetWe asked two

12、 teenagers from the U.S. about what they think of the Internet. Here are their answers.Question 1: How often do you use the Internet, and what for?LindaI use it every day. I have a lot of online friends. I have my own blog. Its exciting. If we didnt have the Internet, life would be really boring.Bre

13、ttI use it a lot, I surf the Internet about twice a day. I have my own web page. I write about my hobbies and interests on it. And I love getting mail from other people.Question 2: What website do you think is the best?LindaA! I like it because it gives girls advice on what to do in different situat

14、ions, and theres also something interesting to read. I can find new books every week.BrettHonestly, I dont know what to say. I have visited so many websites. There surely isnt just one website that I would recommend 推荐Question 3: If you were offered提供a job in computing, would you take it?LindaIm not

15、 sure. You can meet lots of people on the web, and there are cool games. but Id like to meet real people in my job. So maybe I will be the manager of a big Internet company.BrettSure. If I had the chance, Id like to work as a web designer. I love designing设计, and I like creating my own things.How often does Brett use the Internet? A.Every dayB.Twice a dayC.Once a weekD.Four times a weekOn A, girl


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