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1、7AUnit 1 重点短语与句型1.如何照顾你的电子狗how to look after your e-dog 2.早上 /下午 /晚上 / 好 Good morning/ afternoon/ evening 晚安Good night 3.见到你很开心nice/glad to meet you 4.欢迎(某人)到某地welcome (sb.) to 5.在 7 年级一班in Class 1, Grade 7 6.阳光中学的一名新学生a new student at Sunshine Middle School 7.留着短发have short hair 8.又高又瘦tall and slim

2、 9.酷爱阅读 /运动love reading/ sports 10. 放学后踢足球 /弹钢琴play football/ the piano after school 11. 来自come/be from 12. 很喜欢听音乐like listening to music (very much) 13. 戴(一副)眼镜wear (a pair of) glasses 14. 擅长于 be good /clever at = do well in 15. 喜欢跳舞like/ enjoy dancing 去上舞蹈课go to the dancing lessons 16. 擅长于游泳be goo

3、d at swimming 一个优秀的游泳运动员a good swimmer 17. 我的爱好之一one of my hobbies 18. 回家很晚go home late 上学迟到be late for school 19. 和我家人一起住在北京live with my family in Beijing 20. 戴眼镜wear glasses 21. 喜爱所有我的课程love all my lessons 24. 对我很好be nice to me 25疑问词 +to do sth. eg: I don t know what to do next. “ 我不知道下一步该做什么. ”He

4、 doesn t know how to do it next.“他不知道下一步怎么做. ”26.I am 11 years old. “ 我 11 岁. ”区别 I am an 11-year-old girl/boy. “ 我是一个 11 岁的男 /女孩 . ”27.I m good at (learning) English. “ 我擅长 (学)英语 ” = “我英语学得好 ”= I do well in (learning) English. = I learn English well.= I am a good English learner 28. The Simple Pres

5、ent Tense - 表状态(含be )Are you happy ? 你开心吗?Is our school nice ? 我们的学校漂亮吗?I am not in Class Two . 我不在 2班。初一英语期中复习7AUnit21.做运动 play sports 2.让某人做某事let sb do sth 3.他最喜欢的运动his favourite sport 4.喜欢散步 enjoy / like / love walking 5.去散步 go walking = go for a walk 6.走到我的碗边walk to my bowl 7.走到学校walk to school

6、8.走回家 /这/那儿 walk home / here / there 9.每天许多次many times a day 10.打排球 /网球 play volleyball/tennis 11.做 某 事 怎 么 样 ? /做 某 事 好 不 好 (2) What about /How about doing sth? 12.去跑步 go running 13.每周 /天早上 every wee/morning 14.我最喜欢的足球明星my favourite football star 15.看起来很强壮look very strong 16.看起来高兴look happy 17.足球踢得

7、很play football very well 18.许多人 many people 19.在他的空余时间里in his free time 20.学好英语learn English well 21.使他伤心make him sad 22.使某人做某事make sb do sth 23.想要做某事2want/would like todo 24.在下一届世界杯里踢球play football in the next World Cup 25.带上这个包take this bag 26.把 你 的 作 业 带 来 学 校bring your homework to school 27.六点半起

8、床get up at half past six 28.观球类比赛watch ball games 29.画一匹马draw a horse30.在工作日 on weekdays 31.和你一起去go with you 32.和我爸爸一起去游泳go swimming with my dad 33.呆在家里 stay at home 34.呆在这儿 /那儿 stay here/there 35.我的许多学生many of my students 36.和 我 朋 友 一 起 打 乒 乓 球play table tennis/ping-pong with my friends 37.使我感觉很棒ma

9、ke me feel great 38.许多书 3many/a lot of/lots of books 39.许多牛奶 (3)much/a lot of /lots of milk 40.谈论在超市买东西talk about shopping in the supermarket 41.我们校篮球队的一名成员a member of our school basketball team 42.看电视上的篮球赛watch basketball matches on TV 43.我的英雄之一one of my heroes 44.我也是的。 Me too.二、句子1.你最喜欢的运动是什么?What

10、 s your favourite sport?2.你最喜欢什么运动?What sport do you like best? 3.他是黄河足球俱乐部的一个成员。He is a member of Huanghe Football Club. =他在黄河足球俱乐部。= He is in Huanghe Football Club. 4.我希望他的梦想成真。I hope his dream comes true. 5.李华参加什么俱乐部了吗? Is Li Hua in any club? 6.他来自北京吗?(2) Does he come from Beijing?Is he from Beij

11、ing? 7.他足球踢得好吗?(3) Does he play football well?Is he good at playing football? Does he do well in playing football? 8.他来自广东,但现在住在北京He comes from Guangdong ,but now lives in Beijing 9.丹尼尔不是很喜欢运动,但是有时他打乒乓球。Daniel doesn t like sports very much, But he sometimes plays table tennis. 10.你还喜欢做什么事情?2What els

12、e do you like to do?= What other things do you like to do? 11.阅读很有趣。Reading is fun. /It is fun to read. 12.你经常和谁一起玩?Who do you often play with? 7A Unit 1 2 复习练习一、单项填空( ) 1.There is _ “ u” and _ “ n” in _ word “ sun ”.A. a, an , a B. an, a ,the C. a , an , the D. an, an , the ( ) 2.-Could I borrow _p

13、ens from you? -Sorry, I don t have_.A. some; some B. any; any C. some; any D. any; some ( ) 3.-_ your sister have a computer? - Sorry. I don t think she has _. A. Do; it B. Does; one C. Do; one D. Does; it ( ) 4. - Why do you often _ that pink blouse ? -Because it fits (合身)me well . A. put on B. wea

14、r C dress D. try on ( ) 5.-Do you often go to school by bike ? - No, I _ after school . A. walk to home B. walking to home C. walk home D. walk at home ( ) 6. - _, what s the time ? - _, I don t know .A. Sorry; Excuse me B. Sorry; Sorry C. Excuse me ;Sorry D. Sorry ; No ( ) 7. -Ann, you look so love

15、ly! -_! A. Don t say that B. I think so C. Thank you D. Sorry to hear that ( ) 8. Daniel is a very _ football player and he plays very _. A. good ; good B. well ; good C. good ; well D. well ; well ( ) 9. Mary likes _, but I enjoy _. A. dance; chat B. dancing; chatting C. to dance; to chat D. to dan

16、ce ; chating ( ) 10. - It is time to go to bed, Betty. - -_, mummy. A. Good night B. Goodbye C. Ok D. Good evening ( ) 11. - _ your teachers kind to you? - Yes. And they teach _. A. Do; good B. Does; well C. Is; good D. Are; well ( ) 12. - What s you r hobby, Amy ? - _. A. Swim and run B. Swimming and run C. Swim and running D. Swimming; running ( )13.- Who s that man _ a white shirt? - He s our new Maths teacher.A. wears B. in C. on D. with ( )14.- Does your father _ newspapers every evening?-



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