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1、辽宁省抚顺市第二十五中学2021-2022学年高三英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. It may not work out that one living in an English-speaking country will acquire the language _.A. effectively B. fluentlyC. automatically D. severely参考答案:C考查副词辨析。effectively有效地;fluently流利地;automatically自动地;severely严重地。句意:一个生活在一个以英语为母语的国家也许并不会自动掌握这门语言。根据句

2、意选C。2. Angela and Tahiti will pick up the marriage _ after they meet online couple of times, which their families think is not sensible.A. permitB. identificationC. certificateD. qualification参考答案:C3. My sister, as well as her classmates who late for class, criticized by Mr. Hunt. A. were; was B. wa

3、s; were C. was; was D. were; were参考答案:A 4. I think he is taking an active part in social work. I agree with you_. A. in the way B. on the way C. by the way D. in a way参考答案:D5. The group of scientists, _, went on to do the experiment as required. A. having finished discussing the method B. having fin

4、ished to discuss the method C. had finished discussing the method D. had finished to discuss the method参考答案:A6. Men must consider eating, drinking, clothing and finding shelter _ they can pursue entertainment and recreation.A. until B. unlessC. before D. because参考答案:C【详解】考查状语从句。A. until直到-为止;B. unle

5、ss除非;C. before在-之前;D. because因为。句意:男人在追求娱乐和消遣之前,必须考虑吃、喝、穿、住。结合句意可知此处是before引导的时间状语从句,故答案为C。7. Before its first voyage, that the ship Titanic was the most advanced and safest one in history Athis was declared Bthey were declared Cit was declared Dthat declared参考答案:C8. How come you were half an hour l

6、ate for my class this morning, Mike?_ My fathers car broke down halfway.A. Yes, so what? B. No, its not my fault.C. Well, who knows? D. Sorry, but I couldnt help it.参考答案:D【详解】考查情景交际。句意:今天早上你为什么迟到了半小时,迈克?对不起,我没办法。我父亲的车半路抛锚了。故选D。9. It is known to all senior three students that the rest time of the las

7、t term, _ full use of _ the college entrance examination, will be very important to every student.A. when made; preparing for Bif made; to prepare for Cthat made; to prepare for Dwhether is made; preparing for参考答案:B10. - Is there a heavy rain in the evening?- There be. Ill make a phone call to find

8、it out. Amust Bwill Cmight Dcan参考答案:C 11. How did you find your visit to Qingdao, Joanna?A. Oh, wonderful indeed B. I went the alone C. First by train and then by ship D. A guide showed me the way参考答案:A 解析:交际用语。How did you find? 意思是:你觉得怎么样?回答“去青岛旅游的感觉怎么样”,用形容词作宾补(find my visit wonderful)。How did you

9、 find the talk this morning? _. A. By asking my students B. It was easy to findC. Very disappointing D. Just in time for it12. So far, about 40 houses have fallen down under the weight of the snow, with 22 people _. A. reported injured B. reported injuring C. reporting injured D. reporting injuring

10、参考答案:A略13. The government has taken some measures to solve the shortage of electricity, but it may be some time _ the situation improves.A. sinceB. whenC. unlessD. before参考答案:D 14. One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but would help cover my living _.A. bills B. expenses C. prices D. charge

11、s 参考答案:B 解析:bill账单(water bill水费);expense费用(cover the living expenses支付生活费用);price价钱(the price of the book);charge要价,收费(admission charge入场费) 15. To the attendants disappointment , silence _ the meeting room.A made B covered C filled D ruled 参考答案:D16. He showed calmness and peace of mind,and this is h

12、e stood out in the gameAwhen Bwhy Cthat Dwhat参考答案:B二、 书面表达17. 书面表达 认真阅读LiHua写给SuHua的信。假设你是SuHua,请根据信中的具体内容给LiHua回复。 注意:开头和结尾已经写好,词数150左右,Dear Su Hua,I need your help. In last weeks oral English Competition, I was asked this question, “If you are asked to donate an hour every day, what would you do a

13、nd why?” I just replied that I would use the hour to relax myself as we have been working very hard in school and that I would also use the hour to learn to play the piano as it has been my childhood dream.However, the judges commented that my answer to the question was not to the point. As a result

14、, I didnt get the award as expected.Can you tell me why my answer was not to the point? How will you answer this question?Look forward to heating from you.Best wishes,Li HuaDear Li Hua,Thank you for your email about the question “If you are asked to donate an hour every day, what would you do and why?” I agree with the judges that your answer is not to the point._



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