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1、福建省莆田市第七中学2019-2020学年高一英语联考试题含解析一、 选择题1. The word “positive energy” is becoming more than common in newspapers and magazines _ you could notice. A. before B. since C. when D. after 参考答案:A2. If no one _ the lost bag,the person who found it can give it to the Lost and Found Department.Aclaims B. deman

2、ds C. requires D. deserves参考答案:A3. The captain, _ by his coach, always created wonders on the playground.A. thought highly ofB. speaking highly ofC. thought nothing ofD. considering highly of参考答案:A4. The city of Mianyang lies _ three rivers meet.A. thatB. whatC. whenD. where参考答案:D略5. - Itll take at

3、least 30 minutes to clean the yard! -_ I can do it in 5 minutes. A. Oh, come on! B. I couldnt agree more. C. That all depends.D. Its hard to say.参考答案:A6. Just in front of our house _ with a history of 1,000 years.A. does a tall tree stand B. stands a tall treeC. a tall tree is standing D. a tall tre

4、e stands参考答案:B略7. Sam couldnt how to work out the problem until the teacher explained it to him.A. figure out B. go through C. get over D. come up参考答案:A8. They say that you need to be a bit mad to be an inventor.-_, then my friend Peter is a bit mad. He is an inventor. A. If so B. If possible C. If

5、ever D. If not参考答案:A9. The best man will _ and toast the bride and groom at the banquet. A. make a speech B. receive an invitation C. contribute some money D. attend a reception参考答案:A10. He _ a good idea at the meeting.A. came up with B. came up C. came out D. catch up with参考答案:A试题分析:考查动词短语搭配及含义。句意:

6、在会议上,他想出了一个好主意。A. 想出办法;B. 出现;C.出来; D. 赶上,追上。因此选A。11. She offered a _ of $ 2,000 for information about her missing son.Apay Breward Cfee Dfare 参考答案:B考查名词。句意:她悬赏2 000美元来得到失踪儿子的消息。根据语境“失踪,消息”可知“悬赏”。reward为“奖赏”符合题意。12. The picture _ on the wall is painted by my nephew. A. having hung B. hanging C. hangs

7、 D. being hung参考答案:B 解析:本题考察现在分词短语作定语。hanging为不及物动词hang的现在分词,和on the wall组成短语,修饰picture,在这里表示一种状态。 13. The actor _ us greatly with his wonderful performance and excellent English.A. moved B. interested C. impressed D. touched参考答案:C 14. The little girl _ the tail of his brothers coat the moment she s

8、aw he would hurry away without her.A. held on to B. held down C. held out on D. held back参考答案:A略15. The engineers are so busy that they have zero time for outdoor sports activities, _they have the interest.A. wherever B. whenever C. even if D. as if参考答案:C二、 完型填空16. Have you ever heard of the saying,

9、 “If you want a friend, be !” What does it ? There are many different things that you can do to friends. You may find out what they are if you someone make friends.Here is one new teacher made friends with the in her class on the first day of the school. When the bell , the teacher smiled at all the

10、 students. Then she said, “Good morning. How nice it is to have all of you my class this year! I want to each of you very much. Im sure we will enjoy working together.”The teacher smiled, used a pleasant and acted a friendly way. She told the students her and wrote it on the blackboard. Then she tol

11、d them something she liked to and hoped to do with them during the year. The students knew that she liked many of the same things they liked. Everyone felt that she what she said. Each of them wanted to know her and be her friend. Then she let the students tell something about . So they felt that th

12、e teacher knew them. Could you make friends as the teacher ?How do you know and like your classmates? One is to find out more about them. During the you can talk to them. You may ask them their names and the names of the schools they went to last year. They want to know about you, too. You may tell

13、them about your interests or your holiday experiences. It is often easy to be friends with people who have interests and play the same games. As you talk, the others may be thinking, “I like to do. It should be fun to be friends with you.” Remember! Just talking together in a friendly way is one goo

14、d way to make friends.16A.one B. it C. that D. careful17A. show B. want C. have D. mean18A. meetB. makeC. have D. get19A. look B. hearC. listenD. watch20A. what B. whyC. how D. when21A. teachersB. students C. workmates D. parents22A. sang B. got C. rangD. spoke23A. in B. on C. with D. about24A. teach B. knowC. learnD.


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