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1、致欢迎词英文【篇一:英语欢迎词】英语欢迎词good morning! ladies and gentleman! (早上好!女士们 ,先生们 !) first on behalf of zhejiang international travel service andmyself welcome everyone come to zhejiang province. (我仅代表浙江国际旅行社和本人欢迎大家来到浙江省。 ) i m very pleased to be your tour guide during your stay inzhejiang province. ( 在浙江游玩期间我

2、很高兴做你们的导游 ) if you have just come to here i can show you around 。 (如果你刚来这里我可以带你到处走走)now please allow me introduce myself ,my name is xxx. (现在请允许我介绍一下我自己,我的名字叫 xxx ) sitting beside me is our driver mr. li he has more than tenyear s experience in driving so he will makes our trip a safeand pleasant on

3、e 。 (坐在我旁边的是我们的司机李先生,他有十多年驾驶经验,使得我们的旅行安全愉快) an old chinese saying may express ourhospitality: “here come friends afar, e xceedingly how happy weare! ”(一个古老的中国谚语可以表达我们的热情款待 : “有朋自远方来,不亦悦乎! ”) mr.li and i will do as much as we can to make your tourpleasant and enjoyable 。 (李先生和我将尽最大努力使大家的旅 行更愉快、有趣。) i

4、 hope that your visit to this beautiful zhejiang province will bea happy and memorable experience in your life.(我希望您来到这个美丽的浙江省将在你的生活中是一次愉快而难忘的体验。)【篇二:英语常用欢迎致辞】英语常用欢迎致辞 生活常识it s a great pleasure to have you here with us. 我们很高兴能请到您 i m so pleased to have met you/ it s been my pleasure meetingyou. 我很高兴

5、见到您。 i m delighted to m ake you acquaintance. 我很高兴能与您相识。 i m glad /happy/delighted to have the pleasure of meeting youin my hometown. 我很高兴能在我的家乡接待您。welcome to . we appreciate very much that you have come to visit our cityin spite of the long and tiring journey. you must be our long-expected guest,pr

6、ofessor green from university of pittsburgh!您一定是我们期盼已久的客人 - .吧。 it gives me such a great pleasure to meet it is with great pleasure that i extend a warm welcome to thechinese provincial trade delegation. i am very happy that you are here to attend it is my privilege and great pleasure to host this b

7、anquet inhonor of (in sb. s honor) china warmly welcomes visitors from all over the world. customers from various countries and regions are warmlywelcome to establish and develop businesscontacts.热烈欢迎世界各地客商来此进一步加强合作,建立和发展贸易关系 i am delighted to be with you here in the hong kong specialadministrative

8、region of china on thisbeautiful evening i wish to express, on behalf of the chinese government andpeople, warm welcome to all of you who have come here for the fortune global forum 2001 sponsoredby aol time warner. i m so pleased to have met you/ it e ns mb ey pleasure meetingyou. 我很高兴见到您。 i m deli

9、ghted to make you acquaintance. 我很高兴能与您相识。 i m glad /happy/delighted to have the pleasure of meeting youin my hometown. 我很高兴能在我的家乡接待您。welcome to . we appreciate very much that you have come to visit our cityin spite of the long and tiring journey. you must be our long-expected guest,professor green

10、from university of pittsburgh!您一定是我们期盼已久的客人 - .吧。 it gives me such a great pleasure to meet it is with great pleasure that i extend a warm welcome to thechinese provincial trade delegation. i am very happy that you are here to attend it is my privilege and great pleasure to host this banquet inhonor

11、 of (in sb. s honor) china warmly welcomes visitors from all over the world. customers from various countries and regions are warmlywelcome to establish and develop businesscontacts.热烈欢迎世界各地客商来此进一步加强合作,建立和发展贸易关系 i am delighted to be with you here in the hong kong specialadministrative region of chin

12、a on thisbeautiful evening i wish to express, on behalf of the chinese government andpeople, warm welcome to all of you whohave come here for the fortune global forum 2001 sponsored by aol time warner.欢迎致辞尊敬的来宾honored/ distinguished guests代表 on behalf of以 的名义in the name of 古话an old saying有朋自远方来不亦乐乎?

13、 isn t it a great joy to have friends from afar?周年庆典 an anniversary celebration欢迎会 a welcoming party欢送会 a send-off party热情好客 gracious hospitality盛情邀请gracious invitation大会 conference研讨会 seminar座谈会,论坛forum峰会 summit招待会 reception礼堂 auditorium开幕辞 opening speech闭幕辞 closing speech祝酒辞 toast 能够 我深感荣幸 i m hon

14、ored and privileged to . 向 表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的感谢to extend my warm welcomeand heartfelt thanks to sb.向 表示祝贺to congratulate sb on sth 向 表示感谢to appreciate sb for doing sth 向大会就 问题进行讲话to address the meeting/conferenceon the topic of 我期待着 i m looking forward to sth/ doingsth我提议为 干杯 i d like to propose a toast to

15、 sthannual 年度的recognize and honor 表扬并嘉奖staffs and faculty members 教职员工excel 超出,突出scale new heights 再攀新高serve. heart and soul 全心全意的服务take delight and pride in 为 感到高兴和骄傲to observe庆祝take some time out of one s tight schedule 百忙中抽空a new millennium 新千年countdown 倒计时在这月光明媚的夜晚 on this beautiful moon-lit evening欢聚一堂 to have with us有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。 it is such a delight to have friendscoming from afar.乒乓外交 the pingpong diplomacy时多时少 ,起伏 ups and downs非常牢固的互利关系 solid and mutually beneficial relationship.到期 expiring为 干


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