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1、 父亲节英语作文翻译-爸,父亲节快乐The night before the parents Open Day arrived, my father and I were supposed to, be sure to attend on time, dad readily promised.The next afternoon, I had to run to the porch, watching and parents downstairs. A little bit of time in the past, but dad hasn”t come yet, other students

2、 parents arriving. I am very anxious. In my heart again and again. As the bell rang, I had to be reluctant to return to the classroom. What the teacher said I didn”t listen, as if a look back for a moment, I wish dad back door in the classroom. After several minutes, full head big sweat dad appeared

3、. My in the mind still very sad. How can I blame dad: don”t keep our promise!Back home, I choked back the tears, sitting in a chair without a word. Dad took my hand and said: “not dad doesn”t keep promise, dad are too busy these days, I get back from Shanghai, I went straight to school.“ After dad c

4、olleagues also prove that dad”s words.Originally I wrong about dad. Things is very small, very small, dad is so love me.Dad, happy father”s day, I love you every day! 父亲节快到了,我想对爸爸说:“爸,父亲节欢乐。女儿爱您不止这一天!”我为什么这么说,其实最近发生一件事我又 错怪爸爸了。 家长开放日到来的前晚,我和爸爸说好了,肯定要准时参与,爸爸满口同意。其次天下午,我早早跑到走廊上,看着楼下来来往往的家长。时间一点点的过去,可爸爸还没来,其他同学家长陆间续续来了。我非常着急。在心里一遍又一遍地召唤。随着上课铃的响起,我只得不情愿回到教室。教师说什么我似乎一句也没听进去,一会儿回头看看,真盼望爸爸从教室后门进来。过了好几分钟,爸爸满头大汗消失了。我心里照旧非常难受。我 在心里责备爸爸:怎能不守信用!回到家里,我强忍泪水,坐在椅子上一言不发。爸爸拉起我的手说:“不是爸爸不守信用,爸爸这几天实在太忙了,我从上海赶回来的,我就直奔学校了。”事后爸爸的同事也证明爸爸的话。原来我错怪爸爸了。事情很小、很小,爸爸是那么爱我爸爸,父亲节欢乐,我爱你每一天!



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