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1、教育资源教育资源俎店镇中心初级中学英语组第二周 课 时 教 案第 6 节总第 6 课时课 题Starter Module2 Unit1备课人课型Listening and speaking课时1 教学目标知 识与 能力Key vocabulary and phrases: sit, down, open, book, listen, draw, put, up, stand, close. Useful sentences: Sit down. Stand up. Open your book. Close your book. Put up your hands. 过 程与 方法Studen

2、ts should learn the classroom English in order to respond to the teacher s words, and can corrrectly use them.情 感态 度价 值观Motivate students interest in learning English. 课标要求能听懂学习活动中连续的指令和问题,并做出适当的反应。能理解并执行有关学习活动的简短书面指令重点Useful expressions难点Be skilled in oral expression教法Self study and Cooperate study

3、教具 学具白板 录音机教学程序教师活动学生活动1. Greeting. 2.3.4. Warming-up T: Class,Please stand up. Hello, class. S: Hello, Mr Wu. T: Good morning,class. S: Good morning,Mr Wu. T: Please sit down. S: Thank you. Greeting. Practice speaking Listen to the tape and learn 教育资源教育资源At the same time,help the students understan

4、d the meaning with a gesture. 3.Vocabulary study: Step 1:Play the tape and have them point out the words and phrases in Activity 2. Step 2: Play the tape again and have them read after the tape. Step 3: Have the students match the phrases in Activity 4 and check their answer with their partner. 5.6.

5、7. Practise Come to Part5. If necessary help the students . And then ask for some students to read them Out. 8. Conclude Ask the students to sum up the points have learnt in the lesson. 9. Homework Practice writing the letters. the new words. Listen again and read Practice Check the answer in groups. Practice writing and reading Sum up the points 板书设计Stand up. Sit down. Open your book. Close your book. Put up your hands.教学反思Students can understand teacher s words by listening and write the useful words correctly



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