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1、Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?(第 2 课时)课题教学旁记教学设计一、教学三维目标1. 知识与技能:1. Can use can to describe ones ability 2. Can communicate with classmate to improve the ability of talking . 3.To be the manage of one club 2. 过程与方法:对话,小组活动语言来源于现实生活,学习本节课从而启发学生在课余培养其它方面的能力。3. 情感态度与价值观:通过实践让学生体验学习英语的乐趣,并能勇于展示自己的才能,通过

2、小组活动谈论彼此的特长与爱好。指导学习积极与他人交流,相互学习,相互帮助,培养团队精神。二、教学重点、难点1、要求掌握以下句式(1)-Can he /she paint /speak English? -Yes, he/she can. /No, he/she cant. (2) -What can you do? -I can play the guitar. (3) -Can you play it well? -No, I cant. 2、要求掌握以下词汇:名词: kid 形容词性物主代词:our 三、教学准备Tape-player、实物、多媒体课件四、教学课时4 课时五、教学过程Ste

3、p1 :warming up Activity 1:(1) Daily greetings to the students(日常问候)Activity 2(2) Revision(复习)T: (从复习中来)What can you do?/ Can you sing? S: I can play the guitar. T: What club do you want to join? S: I want to join the music club. T: What about you?(to the other students) Ask individual students. Step

4、 2 :Presatation T: Today we are going to be the manager of the club . We have to inlarge our member of our club . 1.To tell what we can do in different clubs 2.Interview 3.good hearing Step 3 :Group work. (Work on 3b)(完成 P61,3b 的对话部分)T: Work on groups of four. Make up similar conversations. Please w

5、rite down the answers in the form. (First do a sample with a student) Name can well not well Li Lei swim Mary sing Step 4 :Groupwork T: Now you are middle school students. You can swim You can sing. You can do many things. But they cant. They are only kids.(show a picture of a group of kids to the s

6、tudents) They are going to Beidaihe. But there arent enough teachers. Are you good with kids? Do you want to join them? Can you help them? Please look at the ad on page 61 part 4. Suppose one of you are the headmaster of the kindergarten Please make an interview with your partner. Then take turns. (

7、Give them five minutes) Then ask some pairs or groups to act out their interviews. Ask other students to listen to the interviews carefully and ask some questions about the interviews. Such as: Have they found someone for the job? Why? What can they do? What cant they do? Step6:总结Grammar Focus(语法总结)

8、Use the sentences on the blackboard to do the grammar focus. 情态动词can 小结 : 后面总是接动词原形 , 没有人称和数的变化. 意思是 能, 会. 用法口诀 : 情动 can 表能力 , 和行为动词不分离. 不管主语如何变, can的模样永不变 . 只要出现情动can, 动词原形后面站. 一般疑问can 提前 , 否定 can 后 not 添 . 教学设计趁热打铁1.They can play basketball after class. ( 改为一般疑问句, 并作肯定和否定回答.) _they_ _ basketball after class? _,they_. _,they_. 2.Liu Lin can sing in English.(改为否定句 ) Liu Lin_ _in English. Homework: Make a survey after class according to 4 on page 61 教学反思



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