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1、湖南省永州市祁阳县第七中学高三英语模拟试题含解析一、 选择题1. - What do you think of zoology?- In my opinion, zoology is _ botany.A. a subject so interesting as B. as a interesting subject asC. as interesting a subject as D. interesting as a subject as参考答案:C 2. Skipping breakfast is a great way to lose weight_ Actually it has t

2、he opposite effect AThats not the case BI cannot agree more CThats for sure DIm glad to know that参考答案:A略3. Jinan has inched _ step closer to a green National Games by taking _ series of measures.A. a; the B. the; a C. a; a D. a; / 参考答案:C 4. Having lived in the town for many years,Mr. Smith no longer

3、 felt _ among the local people.Aout of controlBout of touch Cout of place Dout of use参考答案:B略5. After graduation from college, I tried to stand on my own feet and no longer _ my parents.A. cared about B. devoted to C. heard about D. turned to 参考答案:D6. Prices_ all the time and no one knows when they _

4、stableAare going up; become Bhave gone up; will become Chave been going up; will become Dhave been gone up; become参考答案:C 7. Was it near the teachers building , if I may ask, _ you met that famous professor? A what B that C when D how 参考答案:B8. Remember to wake me up at 5:30 tomorrow morning if I . I

5、have to catch the early bus A. will sleep B. will be sleeping C. Sleep D. am sleep参考答案:D略9. 22What time did he come back yesterday? It was not yet twelve o clock _ he arrived home Auntil Bthat Cwhen Dbefore参考答案:C略10. Make sure youve got the passports ad tickets and _before you leave. A. something B.

6、 anything C. everything D. nothing参考答案:C解析:此题考查不定代词的用法。理解句意是关键。题意为:在你离开前,确保你已有了护照,票等一切东西。Everything意为:所有,一切东西;something意为:某种东西;anything意为:任何东西;nothing意为:没有什么。皆可排除。11. It was not until dark _ he was aware of _ he thought was the correct way to solve the problem.Awhen; what Bthat; that Cthat; what Dwh

7、en; that参考答案:C略12. He said he would pick me up home after workHe didnt,_Aeither Bthough Cyet Dotherwise参考答案:B13. The witness told the police what she had seen, being careful not to _any details .A. give out B. leave out C. put out D. look out 参考答案:B14. Its not uncommon for teens to try and hide thei

8、r failing grades from their parents until its too late to _the issue.A. deal B. address C. see D. finish参考答案:B试题解析:句意:青少年试图不让父母知道考试的失败直至太晚以至于不能解决问题。address处理,解决。deal为不及物动词,后跟宾语需加介词with。故选B。15. Children are always expecting for the coming of the Spring Festival, _ may give them a happy time.A. it B.

9、that C. what D. which参考答案:D16. It is the third time that she has won the race, _ has surprised us allAthat BwhereCwhich Dwhat参考答案:C考点:定语从句试题解析:句子中的缺少了主语,引导词前面有逗号,属于非限制定语从句。二、 书面表达17. 情景作文(20分) 假设你是红星中学高三(1)班的学生李华。今天是你父亲的生日,你给父亲买宪生日蛋糕后,在回家途中做了几件好事。请根据图片的先后顺序,写篇英文日记,介绍事情的全过程。 注意:1日记的开头已为你写好。 2词数不少于60。

10、March 23, Friday Sunny Today is Dads birthday and I wanted to buy him a gift,参考答案:略18. 假如你是李华,请你根据以“老人摔倒你会扶吗?”为主题的班会调查结果及你自已的意见给英语周报写一篇演讲稿,要点如下:注意: 1.总词数不少于100;2.开头部分已写好,不计入总词数;3.不能使用真实姓名和学校名称。Ladies and gentlemen,Will you help the old when he/she falls down on the street? A recent survey from our c

11、lass meeting shows that_参考答案:三、 阅读理解19. A majority of men are emotionally blocked.To men it seemed as if their emotional problems were evident at birth. A few weeks ago, I spent an afternoon with a seven-month-old baby boy and his mother. I found myself fascinated by the little boys expressiveness.

12、His face was constantly in motion, reflecting everything that was happening in him and to him. A hunger feeling, the comfort of being held, and the fear and relief he feltall of these sensations and emotions appeared instantly on his face. He didnt hide his thoughts or feelings.Most babies are allow

13、ed to be free with their emotions until they are around one year old. Then about the time they begin to walk and talk, their parents start to make them repress their feelings. The degree to which parents repress their children varies from household to household. We tend to discourage so-called “negative emotions” such



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