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1、第I卷(选择题 共115分)第一部分:听力(略)第二部分: 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AVietnam is working to meet goals for food production and food security. In doing so, the government supports use of pesticides and other chemicals on crops. Farmers use these substances to help cro

2、ps grow, and to protect them from insects and other threats.Signs around Vietnam carry the message dont abuse pesticides, think of the buyer. But the government has fewer rules restricting the use of the pesticides. Some Vietnamese are so worried about the issue that they buy food only from growers

3、they know, or they buy food online.Tran Thuy Nhat is a 30-year-old mother who lives near Hanoi. She shops in the city center, but she worries about pesticides, so she buys vegetables only from people she knows in her village. If she did not, she says the food could harm her baby.Not everyone knows a

4、 trust for the farmer, but there is a website that can help. It lists stores in Hanoi that sell safe vegetables. The Vietnamese buyers group Vinastas set up the website in 2011.Dang Kiem Hien is part of the team that runs the site. Ms Hien says stores have to meet requirements to be included on the

5、website. For example, they have to prove that they get their vegetables from farmers who do not use chemicals. Ms Hien says a store will be removed from the list, if it does not obey the rules.Eduardo Sabio is with VECO, a Belgian non-government agricultural group. It supports the local website. Mr

6、Sabio says pesticide misuse in Vietnam is a real problem.The government has a list of pesticides that are allowed, but almost always there are illegal pesticides that get over the border and get to the farmers, Sabio said.Mr Sabio says the Vietnamese safe food website uses what is known as the Parti

7、cipatory Guidance System. It supervises food safety through quality reports from farmers groups, traders and local officials. The system is used in more than 20 countries around the world. And Mr Sabio says Vietnamese farmers keep detail notes about their pesticide use as well as that of neighboring

8、 farmers.21. We can learn from the passage that_.A. It is almost impossible to get the safe food in the local market.B. If pesticide is abused in growing vegetables, peoples health will be threatened.C. We should buy all our food in online store because of its good quality.D. Babies suffer more from

9、 pesticide than adults because they eat too much vegetables.22. Why does Tran Thuy Nhat buy the vegetables from the farmers she knows?A. Because they sell the vegetables to her at a low price.B. Because the vegetables are fresher .C. Because they dont use pesiticide on their vegetables.D. Because th

10、eir vegetables taste more delicious.23. If a online store owner can not prove his vegetables free from pesticide,_.A. He will be fined by the government.B. His store will be removed from online store lists.C. He must throw aways his vegetables.D. He can return the vegetables to the farmer who sells

11、the vegetables.24 . Vinastas is an organization set up by _.A.Vietnamese government B.Vietnamese buyers C.Vietnamese seller D. An Vietnamese websiteBChicken feathers are useful, and not just to a chicken. Some go into pillows, coats and other products. But countless chicken feathers go to waste.In t

12、he United States, billions of chickens are produced yearly. Most of their feathers are thrown away.But instead of being buried in land, some feathers could find a future in plastics.One of the products they have developed is a flowerpot(花盆). It may look like other flowerpots. But the container break

13、s down in the earth within one to five years. And as it breaks down, it naturally becomes nutrient in the soil.The environmentally friendly flowerpot is the work of two researchers. Walter Schmidt is with the Agricultural Research Service, part of the United States Agriculture Department. Masud Huda

14、 is with the Horticultural Research Institute, a private organization.Walter Schmidt has been working to find uses for chicken feathers since the 1990s. Progress in 2002 showed that plastic made from feathers could be formed like other plastics.He says feathers are much stronger and last longer than

15、 another plant material. Feathers are stronger. By design, feathers are also more durable(耐用的). And the other part about it is if feathers were twice as heavy, or half as strong, then birds couldnt fly.He points out that traditional flowerpots made from other plastics can last much longer. But he wo

16、nders if there is really a need. He says most flowerpots are never re-used.Why would you want a plastic that you use for a year to last for two hundred years? It makes no sense. You want to match the product with the use. said Walter Schmidt. Walter Schmidt and Masud Huda are now adding another chicken product to their flowerpots - chicken waste. The waste


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