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1、辽宁省丹东市天娇文化艺术学校高一英语联考试题含解析一、 选择题1. He is busy now, otherwise he _ go with you for a walk.A. will go B. go C. would go D. would have gone 参考答案:C2. On average, there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, _ about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries.A. have caused B. causing C. caused D. to be causing参考答案:B略3.

2、 Youd better cut your hair short. Our school doesnt _ long hair.A. approve of students wearingB. approve students to wearC. approve students wearingD. approve of students to wear参考答案:A考查approve的用法, approve of sb doing “支持,赞成某人做某事”“你最好把头发剪短,我们学校不赞成学生留长发。”4. All her energies are _on children and she s

3、eems to have little time for anything else.A. aimed B. focused C. guided D. directed参考答案:B略5. Mr. Huang will _ in the movement.A. play a leading part B. take parts C. play leading part D. take a part参考答案:A略6. Towering over the surrounding buildings _ the Suning skyscraper, which reaches nearly 400 m

4、eters in height, making it a new landmark of Zhenjiang.A. are B. has C. is D. have参考答案:C7. _ of the land in that district _ covered with trees and grass.A. Two-fifth; is B. Two- fifth; areC. Two-fifths; is D. Two-fifths; are参考答案:C8. I think the Brazilian team is the strongest team and there is _ tha

5、t it will win the 2010 World Cup. A. no wayB. no problem C. no doubt D. no wonder参考答案:9. Little Tommy was willing to tell the teacher _ he had done before.A. which B. how C. where D. what参考答案:D略24. -Im very sorry that I answered the questions carelessly.-Can that _ why you failed the exam again?A. a

6、ccount for B. prefer to C. explain to D. look for参考答案:A11. Mr. Black often _ fishing on Sunday, _ _ he?A. goes. doesnt B. goes, isnt C. doesnt go, docs D. doesnt go. is参考答案:A12. In the last few years thousands of films _ all over the worldA. have produced B. have been producedC. are producing D. are

7、 being produced参考答案:B考查时态。In the last +时间段,应用现在完成时态。所以选B。13. This paper will be returned unless it is_ to four thousand words.A. cut down B. cut up C. cut out D. cut off参考答案:A14. -Are you a teacher? -No, but I _ in Harbin No. 3 High School for 3 years. A.had taught B. has taught C. teach D. taught 参

8、考答案:D15. -Judy, I will have a meeting in Canada next week.-Well, youd better take a _with you, or you may easily get lost.A. photo B. stamp C. map D. postcard参考答案:C16. -The floor is dirty.-I know , it _ for weeks.A. hasnt mopped B. didnt mop C. wasnt mopped D. hasnt been mopped参考答案:D17. Jack was fai

9、lure as a leader, but he achieved great success in writing. A. a; a B. a; / C. /; a D. /; /参考答案:B略18. The old man used _ in front of his house and he has got used to _ like that. A. to sit; doing B. to sitting; do C. to sit; do D. to sitting; doing参考答案:A19. - How are your recent trip to Sichuan?- Iv

10、e never had _ one before.A. a pleasantB. a more pleasantC. a most pleasant D. the most pleasant参考答案:B二、 新的题型20. Do you want to create more successful writings? Perhaps you can benefit from the following suggestions on excellent writing.You need time. A lot of smart people lie to themselves like, “I

11、finish my task best at the last minute.” In fact, its not true. _11_ Sure, you are smart, but you still need to have some pressure. For example, if you are working on an important topic, why do you think that you can write well at midnight just before the conference? Writing can be a miracle if you

12、are given enough time.Writing requires practice. _12_ Would you do nothing before running a marathon? No, you would practice running gradually to make your body stronger. In order to become a writer, you need to write.Write at the best time. I happen to be a morning person, so I write early in the d

13、ay. Then I spend the rest of my day teaching or having meetings. _13_14_ Or, at least, they are not correct to some extent. Nearly all of the best scholars are changed by their experiences in doing research and writing about it. They learn by doing, and sometimes what they learn is that they were wr

14、ong.Revise your writing again and again. Have other people look at it. You need to overcome a fear of refusal. _15_ The difference between a successful scholar and a failed one is about who is better at writing and revising.A. Not all of your thoughts are influential.B. No one works better with time running out.C. You get better and faster through exercise.D. Exchange pa


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