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1、辽宁省大连市瓦房店第十七初级中学高一英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. When are you leaving?My train at 11:30A. will leave B. is to leaveC. is about to leave D. leaves参考答案:D【详解】考查时态。句意:你什么时候走?列车11点半发车。表示按照时刻表发生的动作用一般现在时表示将来,故D项正确。2. There are three students punished , our monitor _ A include B including C included D includes参考答案:C

2、3. The weather of Kunming is better than of Tianjin.A. thisB. thatC. oneD. it参考答案:B4. To_ telling lies, he asked his friend to help him cheat his parents. A. get rid of B. get away with C. throw away D. get down to 参考答案:B略5. There are lots of different ways to _ what you want to express to target co

3、nsumers when you are putting together an ad campaign. A. get down B. get into C. get through D. get across 参考答案:D6. - _! Put your foot on the brake(刹车)!- I am braking.- No, your foot is on the gas pedal!A. Take care B. Attention C. Relax D. Watch out参考答案:D7. .There are many dictionaries here, but wh

4、ich one _ you?A. is belonging to B. is belonged to C. belongs to D. belongs 参考答案:C略8. _, dont be surprised.A. Whatever happens B. Whatever does it happenC. Whatever will it happen D. Whatever may it happen参考答案:A本题考查状语从句。此处whatever引导状语从句,从句要用陈述语序。9. The rapid development of micro-blogs has greatly af

5、fected the way _ people communicate with each other.A. that B. what C. which D. when 参考答案:A10. Little Tommy was willing to tell the teacher _ he had done before.A. which B. how C. where D. What 参考答案:D11. The strength of China will benefit us because it can help keep the world economy stable while we

6、 our problems.A. take upB. put upC. work outD. look out参考答案:C12. After sailing for five months, they arrived at they thought was the place they had been looking for. A. what B. that C. which D. where参考答案:A略13. _ you picked up the watch?A. Where it was that B. Where was it that C. Where was it there

7、D. It was where that参考答案:B考查强调句型。句意:你是在哪里捡到这块表的?把句子改为陈述句It was where that you picked up the watch.可知选B。点睛:单选题解题技巧单选题主要考查学生的词汇,语法和交际等方面的英语基础知识和语言运用能力。它看似简单,实际上学生要掌握大纲范围的所有单词,所有语法。1. 学会分析句子成分,即主谓宾,定状补。2. 化简长句。句子长多因含有各种从句,大从句又包含小从句。句子再长,经过化简,都是简单句的五种基本句型。3.还原句子结构。疑问句还原为陈述句,如本题;强调句还原为普通句;省略句还原为完整句;被动句还原

8、为主动句;代词还原为名词。14. There was time I hated to go to school. A. a; that B. a; when C. the; that D. the; when参考答案:B略15. The boy_on the bed_to his friend that a cock laid an egg yesterday. A. lay;lay B. lying;lay C. lying;lied D. lied;lying参考答案:C略16. The film _ on the book by Jack London is well worth _.A

9、. basing; seeing B. based; being seen C. to be based ; to see D. based; seeing参考答案:D二、 书面表达17. 假设你是李梅,你的好朋友苏珊前不久随父母去美国,她写信告诉你她很不适应美国的校园生活,感到孤独。请你根据以下要点用英语给她写一封建议信。(1)多交一些朋友,友情会使她忘记孤独。(2)学好英语,从而增加和别人交流的机会。(3)空余时间多去旅游,使自己的生活更加有趣。词数:100个左右;可适当增加细节。Dear Susan,_Yours,Li Mei参考答案:Dear Susan,Im sorry to hea

10、r that you are having trouble adapting to your new school life in America, but this situation can be easily changed if you take my advice.Firstly, why not make some new friends? They can help you to know more about America, and friendship can help you to forget your loneliness. Secondly, you should

11、work hard at English, which can give you more opportunities to communicate with others. Thirdly, it would be a good idea if you travel a lot in your spare time, which will make your life more interesting and color1 ful as will as broaden your horizons. By doing these, you will be happier with your n

12、ew life soon.I hope you will find these suggestions will be of great help to you.Yours,Li Mei试题分析:本文是写给前不久随父母去美国的好朋友苏珊,对于她在美国的生活学习不顺心的状态,给她一些建议。成文时应注意以下几点:(1) 内容完整,陈述写信背景以及完整表述给苏珊的建议。(2)人称使用要恰当。(3)时态:一般现在时为主。(4)适当使用一些连词和插入语,使文章自然、流畅。(5)恰当使用一些高级词汇和句型,以增加文章的档次。根据题目的要求和我们上面提到的注意点,列出提纲:第一部分:写作目的(知道她在美国生

13、活学习不顺心很难过;给她鼓励);第二部分:给她建议(用Firstly,Secondly,Thirdly使表述流畅);表达期待(给她鼓励,告诉她一切都会好起来的)。【亮点说明】 1.使用高级句型:宾语从句的使用Im sorry to hear that you are having trouble adapting to your new school life in America;多次使用非限制性定语从句Secondly, you should work hard at English, which can give you more opportunities to communicate

14、 with others.;Thirdly ,which will make your life more interesting and color1 ful as well as broaden your horizons.。2.使用了过渡词语:Firstly,Secondly,Thirdly等。3.使用了重要短语:adapt to适应;make friends交朋友;as well as以及。18. 假定你是李华,你的外国好友Eric将作为交换生到你市的一所高中学习。因担心自己不能快速适应这里的学校生活,特写信向你求助,请就此给他写封回信。要点如下:1乐意提供帮助; 2提出具体建议; 3希望能够帮到对方。注意:1词数100左右; 2可以适当增加细节,以使行文


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