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1、湖南省益阳市小波中学2020年高三英语月考试题含解析一、 选择题1. The manager was very angry , for he had sent his business partner two thousand machines yesterday ,half of _ unqualified.A. whom B. what C. them D. which 参考答案:C略2. When _ to danger and conflict, men tend to increase blood pressure, _ nervous and anxious.A. exposed;

2、 felt B. exposed; feeling C. exposing; feeling D. exposing; felt参考答案:B3. Villa tried to look for two seats with her friend,Katy,but she found Aneither Beither Cnone Dboth参考答案:C 4. I just cant put this new 1amp togetlaer properly _,dearFollow the instructions step by step ATake care BDont bother CTha

3、ts it DBe patient参考答案:D5. We are at your service. Dont hesitate to us if you have any further problems. Aturn to Bappeal to Ccome to Dapply to参考答案:A略6. The manager, in _ office I just attended an interview, asked me to go back, waiting for the reply.A. whomB. whatC. whoseD. which参考答案:C【详解】考查定语从句。句意:

4、我刚在经理的办公室参加了面试,他让我回去等答复。分析句子可知,逗号后是一个非限制性定语从句。先行词是the manager是人,从句中office是名词应用形容词性代词修饰。故填whose。结合选项,故选C。7. lt was in December, 2018_Chairman Xi and President Trump met in Argentina.A. whenB. thatC. beforeD. since参考答案:B【详解】考查强调句型。句意:习近平主席和特朗普总统是在2018年12月份在阿根廷会面的。分析句子结构可知此处为强调句型,其基本结构为it is+被强调部分+that

5、+其余部分,本句强调的是时间状语in December, 2018,故B项正确。8. I _ to go to see my former class teacher, but it was raining cats and dogs that night.A. have intended B. had intendedC. will intend D. was intended参考答案:B9. Any student in my school who is caught in the exam will be removed from school Ato have cheated Bto

6、cheat Ccheated Dcheating参考答案:D10. -Are you going to take part in the speech contest?-_ Its too good an opportunity to miss.A. No problem!B. Thats for sureC. Why me?D. Why bother?参考答案:B【详解】本题考查情景交际。解题步骤:1. 确定各选项意思:A. No problem! 没问题! B. Thats for sure.肯定; C. Why me? 为什么是我? D. Why bother? 干嘛要费事?2. 确定答

7、案:根据回答中Its too good an opportunity to miss.可知表示肯定会参加。句意:-你打算要参加演讲比赛吗?-一定参加。这个机会太难得了不容错过。故选B。11. According to the timetable, the train for Beijing _ at 7:00p.m, so I have to set off for the station now.A. has left B. is to leave C. will have left D. leaves参考答案:D12. Students who graduate with working

8、experience will be given more _ than those who never work in any company Aprediction B, presence Cpreparation Dpreference参考答案:D略13. In my opinion, friends are more reliable than online ones.A. real B. true C. close D. good参考答案:A考查形容词的辨析。real与online对应,表示“实际存在的”。14. I soon found that the work I was do

9、ing had been done by other people _Im wasting my time. A. in a word B. in other wordC. beyond words D. get in a word参考答案:B略15. I am very angry. He has to be called several times _ he comes downstairs to his dinner. A. before B. when C. until D. as参考答案:A16. _, I believe, and you will find Tom is very

10、 outgoing.A. Having a talk with the studentB. Once talk with the studentC. Given a talk with the student D. If you have a talk with the student参考答案:B解析:考查常见句式。句中有连词and,因此本题是“祈使句+and+陈述句”句式,前面的祈使句也可以是名词(短语)。二、 书面表达17. 书面表达( 满分25分)请根据下面提示,用英文简要描写你的一位好朋友周亮。1.年龄16岁,身材不高,但很聪明;2.兴趣广泛,爱好足球、音乐、上网等;3.学习勤奋, 待

11、人谦虚( modest ),乐于助人,耐心帮你学英语;4.大家都很喜欢他,你也喜欢他。注意:1. 词数: 100 词左右;2. 题目: My Best Friend参考答案:My Best Friend Zhou Liang is my best friend. Hes sixteen. He is not very tall, but he is very smart. He has many different interests. He is fond of music. He loves sports very much. He is a member of our school fo

12、otball team. Zhou Liang also likes to surf the Internet. He works hard at his lessons so he does well in all the subjects. He is modest and ready to help others. He has helped me with my English. With his help, I have made much progress and caught up with my classmates. Everyone in my class likes Zh

13、ou Liang, so do I.18. 假定你是李华,你班同学计划骑共享单车去湖边过端午节( the Dragon Boat Festival)。请给你校外籍英语教师Mike发一封邀请邮件,内容包括:1.会合地点、出发与返回时间;2.活动内容:吃粽子、看龙舟比赛。注意: 1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:粽子 rice dumpling 共享单车 shared bikes_参考答案:Dear mike,Im honored to invite you to join in our class activity. We have planned to rede shared bikes to the lakeside this Sunday morning for the Dragon Boat Festival, which is in memory of Qu Yuan, a famous


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